Competition: Character Development

Character Development



In light of the recent, our weaknesses have been revealed to us, and has given us the opportunity to learn, and train ourselves. One of the main problems of Qel-Droma was Antei Combat Centre battles, where we lost a good deal of points to our opponents.

This competition aims to change this, starting us on the basis of the Combat Center : your character development. We need to give more style, and originality to our character. Unique, stlylish characters can make a battle much more entertaining to read, and may give you the advantage to defeat your adversary.


  1. Write a detailed Dossier History The two important parts of your Dossier History are Teen Events and Adult Events These are what have shaped your character into what he is now. We ask that, together, these sections of your history be approximately 1000 words, or more. Use what we know of the Star Wars history and make your character a part of it.

  2. Write detailed information for the ACC Character Sheet The information that is given out on your character sheet are critical to a combat. How will your opponent get a good picture of your character if all you write for Physical Description is “Blue eyes, Blond hair, Short, Stubby build”. Be descriptive: detail your clothing, body, etc. Don’t make yourself a god, give yourself some impediments, some weaknesses.

  3. Describe your custom weapons There are a lot of warriors out there who wield one or two custom weapons in their ACC battles. Describe your weapons : What are their effects? What colour is the laser bolt? How big is it? Etcetera. Perhaps they have a history of their own. I’ve seen some people claim their daggers came from their descendants. A stylish character most likely wields some costum weapon of some sort.

  4. Write a list of “Trademark” moves Every warrior has his own fighting style. Normally he has a set of moves that he uses to his advantage when the opportunity is open. Write a minimum of 4 moves. Be original, combine the force with your weapons, use your strong attributes to create great moves.

You will need to do all four jobs (Custom weapons can be overlooked if you do not have any custom weapons) to be elegible to win this competition. For parts 1 and 2, you will have to upgrade your Dossier and Character sheets, while for part 3 and 4, you will have to send a document (Format : Arial 12pt, single spaced) to [Log in to view e-mail addresses].

Examples for : The history : The character sheet : Custom weapons : Trademark moves :


Text Editor (Word preferable)


The entries will be judged on the content’s quality, originality, and style.

After this competition, you might have a greater affinity wih your character, and might then know exactly how he should act. Just remember, be as original as you can, as this will be useful to you in the future.

Best of luck goes to you all,

KP Cyris Oscura (Krath)/M:HRLD-AED/Qel-Droma of Arcona [ACC: TRN] GC/(SC)/(StA) {SA: G:LS-G:ICQ-G:MED}


1st Place : Crescent with Sapphire Star 2nd Place : Crescent with Emerald Star 3rd Place : Crescent with Topaz Star

Competition Information
Organized by
Running time
2003-09-23 until 2003-10-12 (20 days)
Target Unit
House Qel-Droma
Competition Type
None/Other (Manually Awarded)
0 subscribers, of which 0 have participated.

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