- Member
A deleted dossier
- File submission
- graphics1-datapad.png
- Textual submission
Device: Collective-issued Companion94 Datapad
Storage Capacity: 8 Exabytes
Acquiry: Inquisitorius Operative
Notable Use: Used as a data storage point by one of our spies within the Collective. An expert slicer, they were able to extract relevant information concerning key players within the Collective. One such example: apparent dalliance involving Collective leader Rath Oligard and starfighter pilot, Emery Rose. Video footage available.
- Placement
- Member
Rian Taldrya
- File submission
- _RoS_Meridian__GFX_Phase_1_Prompt_2_-_Vitae_Holocron_by_Rian_Taldrya__10701.png
- Textual submission
Textual description: The Vitae Holocron is a holocron created by Aco Damira, a female Aqualish Force Adept who lived some time prior 1000BBY on the planet Ulmatra. Damira was known for her skills in manipulating inorganic lifeforms through the Force. A four-sided pyramidal device, the holocron contains knowledge on a multitude of alchemic technics and rites to harness the Force power known as Mechu-Deru.
Resources used for the Hand: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-jXPsyExzzXA/UjBwew9g4BI/AAAAAAAAfrM/zhcx8P_HAvU/s1600/Sangjun-Lee-SW_ep3_starwars_02.jpg
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- Member
Seer A'lora Kituri
- File submission
- untitled.102.png
- Textual submission
Collective extendable chakram shooter that connects to one's glove.
- Placement
- Member
Tomora Nay'ek
- File submission
- SW_-_Data_Salvage.jpg
- Textual submission
Eilen recovers a durable device within a downed scouting ship, containing a cache of data recorded from its last flight. If its navigational information is intact, it could pinpoint the location of hidden Collective forces.
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- Member
Aylin Sajark
- File submission
- Millicreep_version_3.jpg
- Textual submission
Upgraded Millicreep.
This millicreep seems to have gotten upgrades from its original design. It’s now able to fly short distances and record footage in better quality and falsify the feed if needed. It’s tail can still be used to stun unlucky targets so that it can escape the scene.
They still seem to be in prototype stage, but can get a problem if its get into full production as we encountered with the original millicreep.
Caution is needed
(No idea how to upload both files when the site only accepts one)
- Placement
- Member
Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir
- File submission
- artifactgfx1.png
- Textual submission
Process: https://imgur.com/a/8eiYuCA
Explanation: this artifact is rumored to be strong with the Force and able to manipulate it, according to the gathered Collective intelligence. Some stories say it can instantly destroy any Force-sensitive. Some say it drains the Force from a person and absorbs all their power. Others describe it, at best, as a glass ball that detects signatures of Light and Dark. One thing is clear: it is wanted for investigation, and it has been damaged, whether by age, frustration, or perhaps corruption in the Force itself.
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- Member
Mandalorian Malodin'Tater
- File submission
- Intel_box_1.jpg
- Textual submission
Model - TG 1911-AI Mobile Courier Device
Developer - Technocratic Guild
Description and Usage -
The TG 1911-AI is a link between the Cybernetic devices implanted and the main database of the Collective. These courier devices allow members of the Collective to not only stay up to date with their software but also updates on orders as well as locations of other cells. One device can be used to update several enhanced troops at a time and is the most efficient way to service those that are not in contact on a regular basis.
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- Member
General Zentru'la
- File submission
- Bubble2.png
- Textual submission
The new shielding technology available to collective cyborg soldiers protects the user from all harm in a dome around themselves.
Resources used: BEO2K10 from Mestophales (3d model used for character).
- Placement
- Member
Jael Valsi Chi'ra
- File submission
- EvilPorgStatue.png
- Textual submission
A Porgthulhu artifact of an evil God. They stole this artifact from the Great Jedi Temple on Ahch-to, but have no idea the truth of where it originates from. Possibly this artifact means that the Collective are attempting to understand a weird select few who worshiped a bird like God.
- Placement
- Member
Master Mune Cinteroph
- File submission
- datakey.jpg
- Textual submission
Data key containing sensitive, Collective codes and data.
- Placement
- Member
- Submission
- Magik opted out of publishing his submission.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Reaper Heiken Akechi
- File submission
- Phase_I_Graphics_Entry_-_13401.png
- Textual submission
Refernce Image: https://pisces.bbystatic.com/image2/BestBuy_US/images/products/6201/6201032_sa.jpg
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No placement
- Member
- File submission
- Windu_Saber.png
- Textual submission
Captured during a brief raid on a Collective supply ship, Major Wagglehorn was able to secure a lightsaber that was allegedly owned by former Jedi traitor Mace Windu. Unsure what, if any, intelligence value it had, MAJ Wagglehorn still sent along the captured weapon, along with a brief report of the rest of the raided haul, mostly unremarkable rations and ammunition. The major postulated that the weapon itself may have been used in ceremony, or perhaps was attached other intelligence unfound yet.
- Placement
No placement
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Obelisk Adherent Rrogon Skar Agrona
- Submission
- Obelisk Adherent Rrogon Skar Agrona opted out of publishing his submission.
- Placement
No placement
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Maximus Alvinius
- Submission
- Maximus Alvinius opted out of publishing his submission.
- Placement
No placement
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Teu Buhkari Sadow
- Submission
- Teu Buhkari Sadow opted out of publishing her submission.
- Placement
No placement
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Aurora "Aura" Ta'var
- File submission
- SquirrelStick.png
- Placement
No placement
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- File submission
- Datapad.png
- Placement
No placement
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Dr. Giyana Jurro
- Submission
- Dr. Giyana Jurro opted out of publishing her submission.
- Placement
No placement
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Duke Kojiro Keibatsu Sadow
- File submission
- Graphics_-_Week_1_-_Prompt_3.jpg
- Textual submission
Utilising prompt 3
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No placement
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- File submission
- Datatape.png
- Textual submission
This is an Imperial datatape.
- Placement
No placement
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Boss Ragnar Kul
- File submission
- IMG_3793.jpg
- Placement
No placement
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Mako Henymory
- File submission
- RoSGraphic1.png
- Placement
No placement
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Tasha'Vel Versea
- File submission
- Strange_artifact.jpg
- Placement
No placement
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- File submission
- IMG_20181022_162219.jpg
- Placement
No placement
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Azmodius Equesinfernum
- Submission
- Azmodius Equesinfernum opted out of publishing his submission.
- Placement
No placement
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A deleted dossier
- File submission
- SWIntelligenceGraphic.jpg
- Placement
No placement
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Privateer Tyraal Bitshiver
- File submission
- RoS_graphic.png
- Textual submission
Prompt 1: communications device
- Placement
No placement
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Fist Uji Tameike
- File submission
- RoS_Item_of_Intelligence.png
- Placement
No placement
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- File submission
- Datapad_Graphics_comp_entry_.png
- Textual submission
Entry Text:
The Dark Jedi Brotherhood
This formidable faction is what stands between our freedom and of peace. However, they are not invincible. (Brotherhood logo on top right)
With the help of the Technocratic Guild and the Capital Enterprises, we, the Liberation Front have developed these special battle droids to be used in battle shortly. (3 images of battle droids.)
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Valhavoc Ad Vizsla
- File submission
- DA508025-C5AA-41CA-AFFC-ED94F50805ED.jpeg
- Textual submission
This ancient information storage device appears to depict the Jedi Revan, the object opens at the waist and appears to have some sort of docking port. Archivists of the Shadow Academy were able to use a droid brain from deep storage to attempt to decipher the mode of data storage, however the droid brain appears to be faulty. It continuously repeated "You Ess Bee", while unconfirmed scholars believe that is the droids former identifier. Additional investigation is required.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Moff Alethia Archenksova
- File submission
- IMG_20181021_161036140.jpg
- Textual submission
The Good Boy Technotronolizer: it stores custom or prewritten messages to your mother and sends them out at random intervals.
- Placement
No placement
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- File submission
- artifact.png
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No placement
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Epis Locke Sonjie
- File submission
- art.jpg
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No placement
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Grand Master Declan Roark
- File submission
- 7929EC9C-BE1A-4D54-852F-3DEA54962870.jpeg
- Textual submission
An artifact
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Teylas Ramar
- Submission
- Teylas Ramar opted out of publishing his submission.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
General Kell Palpatine Dante
- File submission
- Artifact_-_Dante_-_2407.png
- Textual submission
This special coin was found on Corellia, and it is symbolic of one of the street gangs that was found in the lower reaches of Corellian society around 5,000 BBY. Many of these artifacts are being used as ways to launder money for various criminal syndicates. This coin was carried by members of the gangs as a way to provide proof of membership when challenged by other gang members. Each coin was specifically numbered and given to the member at the time of initiation into the gang itself.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Proconsul Mihoshi Keibatsu
- Submission
- Proconsul Mihoshi Keibatsu opted out of publishing her submission.
- Placement
No placement
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Kul'tak Drol
- File submission
- 20181022_143900.jpg
- Textual submission
Kul'tak Drol #13819
Prompt #3 - Datapad
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Jafits Skrumm
- File submission
- Sith_Mask_-_JS7764.png
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Warlord Brimstone aka Seabr'imsto'nedansr
- Submission
- Warlord Brimstone aka Seabr'imsto'nedansr opted out of publishing his submission.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Mandalorian Dral Falgorth
- File submission
- Untitled3.png
- Textual submission
An artifact
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Zeline Nemesis
- Submission
- Zeline Nemesis opted out of publishing her submission.
- Placement
No placement
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Lucine Vasano
- File submission
- ItemofIntelligence.zip
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Terran Koul
- Submission
- Terran Koul opted out of publishing his submission.
- Placement
No placement
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Ghost Edgar Drachen
- File submission
- RoS_2018.png
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Leeadra Halcyon
- File submission
- Datapad.PNG
- Textual submission
A recent reconnaissance mission has recovered a datapad containing what appear to be blueprints for a Collective base. The location of this structure is yet unknown, but the schematics are now safely in Brotherhood hands. This acquisition is sure to give us the upper hand at some point in the future.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Dakari Palpatine
- File submission
- sithholocron.png
- Placement
No placement
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Research Director Kadrol Hauen
- File submission
- B7427033-1955-418A-A5E5-DC3685D5C77E.png
- Textual submission
The message inside contains the whereabouts of the collective leaders. It is sitting on the desk of Mav himself.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Shadow Zebina
- File submission
- gfxentryros9709.jpg
- Textual submission
This is future Tikkul Moi (that's French for me) Elmo. He relays information from the barrio to future-children. He runs on edamame and memes. The brown stuff is chair, not POOP.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Aedile Tali Sroka
- Submission
- Aedile Tali Sroka opted out of publishing her submission.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Adept DarkHawk Sadow
- File submission
- RoS_Artifact_MKron_Holocron.jpg
- Textual submission
MKron Holocron
Hidden deep within the Korriban desert, this Holocron has been lost for eons. Now, newly discovered an expedition to mine the relic is now underway. Ancient texts provide us with intel that this MKron Holocron contains the blueprints to a technology of unlimited power. When to CODEX of this Holocron is deciphered, the technology can be loaded and installed to any mass weapon. The weapons power derives from Sith Alchemy and technology that can maintain an EMP hold on its target rendering them useless, giving the advancing force a sheer upper hand to their enemies destruction.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Sage Enzo Dek
- File submission
- export.png
- Textual submission
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Kookimarissia Mimosa-Inahj
- File submission
- KookiGFX.png
- Placement
No placement
- Member
TuQ’uan Varick di Plagia
- File submission
- technocratic_eye.png
- Textual submission
An eye built by the Technocratic guild and pulled from a fallen Collective soldier will allow the Brotherhood to better understand their technological abilities and use their own technology against them.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Warlord Etah Obsidyn
- File submission
- Art.png
- Textual submission
Information Storage Device
Afraid of the demonstrated ability of the Dark Jedi Brotherhoods Techweavers to slice into even their most secure systems, the Collective has begun to store their most valuable information in paper folders.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Creon Neverse
- File submission
- RoS_Artifact_QC_Holo_Blueprints.png
- Textual submission
"The Technocratic Guild's Research and Development Division proposes the plans for a space-station sized hardware that, if constructed, could give us the answers we want to know on the Force's established connection in physical reality. Our research group achieved quantum-level turning machines in a stable field, allowing us to monitor, record, and manipulate the sporadic shifts between energy and matter. Meaning we can now be certain about uncertainty.
This will give the understanding we need on two fronts; harnessing the ability to bestow/ amplify Force sensitivity, as well as the reverse effect of suppressing or even outright taking it away."
Description Word Count: 100 words
Credit note: I am the original creator of this image.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Darth Renatus
- Submission
- Darth Renatus opted out of publishing his submission.
- Placement
No placement
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General Stres'tron'garmis
- File submission
- McArtificat.png
- Textual submission
I'll be honest, I have no idea what it is either.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Battlelord Nefarious "NeMo" Moniker
- File submission
- Neuro-linked_Datastick.jpg
- Textual submission
Item recovered from a dead Technocratic Guild agent. The datastick is 7.8 centimeters long with a double length cable running from one end. The cable ends in two exposed wires, one red and one copper, that linked into a black neuro implant prevoiusly in the agent's skull. The copper wire appears to be used for data transfer and the red for genetic matching to those with authorized access. Scans indicated the data is encrypted, but may be decrypted through conventional means assuming access is gained to the device. How the agent read and transfered data is unknown.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Councillor Turel Sorenn
- File submission
- eyeofdarth.jpg
- Textual submission
"The Eye of Darth Edgelord"
A desk nick-nack that sparks from mysterious Force energy. Has been known to grant the wielder participation points.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Envoy Taranae Rhode
- File submission
- holo.jpg
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Jorm (The Jester) Na'trej
- File submission
- Unbenannt.jpg
- Textual submission
A recovered datapad, using Vyr's puzzle art as base. The contents are the important part.
Translation from Aurebesh:
Transmission Intercepted: 20:17:24, 299.36 ABY
Encryption: broken (Protocol GTFO0815)
[20:17:24] Transmission Start
[20:17:26] Voice A: Master, everything is going according to plan.
[20:17:34] Voice B: Excellent. Proceed.
[20:17:35] Transmission End
Preliminary Voice Print Analysis
Voice A: Raith Oligard (99,98%)
Voice B: Muz Ashen (89,7%)
Additional: Return to HQ immediately for confirmation. Strategic Importance Absolute.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Seer Xolarin
- File submission
- Untitled_Artwork.png
- Textual submission
The device, with an uncovered model number CT305-CCTC, seems to be a cybernetically connectable code cylinder. It is in line with Technocrat designs and code cypher comparisons.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Advisor Reiden Palpatine Karr
- File submission
- _Meridian__Phase_I_Graphics_(10106).jpg
- Textual submission
This artifact is a Sith holocron, unearthed by members of the Collective. They intend to unlock its secrets and use them against their enemies.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Timeros Caesus Entar Arconae
- File submission
- InfoStorage.png
- Textual submission
A book!
Book of bookness and things and stuff
Protip: Stores Information!
Omg so retro!
(For word counting purposes)
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Tribune Kanal O'neill
- File submission
- 0fdf2dc1-e12b-491a-b5b0-3c3a35f48df1.png
- Textual submission
This is a data terminal for a story about the Force.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
- File submission
- collective.jpg
- Textual submission
There is always that one guy who hates his job, That is Carl. While clearing out a secret bunker from the Collective one agent found a secret party invite from Carl, it is still unclear if Carl is using this as a secret message to gather like minded people to use info to deflect or if a five year old was bored at bring your Kid to work day.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Ashia Kagan Keibatsu
- File submission
- 20181022_161938.jpg
- Textual submission
The cybernetic eye can record an abundance of data that can be recalled quickly. This technology is highly useful when gathering intel. It is a highly sought after piece of technology in many walks of life.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Battlelord Ra'gnar
- Submission
- Battlelord Ra'gnar opted out of publishing his submission.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu
- File submission
- 20181022_170632.jpg
- Textual submission
This Terentatek tusk was 'liberated' from the Shadow Academy of Lyspair during the havoc of the 11th Great Jedi War. Research is ongping, especially as concerns the engraved symbols at the roos of the tusk itself, assumed to be ancient sith.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Raistline Taldrya Majere
- File submission
- graphic.png
- Textual submission
A stolen Dark Jedi Brotherhood holocron, found among collective wreckage. What information may they have stolen?
- Placement
No placement
- Member
General Ronovi Tavisaen
- File submission
- _RoS_Meridian_Phase_I__Graphics_-_Item_of_Intelligence.jpg
- Textual submission
ITEM: Collective Navigation Datapad
Recovered during the siege of the Dreadnaught class heavy cruiser Akan, this datapad is a fully functional navigational pad that can detect radar and coordinates from surrounding ships. Within its memory is also an enormous amount of data, with various coordinates and locations documented for Collective naval purposes. Certain details may be useful in finding not just the base Meridian, but also other smaller bases, anchorages, and starports that the Akan has frequented.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Adept Farrin Xies Tarentae
- File submission
- RoS-Farrin.jpg
- Textual submission
"Commander! We recovered this device from a fallen Collective commander. We can't seem to figure out what it is!"
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Master Bentre Stahoes
- File submission
- IMG_20181019_214003_701.jpg
- Textual submission
This holocron contains the history and methods of a Sith Lords of old and even some who are figures of legend. It details how to use abilities like a lost and advanced form of Battle Meditation, mind-altering Force powers, the application of Sith Alchemy to non-living materials to imbue Force-like powers to droids and meditation techniques that can be used to bolster one's strength with and connection to the Force. Inscribed on it's surface are the words "Vexation", "Domination" and "Power."
- Placement
No placement
- Member
- File submission
- Droid_Brain.gif
- Textual submission
An intact droid brain recovered from a Collective scout. The encrypted navigational and fleet data within holds important tactical information about the disposition of th collective's fleets and bases.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Ghost Rulvak Qurroc
- File submission
- Brain_Preserver.png
- Placement
No placement
- Member
General Zxyl Bes'uliik
- File submission
- rosm_phase1gfx_zealotholopad_9056.png
- Textual submission
The Zealot Holopad,
A collapsable datapad created by the Collective for their Zealot soldiers for use against agents of the Dark Brotherhood.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Dr. Rhylance
- File submission
- Rhylance's_Phase_1_Graphic_Submission.pdf
- Textual submission
Intracranial Auditory Receptor
A device commissioned by the Technocratic Guild. It is an receptor implanted within the cranium of the subject, attached to the auditory nerve by three electro-clamp wires and traveling down near the larynx to pick up vocal cord vibrations.
A memory card is at the center of the device, recording all vocal interactions the subject experiences.
The guild hoped this would allow agents final moments to be collected to retain any information they may have acquired.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
A deleted dossier
- File submission
- MeridianI.png
- Textual submission
Prompt 3:
A Collective datapad with an extensive encyclopaedia of technology used by the major factions of the galaxy. Whoever made it has apparently conflated the Rebel Alliance, New Republic, and Resistance.
(All insignia logos downloaded from Wookieepedia)
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Adept Tahiri Thorn Morte Tarentae
- File submission
- Collective_Technocratic_Guild_encrypted_data_pad.jpg
- Textual submission
A Collective Technocratic Guild personal encrypted datapad with encrypted data displayed on front.
Digitally done with SketchBook.
Referance to Collective logo: https://wiki.darkjedibrotherhood.com/view/File:Collective_logo.png
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Erik Cato
- File submission
- collgrenade1.png
- Textual submission
Item of Intelligence: Ceramic Plasma Grenade
A holo blueprint of an experimental Collective weapon. The Ceramic Plasma Anti-Personnel Grenade. The shell is a low grade ceramic sphere. The core is a tibanna gas mixture. The timed trigger is a exterior pressure button. Once activated, the device counts down and ignites the gas mixture using a focused energy burst. The resulting flash of plasma can incinerate and create a small amount of shrapnel. The low grade, common materials makes this weapon cheap to manufacture while still being difficult to trace to its origin.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Nikora Rhan
- Submission
- Nikora Rhan opted out of publishing her submission.
- Placement
No placement