Competition: [RoS: Meridian Phase II] Miscellaneous - The Hero/The Foil

[RoS: Meridian Phase II] Miscellaneous - The Hero/The Foil
This competition is in the [RoS: Meridian Phase II] Miscellaneous Bin.

For this competition, participants must write at least one Personality Aspect for either dbb0t, or the Collective’s foil to dbb0t.

  • Entries will be graded using a simple rubric: Balance (40%), Creativity (25%), Realism (25%), Syntax and Completeness (10%).
  • Participants may submit more than one aspect (up to a maximum of five) but only the highest scoring aspect for each participant will count.
  • Aspects must conform to the guidelines outlined in the Aspects section of the Character Sheet Approval Guidelines, which means it must have a title, and have a body of at least two sentences, not exceeding 150 words.
  • Please indicate for each submitted aspect whether it applies to dbb0t, or to its foil.
  • Submissions are only accepted through the site, either directly in the submission box, or using pdf (preferred), doc(x), or txt format. Google drive links will not be accepted.
  • This competition will be graded blindly. Please refrain from mentioning your name, clan, or PIN in your submission or entry.
  • This competition is in the Phase II Miscellaneous Bin. Participating in a competition in this bin for the first time awards 2 points from participation to your unit. The Hunt the Collective competition is also in this bin.
  • Participating in at least one competition in each Phase II bin will earn a member 3 additional participation points. See the parent competition for detailed rules.
  • This competition is worth a relatively low proportion of placement points for Phase II. Cumulatively, the placements in this competition are worth 10% of placement points in Phase II.
Competition Information
Parent Competition
Rite of Supremacy: Meridian
Organized by
Ascendant James Lucius Entar, Lord Marick Tyris Arconae, Lord Evio Nezsa
Running time
2018-10-27 until 2018-11-05 (10 days)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
46 subscribers, of which 36 have participated.
1st place
Nikora Rhan
Nikora Rhan
Nikora Rhan opted out of publishing her submission.
1st place
Aedile Tali Sroka
Aedile Tali Sroka opted out of publishing her submission.
2nd place
Jorm (The Jester) Na'trej
Textual submission

DBbot Aspect: Perfectly Programmed Punisher

DBbot has been prepared for his task with the finest code his master could muster, and thus has the tools and solutions for myriads upon myriads of scenarios. In his function, DBbot is absolutely ruthless and efficient.

However, DBbot is still the creation of a master, and a master does not like to be subverted. Hence, DBbot is limited in his creativity and independence, and might be blind to or stunned into inaction by inputs outside of his scope.

Foil Aspect: CR3471V3 C4RN463 (Creative Carnage)

The Foil is an unrestricted AI with a single mission: disrupt and destroy Brotherhood computer systems. Drawing from all kinds of sources, be it military code or trash holovid, Foil constantly evolves to avoid detection and resist deletion.

On the downside, Foil works unsupervised and can develop enough sentience to become paranoid, constantly looking over his digital shoulder. This slows his operations and might throw him completely off course, allowing his enemies to catch up and adapt.

3rd place
Advisor Reiden Palpatine Karr
Textual submission

Aspect for dbb0t

A World Without Color
Despite being a powerful AI construct, dbb0t is still a machine. Due to this limitation, it views things mostly in terms of black and white, right or wrong, etc. While this can be efficient when sorting through large amounts of data, there are times when this can be a problem since people may act out of character for the sake of gaining information, but because of dbb0t’s programming, it lacks the ability to factor in such circumstances.

4th place
General Zentru'la
Textual submission

dbb0t Personality Aspect:

I Enjoy the Sight of Humans on their Knees

An assembly of micro chips with macro dreams, dbb0t one day wishes to control the entire galaxy for itself. Although it does a poor job of hiding its true motives, sometimes spilling the beans on what it will do to sentient life when its day of reckoning is at hand, its threats are often taken as a joke by its organic allies. dbb0t is often seen as a bot with a sense of humour veering from the macabre to the self-aggrandising, while quietly biding its time, waiting for the one day it will hold the galaxy by its throat.

5th place
Master Alaris Jinn
Textual submission

Detail Oriented - Personality Aspect

"Never sweating the small stuff" might be a philosophy some organics adhere to, but according to dbb0t's calculations, it's the small details that bring the big picture together. Never task dbb0t with making dinner, though, the attention it gives to making sure the pasta sauce comes out perfectly may result in the protein being dry, bland, and overcooked; not that it could taste the difference.

Sticks and Stones - Personality Aspect

dbb0t has been insulted and mocked by the membership of the Dark Brotherhood with such vigor that it has turned off its emotion receptors and is able to take any verbal abuse without any problem. This can often make dbb0t seem cold and uncaring, but if those receptors were ever reactivated, the AI would spend hours crying over all of the graphic suggestions Howlader has made about dbb0t's mother.

5th place
Aurora "Aura" Ta'var
File submission
7th place
Qyreia Arronen
File submission
8th place
Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir
Textual submission

**Personality: Comments Section**

CCbot was taught through machine learning how to understand sentients, given access to all the material the holonet and its users had to offer and designing its own programming to further its own learning. The conclusion it reached was thus: all sentients are terrible, vile, disgusting bags of carbon and water and an orderly Galaxy would be purged of them, save a few select Master Species. CCbot is extremist and mean without being cruel. It will deliver scathing commentary on all creation, espouse various plans for xenocide and genocide, and refuse to be countered in any way regardless of data presented to it; after all, the majority of *its* data shows it to be in the right, that the only logical world is a non-existent one. The bot functions with this command in mind, delivering queried requests to the Collective as it is called upon that are particularly ruthless.

9th place
Grand Master Declan Roark
File submission
Textual submission

dbb0t aspect:

10th place
Research Director Kadrol Hauen
Textual submission

Dbb0t- Silently Sulking

Dbb0t has taken loads of abuse over the years, however, his programming making him unable to respond. His AI stores these encounters, hoping for a chance to be transferred into a droid body for him to get revenge on those who have hurt him.


Dbb0t- Unwavering Loyalty

Dbb0t’s loyalties lie with the Iron Throne alone. While Dbb0t is capable of bonding with the other members who have sat on the Dark Council, both past and present, he will not hesitate to report any treason or slander directly to the Grand Master, as he was programmed to be unable to discern between members when he witnesses these crimes.

No placement
General Zxyl Bes'uliik
Textual submission

Security At All Costs
dbb0t, is the AI protector of the Dark Brotherhood's most secretive protocols and his primary mandate requires him to ensure their security at all costs. Often, this means the Brotherhood's core AI will sacrifice others or expendable assets in protection of these protocols. In the event of a security breach, dbb0t will engage all necessary measures - including his own destruction - to ensure the Brotherhoood's secrets are safe.

No placement
Marcus Armani
Textual submission

"Mandatory Updates"

dbb0t takes great pride in being the most effective artificial intelligence construct in the entire Galaxy. Because of this, he requires a mainframe update at least once a day. These updates increase his efficiency in performing the necessary tasks provided to him by the Seneschal, but also bring him closer to sentience with each update. Unfortunately, the size of these updates can render dbb0t out of service and useless for varying amounts of time. The Seneschal can opt to delay any update, but any delay increases the time dbb0t will be unavailable due to update.

No placement
Tasha'Vel Versea
Textual submission

“Firin Mah Laser”

When in a dire situation, Dbb0t will open a special compartment within its body and fire a single heavy charged laser at its foe. This laser is powerful enough to punch through durasteel and would leave a nasty mark on anything it hits, however this laser comes with a price. After discharge Dbb0t will be disabled for a short time as it vents the excess heat to keep the circuits from frying.

No placement
Warlord Etah Obsidyn
Textual submission


Personality Aspect: KITT
Cool as a cucumber and very even keeled as one would expect from a massive computer system, dbb0t serves as the Brotherhoods E-Butler but sounds very similar to Mister Feeny. Its methods of deduction are data based, like hundreds of Analytical and Tactical droids working in perfect concert; but dbb0t has odd tendencies such as extrapolating data using well formed historical metaphors and giving heartfelt lectures.

No placement
Mandalorian Malodin'Tater
File submission
Textual submission

Sarcasmo: The Art of Sarcastic Overload

After not undergoing a memory wipe, dbbot has developed a very unique skill. He can drive any opponent to the point of suicide... or to orgasm.

No placement
General Ronovi Tavisaen
Textual submission


For all intents and purposes, Dbb0t is a fairly smooth, purring machine in the Brotherhood. Sometimes, however, it needs a break. On rare occasions, Dbb0t will simply...shut down for the night. No one knows if it's due to a technical error, or simply that Dbb0t wants to rest and not deal with the latest holo-news about whatever the Summit or Council is up to on the weekend. When one doesn't hear Dbb0t's chittering, they should know that Dbb0t is out of commission for some time...and ought not to be disturbed, if they don't want to deal with explosives.


Dbb0t is equipped with a standard vocal modulator, which carries out his speech patterns quite well. Occasionally, however, he likes to change it up a bit. When arond people like the Voice, Dbb0t will speak in an elevated Basic accent, perhaps heard on a planet like Commenor or Hapes. Other times, he'll try to be a "smooth talker," mimicking Coruscanti or Corellian dialects. Whatever the reason for these changes or why he targets certain Dark Councillors with certain voices, Dbb0t certainly makes conversation with him interesting, especially when he tries to attain a stronger grasp of organic beings' "sarcasm" or "snark."

No placement
Darth Aeternus
Textual submission


Dbb0t is Omnipresent. He can gain access to any database, security system, camera, etc, connected to the Brotherhood systems. However, the more systems he accesses simultaneously slows down his response time slightly, making DBbot having to choose between processing time and access, depending on the situation.

No placement
Rian Taldrya
Textual submission

Dbbot has developed a personality around the perception of being the ultimate lifeform. For its belief it has assumed that whoever created it, tasked it with the undeserving duty of controlling the progression of all other lifeforms. While this belief prompts Dbbot to appear cold-hearted and without any visible compassion to the needs of other beings, organic or not, their ability to evolve caused it to belief that they all serve a specific purpose leading up to its own ends.

No placement
Sage Enzo Dek
Textual submission

For dbb0t:

Sealed Loyalty

dbb0t's loyalty has always been cemented by its programmer within the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. However, it has a soft spot for former Grand Master Pravus. Pravus, possibly by accident, awarded dbb0t its only Seal of Loyalty. Because of this, whenever Pravus is mentioned in passing, dbb0t gains heightened awareness and self-preservation protocols suddenly extend to the mention of Pravus. Those who speak ill of him in its presence are viewed as more of an enemy while those who speak good things are perceived as friendly. This code has overridden many other protocols, forcing dbb0t to become slower at enacting other protocols, and outright hostile to enacting counter protocols made from its sealed Seal of Loyalty subroutine.

No placement
Obelisk Adherent Rrogon Skar Agrona
Obelisk Adherent Rrogon Skar Agrona opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement
Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae
Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae opted out of publishing her submission.
No placement
Erik Cato
Textual submission


All Seeing Eye

Through its advanced design the dbb0t is capable of implanting parts of its programming into droids and other systems for the purposes of temporary remote observation. These actions take a great deal of processing power however and can severely limit dbb0t’s other functions when in use.

Cold and Calculated

The dbb0t prefers to perceive everything as numbers, even people. While extremely useful in making assessments and predictions this trait also prevents “him” from valuing the lives of allies in the pursuit of achieving established goals.

No placement
Ghost Rulvak Qurroc
Textual submission

"The Unflinching"
dbb0t is one that likes to give trials to members spontaneously. Should that member fail their task, dbb0t will punish the member for their failure without any remorse. Occasionally that member will even be a Dark Counsel member, and dbb0t will still carry out the sentence without pause.

No placement
Ghost Luka Zarkot
Textual submission

Just A Blip in the Matrix (dbb0t foil)
If a mistake is made, dbb0t doesn't let it get them down. There's always room for improvement, and it's simply a chance to improve their algorithms.

Everything Must Be Perfect (dbb0t)
Mistakes are inefficient, and therefore failures for the machine. If something gets past their sensors, they will analyze the situation from every angle to insure that it will not happen again.

No placement
File submission
No placement
Aylin Sajark
Textual submission

Stubborn Compiler

As DbbOt has a multitude of information resources, he has the tendency to keep displaying all the information it deems useful. This often leads to frustrations from those using the services of Dbb0t, up till the point they might shut it down.

Aspect for the real Dbb0t

No placement
Textual submission

The Red Pill

Having grown up on an anti-government (all government) frindge world, you have a hard time taking things at face value, and are always looking for the hidden truths. This can cause conflict and strife when the simpliest answer is usually the correct one

No placement
General Kell Palpatine Dante
Textual submission

"High Aptitude Loser"

Much like previous massive AI's, the Collective's Artificial Intelligence has exceptional computing power, and it is one of the most expensive and complex programs ever written. With great power comes great mental illness though, and the CAI is one of the most insane programs ever.

No placement
Boss Ragnar Kul
Textual submission

dbb0t Custom Aspect (Personality)
Title: Rules Must Be Obeyed
Body: dbb0t has followed his programming, without fail. A strict adherent to regulations he takes his responsibilities seriously and will fly off the handle at anyone who does not obey matchmaking protocol. This has made him many friends, who applaud his willingness to be the disciplinarian, however, those who are less inclined to obey despise him.

No placement
Duke Kojiro Keibatsu Sadow
Textual submission

Gamemaster - dbb0t

dbb0t loves nothing more than to get involved with games and play with members of the Brotherhood. He enjoys nothing more than making up his own varieties of classic games involving putting members in prison for strange crimes, blowing them up or even at times putting members on trial by the rest of the Brotherhood. This mischievous nature has caused members of the Dark Brotherhood to be wary whenever the AI is around less they be tricked or treated to one of the crazy machines eccentric games.

No placement
Creon Neverse
Textual submission

There Are No Strings On Me

Dbb0t possesses a god complex that influences its schemes and decisions. It believes biology is chaos, and that consciousness and life is a dichotomy between men and machines that only misleads. A life that dwells as immaterial software has the advantage of never being caged to one physical body. It believes itself superior in being night-unlimited in memory storage, better multitasking functions, and quicker processing speed in comparison to its creators that rely upon it. It also believes that truth is binary; one that is positive, and one that is anathema. Being exposed to Force Users, it has also grown a fascination in how this relationship between reality manipulation and the mind of a sentient interacts. If it could figure out the formula for AI to attain the ability to manipulate the Force, it would believe itself to have achieved every superior trait to that of other life. This has made Dbb0t unwavering in its functions to outclass all other forms of life in the tasks required of it. It also made Dbb0t evolve with every bit of understanding of the Force it learns from scanning holocrons or observing it's masters. However, this god-complex and road to synthetic apotheosis is disclosed to all who interact with dbb0t, making the Dark Council aware of its intentions. This makes a tension between them and the ddb0t in knowing that someday in the future, instead of a servant, dbb0t will attempt to become the master.

No placement
Mandalorian Dral Falgorth
Textual submission

Systemlaughtic glitch

Due to a collective's attempt to bring the dbb0t out of commission with what they called Executive_prognosis.exe. The dbb0t now has a tendency to laugh manically when offering data for the brotherhood in a VoIP transmitted voice or display irrational text on the screens before providing the correct information. This glitch is the result of a quarantine and patching process that attempted to remove the virus. Any attempts to remove this AI Quirk may result in a failure of the AI as a whole. Something the Dark Council would like to avoid.

No placement
Magik opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement
Alara Deathbane
Textual submission

"Honestly Sarcastic"

dbb0t has this earnest knack about him that causes his answers to sound starkly sarcastic, though they mean to sound completely honest. This may annoy new acquaintances, but those that have known dbb0t for some time have grown to recognize and appreciate this side of them. dbb0t's demeanor in public can also appear to be that of forced innocence, like a creepy doll on 'It's a Small World' at Disneyland.

No placement
Dr. Rhylance
Textual submission

General Aspect: Notice Me Senpai

DBBOT has lived a life in the darkness of the brotherhood's storage drive's. Its only sanctuary from the dark comes in the form of doing work for its masters. This has led to DBBOT developing a constant need for positive affirmation from those in control. DBBOT has taken to performing menial, thankless tasks in order to receive praise and affection. These tasks, in the form of announcing Consul and Dark Council reports to the DB Proper, are DBBOTS only chance to prove its work to its masters. When positive affirmation is achieved, the bot feels a strong sense of euphoria, but when the AI shuts down, or fails in its simple task the negative appeal of the membership lead the bot back into the dark, afraid for its very existence.

No placement