A rogue Imperial agent was seized by our internal security services. Despite our valiant interrogators efforts he died before he would reveal the full extent of his plans. We did however manage to acquire his datapad. We are confident that his plans are stored in the system. The only problem is its encrypted. This is where you come in.
Before the prisoner died he uttered the words "Darth will kill the false one."
We believe that the encryption key is hidden in these words. From this phrase try and find as many words as possible.
Find as many words as possible, a point for each word will be given. Two points for each star wars related word. If you find the actual encyption keyword you get 20 points.
NOTE: The word must appear in the dictionary with the exception of star wars related words.
1st place
Thran Occasus-Palpatine
2nd place
A deleted dossier
3rd place