Excidium is to take over Ulr Uvi once and for all. Intel we have discovered tells us that the late Gervasio Sinagra had three major clients in the area by the names of Ottaviano Warrens, Hekkha Duprunt, and Javari Tryv'nn. The Quaestor has ordered Excidiacs to go after these crime lords with the following plan:
Play any supported gaming platform and submit for Clusters of Fire and Clusters of Earth. When submitting make sure to select this competition to submit to.
If you are playing a supported PVP game you must be in DB Gaming Telegram channel and use Fist bot to set up your matches. As always make sure you follow the Rites of Combat and relevant rules for your chosen game as posted on the Wiki
Winner will be the member with the highest number of total clusters for this competition. Clusters of Fire worth 2 Clusters of Earth.