Submit matches per the guidelines within: Tier 1 Platforms: Battlefront.
This competition is simple just go out and play any PVE/PVO matches you can!
Winners will be selected by achieving the most clusters!
Both Clusters of Fire and Clusters of Earth will have equal value.
This competition will conform to the Rites of Combat.
September 09, 2017
Battlefront Multiplayer
(Battlefront (2015))
reported by
September 09, 2017
Battlefront Multiplayer
(Battlefront (2015))
reported by
September 10, 2017
Battlefront Multiplayer
(Battlefront (2015))
reported by
September 10, 2017
Fighter Squadron
(Battlefront (2015))
reported by
September 10, 2017
Battlefront Multiplayer
(Battlefront (2015))
reported by
Ranarr Kul-Tarentae
September 12, 2017
Fighter Squadron
(Battlefront (2015))
reported by