Competition: Rite of Supremacy: Meridian

Rite of Supremacy: Meridian


Rite of Supremacy: Meridian

In its aim to fight Force users on every front, the Collective has spread throughout Brotherhood space and no Clan has remained unharmed. Rath Oligard's massive propaganda machine continues to spread and 'illuminate' the masses of non-Force users on many Brotherhood planets and beyond. The Technocratic Guild, ever improving their fleets of warships and spy network capabilities, continue to be the bane of the Inquisitorius and Clans alike, while the Capital Enterprises board consolidates even more corporate holdings to keep the effort alive.

But a crack has formed in the Collective's nearly impenetrable veil of secrecy. An Inquisitorius Listener ship carrying important data on enemy movements was destroyed beyond the borders of Wild Space. A missing agent and an artifact of unknown power, last seen in the Kessel sector, drew the attention of the Dark Council and, through them, the Clans. With divided goals but a unified purpose, the Clans and the Dark Council face off against their mutual enemy once again.

A buildup of enemy forces in the Kessel sector looks to be a formation of a new front in the war for survival.

For the most up to date information, please visit the Rite of Supermacy: Meridian Wiki Page

Event Phases

  • Phase I of the Rite of Supremacy runs from October 14 until October 22

  • Phase II of the Rite of Supremacy runs from October 27 until November 5

  • Phase III of the Rite of Supremacy runs from November 11 until November 19


Competitions in each Phase are divided into competition types, or 'bins'. The first time a member participates in a competition within a Phase's bin, that member is awarded the participation points associated with that bin. In addition, members earn bonus participation points by participating in at least one competition in each bin equal to 5 bonus points for completing all bins in the Event Long phase, and 3 bonus points per phase for completing all bins in Phase I, II, or III. Individual competitions still award seals and credits, and members that place will earn placement points and Novae if placing in the top three.

Placement and Hero Titles

Clans earn points when members participate in competition types/bins or when members place in a competition.

  • The top three individuals earning the most points in Rite of Supremacy will be awarded Hero titles. Members with tie scores will be broken following an Olympic-style Novae and placement ranking.

  • The rules for placement in individual sub-competitions are covered within their descriptions below.

  • The weight for placement of each competition is described within the competition.

Competition Information
Organized by
Governor Tierra Suha'sen, Howlader Taldrya, Lord Evio Nezsa, Master Selika Roh di Plagia, Lord Marick Tyris Arconae, Telaris "Mav" Cantor, General Daniel Stephens, Ascendant James Lucius Entar, Lord Dacien Victae, Master Dracaryis
Running time
2018-10-13 until 2018-11-19 (about 1 month)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
None/Other (Manually Awarded)
153 subscribers, of which 153 have participated.
Bin Overview
Title Status Running time
[RoS: Meridian Event Long] Gaming  
Heroes of the Storm Bracket Finished 2018-10-13 - 2018-11-19 (about 1 month)
Jedi Academy Bracket Finished 2018-10-13 - 2018-11-19 (about 1 month)
PvP Battles Ladder Finished 2018-10-13 - 2018-11-19 (about 1 month)
Diablo 3 Solo Seasonal Greater Rift Finished 2018-10-13 - 2018-11-19 (about 1 month)
[RoS: Meridian Event Long] Miscellaneous  
Propaganda Finished 2018-10-13 - 2018-11-19 (about 1 month)
Cantina Quiz Finished 2018-10-13 - 2018-11-19 (about 1 month)
The Liberation Front Possessions Finished 2018-10-13 - 2018-11-19 (about 1 month)
[RoS: Meridian Event Long] Multimedia  
Comic Finished 2018-10-14 - 2018-11-19 (about 1 month)
Propaganda Finished 2018-10-13 - 2018-11-19 (about 1 month)
[RoS: Meridian Event Long] Team Writing  
Objective-Based Team Fiction Finished 2018-10-14 - 2018-11-19 (about 1 month)
Faction Creation Finished 2018-10-14 - 2018-11-19 (about 1 month)
[RoS: Meridian Phase III] Fiction/Graphics  
Where We've Been Finished 2018-11-11 - 2018-11-19 (9 days)
Fiction III Finished 2018-11-11 - 2018-11-19 (9 days)
[RoS: Meridian Phase III] Gaming  
Overwatch PvP Ladder (1v1 Only) Finished 2018-11-10 - 2018-11-19 (10 days) Flash Game Finished 2018-11-11 - 2018-11-19 (9 days)
[RoS: Meridian Phase III] Miscellaneous  
Knowledge is Power II Finished 2018-11-11 - 2018-11-19 (9 days)
Puzzle: RoS Edition Two Finished 2018-11-11 - 2018-11-19 (9 days)
[RoS: Meridian Phase II] Fiction/Graphics  
The Lay of the Land Finished 2018-10-27 - 2018-11-05 (10 days)
Fiction II Finished 2018-10-27 - 2018-11-05 (10 days)
[RoS: Meridian Phase II] Gaming  
Destiny 2 Crucible Efficiency Finished 2018-10-27 - 2018-11-05 (10 days)
X-Wing Fighter Flash Game Finished 2018-10-27 - 2018-11-05 (10 days)
[RoS: Meridian Phase II] Miscellaneous  
The Hero/The Foil Finished 2018-10-27 - 2018-11-05 (10 days)
Hunt the Collective Finished 2018-10-27 - 2018-11-05 (10 days)
[RoS: Meridian Phase I] Fiction/Graphics  
Graphics: Item of Intelligence Finished 2018-10-13 - 2018-10-22 (10 days)
Fiction I Finished 2018-10-13 - 2018-10-22 (10 days)
[RoS: Meridian Phase I] Gaming  
Galaga Wars Mobile Game Finished 2018-10-13 - 2018-10-22 (10 days)
Overwatch Zomnic Kills Finished 2018-10-13 - 2018-10-22 (10 days)
[RoS: Meridian Phase I] Miscellaneous  
Puzzle: RoS Edition Finished 2018-10-13 - 2018-10-22 (10 days)
Knowledge is Power I Finished 2018-10-13 - 2018-10-22 (10 days)
Place Name Score
1st Qyreia Arronen Score: 118.404076
2nd Master Alaris Jinn Score: 112.2989848
3rd A deleted dossier Score: 84.6671433
4th Ghost Rulvak Qurroc Score: 83.63141503
5th Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir Score: 72.38720312
6th Aurora "Aura" Ta'var Score: 70.15426516
7th Moff Alethia Archenksova Score: 67.89552422
8th Aedile Tali Sroka Score: 66.84272643
9th Kul'tak Drol Score: 63.91482929
10th Aylin Sajark Score: 57.92342076
11th Advisor Reiden Palpatine Karr Score: 57.82321924
12th Grand Master Declan Roark Score: 52.3075198
13th Duke Kojiro Keibatsu Sadow Score: 52.07242171
14th Nikora Rhan Score: 51.92308762
15th Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu Score: 50.25982553
16th Rian Taldrya Score: 48.01372481
17th Raiheaux Score: 47.16920545
18th Creon Neverse Score: 47.1228018
19th Seer A'lora Kituri Score: 46.92414654
20th Councillor Turel Sorenn Score: 42.47630481
21st Valhavoc Ad Vizsla Score: 41.68390484
22nd General Zentru'la Score: 39.69824562
23rd Rear Admiral Arcia Cortel Score: 37.44155244
24th Ashia Kagan Keibatsu Score: 35.49388862
25th General Ronovi Tavisaen Score: 32.60912042
26th Darth Renatus Score: 28.42541861
27th Dr. Rhylance Score: 27.43474551
28th Zed Score: 26.44080717
29th Terran Koul Score: 25.3550634
30th Jael Valsi Chi'ra Score: 24.89706381
31st Alara Deathbane Score: 22.8239237
32nd Proconsul Mihoshi Keibatsu Score: 21.49781067
33rd Tomora Nay'ek Score: 21.47970056
34th Proconsul Diyrian "Diy" Grivna Score: 20.60105551
35th General Stres'tron'garmis Score: 20.30052901
36th Warlord Furios Morega di Plagia Score: 18.57722823
37th Grand Inquisitor Arden Karn di Plagia Score: 18.20164436
38th TuQ’uan Varick di Plagia Score: 18.00084844
39th Jorm (The Jester) Na'trej Score: 16.49159399
40th Dralin Fortea Score: 15.39613646
41st Nobilus Score: 14.26532972
42nd Battlelord Nefarious "NeMo" Moniker Score: 13.90443593
43rd Blade Mistress Shadow Nighthunter Score: 12.81928155
44th Teylas Ramar Score: 12.08744827
45th Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae Score: 12.0189076
46th Bliss Score: 11.92520064
47th Dr. Malfrost Xeon Score: 10.96751301
48th Professor Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar Score: 10.56886675
49th Nefin Nightfire Score: 10.50910902
50th Azmodius Equesinfernum Score: 10.48924555
51st Lucine Vasano Score: 10.31950759
52nd Junazee Score: 10.02470715
53rd Aldaric Score: 10.00130989
54th Anu Score: 9.570105859
55th Doctor Avery Erinos Watson Score: 9.085867153
55th Leeadra Halcyon Score: 9.085867153
57th Jafits Skrumm Score: 8.752968563
58th Marcus Armani Score: 8.511565782
59th General Zxyl Bes'uliik Score: 8.478660316
60th Colonel Len Iode Score: 8.448312698
61st Kelviin Score: 8.418534428
62nd Mandalorian Malodin'Tater Score: 8.216579019
63rd Armad Score: 7.100881748
64th Raistline Taldrya Majere Score: 6.891752917
65th Privateer Tyraal Bitshiver Score: 6.814400365
65th Captain Aryn "Jade" Erinos-Magnuri Score: 6.814400365
65th Ethan Martes Score: 6.814400365
68th Warlord Etah Obsidyn Score: 6.565133056
69th Adept Tahiri Thorn Morte Tarentae Score: 6.251712201
70th Mandalorian Dral Falgorth Score: 6.075112674
71st Mako Henymory Score: 5.604812637
72nd A deleted dossier Score: 5.380927445
73rd Master Bentre Stahoes Score: 5.302813996
74th Timeros Caesus Entar Arconae Score: 5.211977243
75th Tasha'Vel Versea Score: 4.952734707
76th Seer Xolarin Score: 4.849615281
77th Adept Xantros Score: 4.82179876
78th General Kenath Zoron Ad Vizsla Score: 4.709794718
79th Master Malik Sadow Score: 4.43714282
80th Sage Enzo Dek Score: 3.350131348
81st Darth Aeternus Score: 3.324494423
82nd Envoy Taranae Rhode Score: 3.206159677
83rd Grot Score: 2.938295896
84th Aaleeshah Score: 2.8854772
85th Research Director Kadrol Hauen Score: 2.853837419
86th A deleted dossier Score: 2.623478478
87th Maximus Alvinius Score: 2.616294766
88th Reaper Heiken Akechi Score: 2.601616158
89th Fist Uji Tameike Score: 2.426834391
90th Catmatui Score: 2.233420898
91st Erik Cato Score: 2.190342974
91st A deleted dossier Score: 2.190342974
91st Adept DarkHawk Sadow Score: 2.190342974
91st Jashashi "Vesh" Zaes Score: 2.190342974
95th Master Mune Cinteroph Score: 2.186232065
96th Dr. Giyana Jurro Score: 2.006961036
97th Kookimarissia Mimosa-Inahj Score: 1.69733953
98th Colonel Shanree Argentin Score: 1.29205252
99th Boss Ragnar Kul Score: 0.549809583
99th Teu Buhkari Sadow Score: 0.549809583
Xathia Edraven Participant
Obelisk Adherent Rrogon Skar Agrona Participant
Kaida Moon Participant
Wolvie "the jackal" Participant
High Inquisitor Hector Von Ricmore Participant
Aiden Dru Participant
Gammafire Solaris Participant
Alexander DelGotto Participant
Xenna Azara Participant
Warlord Pel Tarentae Participant
Chronicler Arcadia “Caid” Skålson Participant
Lucyeth Participant
Epis Locke Sonjie Participant
Kriegen VanWyck Participant
Lord Halcyon Participant
Warlord Hades Participant
Kidouses Participant
A deleted dossier Participant
Fenrir Participant
leocadio Participant
Sado Participant
Iios Singuard Participant
Ranger Revs Participant
Shadowstealer Participant
Padawan Tisto Kingang Participant
Aerwin Tribwell-Urr Participant
Krath Adherent Edema R'uh-Kalinor Participant
Ranger Kant Lavar Participant
General Kell Palpatine Dante Participant
Omega Kira Participant
Raider Jon Silvon Participant
Ryan Hawkins Participant
Ghost Luka Zarkot Participant
Texas UK Participant
Mavis Eldien Participant
Lord Idris Adenn Participant
Arryn Caverns Participant
Krath Adherent Aeson Rhys Participant
Sa Ool Participant
Warlord Brimstone aka Seabr'imsto'nedansr Participant
Dakari Palpatine Participant
Shadow Zebina Participant
Wagglehorn Participant
Lontra Boglach Participant
Battlelord Ra'gnar Participant
Riverche Participant
Magik Participant
Adept Farrin Xies Tarentae Participant
Strategos Thanatos Entar Arconae Participant
Ghost Edgar Drachen Participant
Tribune Kanal O'neill Participant
Zeline Nemesis Participant
Garloaf Participant
Ambassador Revak K'Urr Participant
Adem Bol'era Participant
cas ovo Participant
Grand Inquisitor Morax Darkblade Participant
Silent Participant