For this competition you will play Overwatch’s Halloween seasonal event. Your objective is to have the highest number of Zomnic kills in a solo session. You may not play with another DB Member for this event.
Submit a screenshot that clearly displays the number of Zomnic kills you achieved.
This competition is in the Phase I Gaming Bin. Participating in a competition in this bin for the first time awards 2 points from participation to your unit. The Galaga Wars competition is also in this bin.
Participating in at least one competition in each Phase I bin will earn a member 3 additional participation points. See the parent competition for detailed rules.
This competition is worth a relatively moderate proportion of placement points for Phase I. Cumulatively, the placements in this competition are worth 17% of placement points in Week 1.
1st place
Rear Admiral Arcia Cortel
2nd place
Ghost Rulvak Qurroc
3rd place
Councillor Turel Sorenn
4th place
Qyreia Arronen
5th place
Duke Kojiro Keibatsu Sadow
6th place
Master Alaris Jinn
7th place
General Zentru'la
8th place
Reaper Heiken Akechi
9th place
Dr. Giyana Jurro
10th place
Dr. Malfrost Xeon