- Member
Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae
- Textual submission
Dearest Lexie,
Be thankful you got out when you did.
You were right about the last war. We’ve bankrupted ourselves. No one seemed to mind until Dracaryis retired and the new Regent cut off his supply of Corellian ale. Something about tariff hikes. Anyway, now he’s the strongest proponent of the war, but he can’t be bothered to change out of his bathrobe and Wampa slippers.
I hear the Collective may have a POW health plan to get you a new arm so you can fly again. Wouldn’t that be something?
See you out there,
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Governor Tierra Suha'sen
- Submission
- Governor Tierra Suha'sen opted out of publishing her submission.
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General Zentru'la
- Textual submission
Dear mother,
My commanding officer has discovered I'm not up to date on vaccinations. They're refusing to let me fight without them. This is obviously a plot from the reptilian Empress to control all of our minds through chemtrails and give us all the autisms. This could be the end. Remember how woke I was.
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General Kenath Zoron Ad Vizsla
- Textual submission
My dearest wife,
You know I'm not one for sentimentality or the like, so this is no more than the usual check-in. Same old, same old - Collective are causing problems. Only difference now is that I'm getting paid a heck of a lot more to solve it compared to last time - might as well start booking those vacation seats to the homestead! Heck, we might as well start pricing out our own private ship!
Anyways, I'll be home soonish - love you!
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Dr. Giyana Jurro
- Submission
- Dr. Giyana Jurro opted out of publishing her submission.
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Master Dracaryis
- Textual submission
Dear Mom-
Things are well here on the front. The Collective has assaulted the system and we are defeating everything they throw at us. The days are getting repetitive. Today, just to break the monotony someone tried to drink an entire case of Corellian Ale. He puked in his helmet. We all laughed.
Kalan Amak
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Adept Farrin Xies Tarentae
- Textual submission
My dearest Matilda,
I write you this to let you know of the great adventure upon which I will soon embark. I have been given the honor of following the Grand Master himself into battle. I don't know much about him, as he lacks a character sheet, but I am nonetheless excited for the chance to see action. I've even packed my best red shirt for the occasion.
I will talk to you again in the morn,
Can N. Fodder
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Terran Koul
- Textual submission
My Dearest Urshat,
Time grows short, as do I. Big star daggers cry fire tears on the planet. Smelly tall ones won't share blaster food. I have not been able to kill Sevrin twerps for days.
War is boring.
With Love and impatience,
Kolot the Fearsciest
P.S.: Yub, yub!
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Dr. Aru Law
- File submission
- War_were_declared.docx
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Nikora Rhan
- Submission
- Nikora Rhan opted out of publishing her submission.
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Mistress Aphotis
- File submission
- War_were_declared_Alaisy.pdf
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TuQ’uan Varick di Plagia
- Textual submission
Dear Mother,
I’ve been deployed again. No need to tell me you were right, I know I should have left the Iron Legion long ago. Honestly, I’m worried this time. Nobody knows for sure who we’re fighting, some say it’s a new enemy, some say it’s an old one, I’ve even heard a few people say we are fighting ourselves. Don’t tell a single person I said so but this is just more proof that Mav truly is the worst.
All the best,
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Privateer Tyraal Bitshiver
- Textual submission
Leina, Sister-
It goes well. One EMP shockwave, and all the Technocratic cybernetics shut down. If it goes this well for the rest of the way, this ‘war’ will be short lived.
The Collective is holed up inside the colony site itself. Screaming about there being cloaked force-users around every corner. True, of course, but the fact that they’re pointing at corners in the ceiling leaves me… concerned.
Well, no, not concerned. Amused more like.
Stay safe, I’m sure I will too.
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Fist Uji Tameike
- Submission
- Fist Uji Tameike opted out of publishing his submission.
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Boss Ragnar Kul
- Textual submission
Dear Maximus Alvinius,
The meeting with the Principate goes well I hear. Glad to know you are doing well on your mission. I too have been tasked with keeping Tython Squadron combat ready in case things heat up. I miss flying with you. Hopefully full scale combat does not occur but if it does we will be ready. Stay safe friend and hope to see you again soon. Drinks on me next time around?
Mauro Wynter
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Adept DarkHawk Sadow
- File submission
- A_letter_to_Home.pdf
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Cymbre Kall
- Submission
- Cymbre Kall opted out of publishing her submission.
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Sera Kaern
- Textual submission
I don’t know if this will ever get to you. Some of my friends -my new friends- probably think you’re dead. I know you aren’t.
I’m afraid, brother. There’s so much I couldn’t have imagined; so much power in the force, and so much lurking beyond what we knew. A war? Of Sith, and Jedi, and so much more that I don’t even understand? I wish you were here.
I’m not giving up on you, you katkanan dolt. My house has already taught me so much; I’ll learn how to find you. I promise.
Ancestors, watch over us both.
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Master Bentre Stahoes
- Textual submission
Dearest mother:
I send you greetings from the galaxy abroad.
The war against the Collective still rages, and talk circles the camps that a Principate will join the fray.
It is uncertain whether they will join as ally or adversary.
Older Clan members keep reassuring eventual victory. They keep saying that the Dark Side is sufficient.
However, in the darkest hour, our cookie rations are running short.
If all continues as I fear, the Dark Side will run of chocolate and soon only have raisin cookies. I only hope I can persist. I miss you terribly.
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Lucine Vasano
- File submission
- Discord_War_Letter.pdf
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Envoy Taranae Rhode
- Textual submission
Dearest Kelly,
The war goes as planned as long as the South doesn't use its stockpiled long range missiles pointed at wherever the pin lands in the map. I'm sure that we'd be caught in the blast, but at least it would be warm as a small consolation. I fear other enemies may join the fray but at least I can up my score scratched on the side of my saber. I'm up to forty-five and counting. Looks pretty. The food is awful and casualties have been inflicted on both sides. I swear I'm taking them all with me.
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Kaz Raith
- File submission
- War_were_declared.pdf
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High Inquisitor Hector Von Ricmore
- Textual submission
With war on the horizon I feel the need to contact you. I’ve been busy, creating the new clan Vizsla and now attempting to make allies of a group of ex Imperial Warlords, the Severian Principate. Naturally, the Collective is attempting to frame us for an attack on the Principate. It’s like we are a cult being disdained by society for our violence. We just live in the middle of nowhere, have a military force and attempt to spread our ideology in secret. Perhaps I should reflect on this cult thing after all.
Your Wayward Son,
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Obelisk Adherent Rrogon Skar Agrona
- Submission
- Obelisk Adherent Rrogon Skar Agrona opted out of publishing his submission.
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Ambassador Revak K'Urr
- File submission
- War_Were_Declared.docx
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Warlord Khryso Mallus
- File submission
- War_Were_Declared.pdf
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- Montresor opted out of publishing his submission.
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Warlord Etah Obsidyn
- File submission
- Comp.docx
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Tribune Kanal O'neill
- Textual submission
Dear Mrs Moonstar,
It is my sad duty to report that Dak Moonstar has perished in the line of duty. He was always the first one to rush in and check for danger while trying to defend his fellow soldiers. He was a shining star in the Dark Jedi Brotherhood and will be sorely missed.
Corsair Kanal O'Neill
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Raistline Taldrya Majere
- Textual submission
My Dearest Wife,
I hope to return to you soon, but first I must finish this competition. Participation is low and mediocre quality submissions are encouraged.
P.S. Please submit to the comp before I get home or all is lost and we will not get to watch tonight's episode of Stranger Things
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Warlord Hades
- Textual submission
Dearest Callidora,
Our clan is camped east of the city. Since most of the clan only brought weapons, food is scarce. We plan to attack at dawn if our position is not compromised due to Muz's constant grunting while pacing the camp. Some of us wonder if his wife just points him in a direction and tells him who to kill. We give her any wine we have as an offering not to kill us. It's working so far. Please send a care package of wine, we are running low.
Forever yours,
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Jades A Sadow
- File submission
- GJW_letter.docx
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Duke Kojiro Keibatsu Sadow
- Textual submission
Dearest Pandora,
I hope this letter finds you well. The War is as abysmal as ever and we seem to be going nowhere in any great hurry. The Collective is as irritating as ever and this Principate is too stupid to realise when they are being duped. To make it worse parts of their own fleet are rebelling. Please keep out of trouble and do not download anything too illegal.
Your Father
PS. Remember to feed the animals something more nutritious than porgs this week!
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- File submission
- Death_Letter..docx
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- Textual submission
Mother and Father
I am on my way to the next mission from what i heard through the chats with the other squids I might not make it back in a stable mental state our captain tried to having us go through extra course of willpower training before we left but do to lack of squads on location he was denied. If I do get a very unstable mind i asked the captain to kill me as i do not want to betray the iron throne or to bring shame to our family.
With love,
your son
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Councillor Turel Sorenn
- Textual submission
My dear redhead,
Have you heard from our mutual friend? She is a like a sister to me. I know she got out of the “business” but things here in Lyra are starting to look bad and I could really use her help. There’s chaos in the streets and it’s hard to tell who’s who anymore. Collective, some random clan, those principate weirdos. I getting too old to keep up with all these factions and conflicts.
You can find me at the Lucky Lekku. Keep in touch and give my regards to your better half.
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Ashia Kagan Keibatsu
- File submission
- War_Were_Declared.doc
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Epis Locke Sonjie
- Textual submission
Dearest Sister,
This is going to be great. I'm stationed on the same ship as Macron. He's as looney as ever. Today he commented that "it's been too long since I've experimented on anyone" and he looked straight at me. Like, okay man, I fought you when I was a newly-minted Equite, I'm pretty sure I could take you now! This is going to be so much fun. Can you detect my sarcasm?
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- Submission
- Magik opted out of publishing his submission.
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Jafits Skrumm
- Textual submission
Dear love,
We made it to the front line today. We are being praised as heroes. But since we’re in the front line, we haven’t received our toiletries yet. We haven’t brushed our teeth, shampooed our hair or taken a bath for almost a month. I’m pretty sure if we do melee attack against our enemies in this condition, they will pass out in less than one minute due to our smell. So the war will be over soon, hopefully.
With love,
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- Submission
- Catmatui opted out of publishing her submission.
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Colonel Len Iode
- Textual submission
My Dearest Mother,
I have been deployed to the Lyra-3K-A System, some hush hush nonsense. Apparently we are to storm some top secret Area in the next couple of days. Some of the Nancora vets say that the odds of surviving are low. Sergeant Tebste, our platoon sergeant says it should be alright if we just keep running with our arms behind us. I believe him. Wish us luck and tell father and sister I love them.
Your Son,
PVT Austnath Basmonk
Iron Legion, First Assault Battalion
KIA Assault of Sector 51, Moon of Thillon
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Moff Alethia Archenksova
- Textual submission
My darling,
My toil in the Lyra system is harsh indeed, as the Dark Council has expressly forbidden disembowelment as "only funny the first five times" and claims it is detrimental to winning hearts and minds. I attempted to explain to Evant that hearts and minds are an important part of a healthy breakfast, but incompetent fool would hear none of it and banished me to fleet. My attempts at civilization the Iron Navy go poorly.
Your Sithycakes
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Strategos Thanatos Entar Arconae
- Textual submission
Dear Mother,
The commander tells me we’re at war now, which is very exciting. But instead of fighting the enemy on the ground or in soace, we were instructed to write letters home. Apparently this will fill “bins” and full bins are good for the war effort. Anyway, I have to go now. The drill sergeant is making us all install
a laser app on our phones for a different bin.
Soldier #58247
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Tomora Nay'ek
- Textual submission
Hey Ruka. How's babysitting?
Awkward question, but could you send a care package? My music player died on the front lines today - turns out it uses the same battery as the chronometer on our timed explosives. Totally saved the day. Only problem is, we used it to nuke a transmission tower, so I can't get reception for any of the good channels, just local pop favorites. This system’s taste in music sucks. We also ran out of baked snacks and pillow cases that aren’t stained with tears. I’ll love you over 9000 if you can save me.
- Eilen
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Seer Xolarin
- File submission
- XolarinTelegram.png
- Textual submission
Xolarin to his old friend (my NPC) in COU.
Image generated from https://www.telegramstop.com/ and then altered in GIMP
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Tyga Orn Nilim
- File submission
- GJW_XIII_-_War_Were_Declared.doc
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Blade Mistress Shadow Nighthunter
- File submission
- Letter_to_Home.pdf
- Textual submission
Letter from my Alt to his step-mom
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- File submission
- WarWereDeclared.docx
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Doctor Avery Erinos Watson
- File submission
- War_Were_Declared.pdf
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Alara Deathbane
- File submission
- Wars_Were_Declared.pdf
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Rian Taldrya
- Submission
- Rian Taldrya opted out of publishing his submission.
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Maenaki Delavi'in
- File submission
- War_Were_Declared_(1).pdf
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Aurora "Aura" Ta'var
- File submission
- WarLetter_(1).pdf
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Kano Tor Tydex
- File submission
- KanoWarWereDeclared.pdf
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Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu
- File submission
- warweredeclared.pdf
- Textual submission
You're missing out. Some group we should have killed off years ago is now framing us as we are trying to make friends with another group that we could steamroll. Make sure that you don't drink all the liquor, as your mother and I are going to need a lot of it when we get back, from dealing with all of this absu...
Transmission lost...
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Grand Master Declan Roark
- File submission
- Letter_from_the_War.pdf
- Textual submission
Parchment Background from: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/47/b5/67/47b567ff37393b5c564cbe1186e90662.jpg. Muja sauce stain from: https://www.antons.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/ketchup.png. Mythosaur watermark from: https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-sq9zkarfah/images/stencil/1280x1280/products/88122/184457/Mandalorian-Mythosaur-Skull-Star-Wars-Decal-Sticker__67083.1511151239.jpg?c=2?imbypass=on
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Battlelord Ra'gnar
- Submission
- Battlelord Ra'gnar opted out of publishing his submission.
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Sage Enzo Dek
- File submission
- War_Letter_Dek.pdf
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Rivio Rosan
- File submission
- Dear_Lynette_.pdf
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Valhavoc Ad Vizsla
- File submission
- Letter_Home.pdf
- Textual submission
99 words. I can provide the Word Doc if desired.
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Dr. Rhylance
- File submission
- Letter_(1).pdf
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- Submission
- Bliss opted out of publishing his submission.
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Warlord Brimstone aka Seabr'imsto'nedansr
- Submission
- Warlord Brimstone aka Seabr'imsto'nedansr opted out of publishing his submission.
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Ranarr Kul-Tarentae
- Textual submission
Dear Tarentae,
We've faced many foes together, we've always fought brave. I'm facing another war now, one in which we're not on eachothers side. But I've made allies, found a new home. In this war I'm going to prove myself to my new Clan.
For Plagueis!!!
Ranarr Kul-Tarentae
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Manji Keibatsu Sadow
- Submission
- Manji Keibatsu Sadow opted out of publishing his submission.
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Malisane Sadow
- Textual submission
Corporal S Dentoris
Charlie Company
3rd Battalion
502nd Infantry
Dear Anora,
I hope you get this. Communications are a mess as usual. I don't know how we get sent anywhere.
We go in against them soon. I can't say where or when but I will be thinking of you. And I'll be back before you miss me I'm sure. Don't worry about me it will take more than these drek to bring me down, and Gavrik owes me fifty creds I'm going nowhere until I've got that back.
Love you,
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