Competition: [Midnight] Fiction Phase 2

[Midnight] Fiction Phase 2

Scoring: Minimum 500 words. Grading will be based off of the fiction grading rubric and adherence to the given prompt. Must be submitted as an attached file (.doc, .docx, .pdf, .txt). Shared GDocs will not be accepted, so if that is where you are writing it, when finished go to File>Download as and choose a file format.

This is a Level 2 competition for Midnight.

Please subscribe for the prompt details of this competition.

Competition Information
Parent Competition
Organized by
Lord Idris Adenn, General Zentru'la
Running time
2016-12-12 until 2016-12-26 (15 days)
Target Unit
Clan Scholae Palatinae
Competition Type
Third Level Crescents and Clusters of Ice as per VOICE guidelines
9 subscribers, of which 5 have participated.
Master Mune Cinteroph
File submission
1st place
Archangel Palpatine
File submission
2nd place
Aurora "Aura" Ta'var
Aurora "Aura" Ta'var opted out of publishing her submission.
3rd place
General Kell Palpatine Dante
File submission
4th place
Tribune Kanal O'neill
Textual submission

Jurdan stood in the back room of Big Daddies on Imperium’s island base. The Imperial Forces here had not yet succumb to the will of Fallax. Shortly after the death of his brother, Delak, Jurdan had escaped the city and fled to more familiar territory. Delak had been murdered right in front of him and then he had been forced to drag his body into the city streets as a warning for any would be userpers.

The Isle of Dleacht was secure from all attacks but Jurdan knew from his talks with Lexiconus that they would have to leave there soon. The only hope for Scholae was to win back the loyalty of the troops stationed in Ohmen. Fallax had corrupted them against the Sith forces of Scholae early on so it would be tough but not undoable to win them back. They just need to show Fallax was a weakened entity who would soon be gone.

Jurdan had made his way to Delak’s quarters. They were now his. Delak had accumulated many things to show his past significance as an Admiral in the Imperial Navy, as well as his time as Prince of Corulag. The weight on his hip had changed a bit now that he carried Delak’s lightsaber Shiny and Chrome. He held the saber in his hand feeling it's smooth surfaces in his palm. It was cold to the touch but somehow familiar. There was a beep at his comm unit.

“Jurdan, get to the landing pad on the double.” It was Lexiconus, the Quaestor of House Imperium. He was clearly in a hurry, something must be wrong. Without a moment's hesitation he was off and running for the pad. He made it as quickly as he could and the shuttle was lifting off just as he arrived. He had to jump through the open landing ramp to make the trip.

“No time to waste. We have incoming fighters.” Lexic shouted.

Fighters were clearly visible in the distance and they were moving in fast. They headed straight for Imperium HQ and started strafing the buildings. Jurdan watched as the main building exploded in a rain of fire. He couldn't believe it was gone like that. Thankfully they had gotten away in time to avoid the fighters. Their trip had begun and they were on their way to a meeting with some of the heads of the military willing to talk.

Hours after the destruction of Imperium base Jurdan and Lexic had been meeting with leaders of the military. Some were very receptive to the Sith control of the military as it was before. Some were hesitant. Lexic decided it was time to show his ace up his sleeve. He brandished a holoemitter and activated it. With a blue and white flicker the image that spring to life was that of Xen. His body and face were becoming disfigured and distorted because of Fallax’s control of his body. The sight of the horrible being made them cringe. Had this really once been their Emperor. He would definitely need his mask if he were to survive the ordeal.

Jurdan and Lexic left the meeting feeling good that they had won so many members to their side. The final battle would soon begin and it would lead to the deaths of many brave souls.

5th place