Competition: Great Jedi War XIII: Discord

Great Jedi War XIII: Discord

GJW XII: Discord

Diplomatic negotiations between the Severian Principate and the Brotherhood have been thrown into disarray with the surprising appearance of the Collective. With the Collective moving to frame the Brotherhood through system-wide attacks and bombings, the Brotherhood and Principate teeter at the edge of War.

Chaos has taken hold in the Lyra system. Out of this chaos can come many things, from stability and alliance, to chaos and war - and your actions will determine the fate of the Brotherhood and the Principate!

Discord is Dark Brotherhood Vendetta Event, running from July 20th to August 26th.

For the most up to date information, please visit the Great Jedi War XIII Wiki Page

Event Phases

  • Phase I of the Great Jedi War runs from July 20 until August 5

  • Phase II of the Great Jedi War runs from August 10 until August 26


Competitions in each Phase are divided into competition types, or 'bins'. The first time a member participates in a competition within a Phase's bin, that member is awarded the participation points associated with that bin. In addition, members earn bonus participation points by participating in at least one competition in each bin.
Phase I and Phase II will each grant an additional 3 participation points for completing all bins in a phase, while the Event Long Phase will grant an additional 4 participation points. Individual competitions still award seals and credits, and members that place will earn placement points and Novae if placing in the top three.

Theaters and Theater Combatants

Theaters are key locations where the most intense fighting in the Lyra system is occurring. The three Theaters are the Lyra Colony and associated ruins, the Moon of Thillon and particularly the mining facility therein, and the Thuvis Shipyards. More detailed information on theaters are available in fiction updates and in the prompt for the Event Long run-on competition.

In addition to usage in the run-on, we have started a voluntary program called Theater Combatants. As described previously, members may volunteer one of their characters to be present at a specific Theater for the use of other writers. This is not binding to the volunteer (that is, they can write the character anywhere), and they are not bound by what is done to the character by other authors. However, writers are free to use any Theater Combatants in any encounter within a Theater they write.

Placement and Hero Titles

  • Clans earn points when members participate in competition types/bins or when members place in a competition. In accordance with the directives governing Vendetta Events in the Brotherhood, the Clan with the most points at the conclusion of Great Jedi War XIII will be named First Clan of the Brotherhood, while the Clan with the second and third most points will be Second Clan and Third Clan, respectively.

  • The top three individuals earning the most points in Great Jedi War XIII will be awarded War Hero titles. Members with tie scores will be broken following an Olympic-style Novae and placement ranking.

  • The rules for placement in individual sub-competitions are covered within their descriptions below.

  • The weight for placement of each competition is described within the competition.

Competition Information
Organized by
Howlader Taldrya, Telaris "Mav" Cantor, Lord Evio Nezsa, Ascendant James Lucius Entar, General Daniel Stephens, Master Selika Roh di Plagia, Lord Marick Tyris Arconae, Adept Alaris Jinn, Lord Dacien Victae, Darth Renatus
Running time
2019-07-20 until 2019-08-26 (about 1 month)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
None/Other (Manually Awarded)
157 subscribers, of which 157 have participated.
Bin Overview
Title Status Running time
[GJW XIII Event Long] Gaming  
Heroes Bracket Finished 2019-07-20 - 2019-08-26 (about 1 month)
Ye Olde Cluster Race Finished 2019-07-20 - 2019-08-26 (about 1 month)
Jedi Academy Bracket Finished 2019-07-20 - 2019-08-26 (about 1 month)
[GJW XIII Event Long] Miscellaneous  
Make a Mav Finished 2019-07-20 - 2019-08-26 (about 1 month)
War Were Declared Finished 2019-07-20 - 2019-08-26 (about 1 month)
Voice Acting Audiobook Finished 2019-07-20 - 2019-08-26 (about 1 month)
Record of Deeds Finished 2019-07-20 - 2019-08-26 (about 1 month)
[GJW XIII Event Long] Multimedia  
Battle Plan Finished 2019-07-20 - 2019-08-26 (about 1 month)
The Offering Finished 2019-07-20 - 2019-08-26 (about 1 month)
Comic Finished 2019-07-20 - 2019-08-26 (about 1 month)
[GJW XIII Event Long] Team-Based Fiction  
Small Team Co-op Fiction Finished 2019-07-20 - 2019-08-26 (about 1 month)
Clan-Wide Run On Theaters of War Finished 2019-07-20 - 2019-08-26 (about 1 month)
[GJW XIII Phase II] Fiction  
Multi-Objective Prompt Finished 2019-08-10 - 2019-08-26 (17 days)
Combat Writing Finished 2019-08-10 - 2019-08-26 (17 days)
[GJW XIII Phase II] Gaming  
Laser Overload Finished 2019-08-10 - 2019-08-26 (17 days)
Overwatch PvP Ladder Finished 2019-08-10 - 2019-08-26 (17 days)
Dauntless Scavenger Hunt Finished 2019-08-10 - 2019-08-26 (17 days)
[GJW XIII Phase II] Graphics  
New Friends? Finished 2019-08-10 - 2019-08-26 (17 days)
Hearts and Minds Finished 2019-08-10 - 2019-08-26 (17 days)
[GJW XIII Phase II] Miscellaneous  
Hunt the Jedi Finished 2019-08-10 - 2019-08-26 (17 days)
New Acquisitions Finished 2019-08-10 - 2019-08-26 (17 days)
The Story so far.... Finished 2019-08-10 - 2019-08-26 (17 days)
Sudooku II Finished 2019-08-10 - 2019-08-26 (17 days)
[GJW XIII Phase I] Fiction  
Multi-Objective Prompt Finished 2019-07-20 - 2019-08-05 (17 days)
[GJW XIII Phase I] Gaming  
Fierce Twilight Finished 2019-07-20 - 2019-08-05 (17 days)
Diablo 3 Finished 2019-07-20 - 2019-08-05 (17 days)
Hearthstone PvP Ladder Finished 2019-07-20 - 2019-08-05 (17 days)
[GJW XIII Phase I] Graphics  
Divine Wind Finished 2019-07-20 - 2019-08-05 (17 days)
Calling Card Finished 2019-07-20 - 2019-08-05 (17 days)
[GJW XIII Phase I] Miscellaneous  
Mav is Old and Hates Gifs Finished 2019-07-20 - 2019-08-05 (17 days)
Venue Creation Finished 2019-07-20 - 2019-08-05 (17 days)
Sudooku I Finished 2019-07-20 - 2019-08-05 (17 days)
Place Name Score
1st Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae Score: 1347.708441
2nd Alaisy "Aphotis" Tir'eivra Score: 1247.751124
3rd Grand Master Declan Roark Score: 1173.595392
4th Ghost Rulvak Qurroc Score: 1170.645359
5th Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir Score: 1125.318003
6th Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu Score: 1071.525688
7th General Ronovi Tavisaen Score: 959.8436784
8th Boss Morgan B. Sorenn Score: 901.1071078
9th General Zentru'la Score: 650.7741208
10th Seer A'lora Kituri Score: 566.4473395
11th Aurora "Aura" Ta'var Score: 547.1805875
12th Essik Lyccane Score: 535.1794788
13th Master Dracaryis Score: 520.9304426
14th Etah Obsidyn Score: 493.698335
15th Warlord Hades Score: 492.9716693
16th Hilgrif Score: 482.9887742
17th Aedile Tali Sroka Score: 472.2427529
18th Sera Kaern Score: 471.9219495
19th Lucine Vasano Score: 471.7438407
20th Rear Admiral Arcia Cortel Score: 467.5277625
21st Raiheaux Score: 461.2587873
22nd Ranarr Kul-Tarentae Score: 418.6262585
23rd Jafits Skrumm Score: 407.4507188
24th Aylin Sajark Score: 399.2010243
25th Manji Keibatsu Sadow Score: 377.133841
26th Rian Taldrya Score: 372.8316403
27th Marcus Armani Score: 372.6648526
28th Headmistress Alethia Archenksova Score: 364.7027421
29th General Kenath Zoron Ad Vizsla Score: 357.8001932
30th Colonel Shanree Argentin Score: 355.2880952
31st Master Aiden Lee Deshra Score: 345.9278776
32nd Tribune Kanal O'neill Score: 321.9272579
33rd Proconsul Diyrian "Diy" Grivna Score: 318.1400465
34th Adept DarkHawk Sadow Score: 312.801141
35th Colonel Len Iode Score: 304.5747631
36th TuQ’uan Varick di Plagia Score: 296.9775017
37th Doctor Avery Erinos Watson Score: 295.7120294
38th Cymbre Kall Score: 292.4171014
39th Lord Idris Adenn Score: 284.3459423
40th Seer Xolarin Score: 282.8036046
41st Warlord Brimstone aka Seabr'imsto'nedansr Score: 278.2301727
42nd Valhavoc Score: 269.9979789
43rd Tomora Nay'ek Score: 265.4258992
44th Alara Deathbane Score: 257.4469792
45th General Stres'tron'garmis Score: 249.6610051
46th Ethan Martes Score: 243.6542293
47th Dr. Giyana Jurro Score: 236.1457306
48th Zanothi Nightblade Score: 235.6819727
49th Warlord Furios Morega di Plagia Score: 229.0158092
50th Eminent Ikarri Itinen Score: 228.7942214
51st Adept Reiden Palpatine Karr Score: 224.5080005
52nd High Inquisitor "Aequitas" Anderson Score: 255.2595767
53rd Mu'L'Guh Score: 215.3368241
54th Adept Xantros Score: 210.1621532
55th Malisane Sadow Score: 209.8011405
56th Dr. Aru Law Score: 203.0633395
57th Irhan Lo'Vex Score: 201.3786251
58th A deleted dossier Score: 193.063954
59th Master Bentre Stahoes Score: 191.3229836
60th Kano Tor Tydex Score: 190.2422305
61st Battlemaster Karran Val'teo Score: 189.1195605
62nd Junazee Score: 171.42116
63rd Jorm (The Jester) Na'trej Score: 164.103634
64th Aiden Dru Score: 162.4529359
65th Montresor Score: 161.6355396
66th Grand Inquisitor Morax Darkblade Score: 157.6742357
67th Champion Rajhin Cindertail Score: 151.8581478
68th Gavriel Kadesh Score: 150.6488877
69th Adept Macron Goura Sadow Score: 147.8406194
70th Envoy Taranae Rhode Score: 145.5167382
70th Warlord Khryso Mallus Score: 145.5167382
70th Abadeer Taasii Score: 145.5167382
73rd Strategos Thanatos Entar Arconae Score: 143.8261675
74th Maximus Alvinius Score: 142.9713572
75th Lontra Boglach Score: 128.9910714
76th Grot Score: 127.5619584
77th Tasha'Vel Versea Score: 127.4517186
78th Bliss Score: 121.4786072
79th Magik Score: 114.4786072
80th Adept Farrin Xies Tarentae Score: 113.9483725
81st Raistline Taldrya Majere Score: 113.7229184
82nd Silent Score: 113.5167382
83rd Obelisk Adherent Rrogon Skar Agrona Score: 112.4786072
84th Chronicler Arcadia “Caid” Skålson Score: 106.5167382
85th Reaver Tra'an Reith di Plagia Score: 105.5167382
86th Savant Zuser Whuloc Score: 102.5167382
87th Jashashi "Vesh" Zaes Score: 102.4186853
88th Alsorna Score: 92.74235586
89th High Inquisitor Hector Von Ricmore Score: 107.31948165
90th Blade Mistress Shadow Nighthunter Score: 82.79496681
91st Sa Ool Score: 79.12857141
92nd Master Malik Sadow Score: 74.87904601
93rd Terran Koul Score: 73.97545971
94th Sage Enzo Dek Score: 66.79496681
95th Professor Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar Score: 62.97112664
96th Zed Score: 62.95037593
97th Kaz Raith Score: 58.78223985
98th Kul'tak Drol Score: 53.48007517
99th Timeros Caesus Entar Arconae Score: 52.27798953
100th Grand Inquisitor Tisto Kingang Score: 51.59398495
101st Grand Inquisitor Lizuni Heraga Score: 51.29699248
102nd Creshkin Vos Score: 50.59398495
103rd Azmodius Equesinfernum Score: 49.59398495
104th Grand Inquisitor Arden Karn di Plagia Score: 49
104th Aldaric Score: 49
106th Ashia Kagan Keibatsu Score: 42
107th Duke Kojiro Keibatsu Sadow Score: 40
108th Epis Locke Sonjie Score: 39
109th Battlelord Ra'gnar Score: 38.41726184
110th Mauro Wynter Score: 36
111th Aerwin Tribwell-Urr Score: 31.60107411
112th Major Jon Silvon Score: 28.94548872
113th Nobilus Score: 24.63431793
114th Tyga Orn Nilim Score: 24
114th Adept Tahiri Thorn Morte Tarentae Score: 24
114th Vorran Shadowfeather Score: 24
117th Proconsul Rayne Palpatine Score: 23.41726184
118th Darth Aeternus Score: 22
119th Catmatui Score: 21
120th Rivio Rosan Score: 20
121st Occultan Iacul Score: 17.41726184
122nd Ranger Kant Lavar Score: 17
122nd Zyron Kael Score: 17
124th Wagglehorn Score: 14
125th Armad Score: 12
126th Privateer Tyraal Bitshiver Score: 10.64849624
127th Kookimarissia Mimosa-Inahj Score: 10
127th Maenaki Delavi'in Score: 10
127th Ghost Luka Zarkot Score: 10
130th Jades A Sadow Score: 9
130th Xenna Azara Score: 9
132nd Edgar Drachen Score: 8
132nd Shayna Phantom Score: 8
134th Talos Score: 7
134th Bobecc Varga Score: 7
134th Dasha Talus Score: 7
137th Obsidian Score: 6
137th Ala'ar Rinn Score: 6
137th Ezra Score: 6
140th Adept Celevon Werd'a Score: 5
140th Kerlos Yeff Surik Score: 5
140th Purren Strost Score: 5
140th Knight Ahsik Warren Score: 5
140th Alexander DelGotto Score: 5
140th Kelviin Score: 5
146th Adept Mune Cinteroph Score: 3
146th Dakari Palpatine Score: 3
146th General Zxyl Bes'uliik Score: 3
146th Reaper Ryuu Suoh Score: 3
146th Greenfire Solaris Score: 3
146th Kryy Vitaan Score: 3
146th Warlord Pel Tarentae Score: 3
146th Jason Kane Score: 3
146th Marcinius Turelles Score: 3
146th Sen'tai Denari Score: 3
156th Lokast Falls Score: 2
156th Neza-Rem Zarabi Score: 2
156th Research Director Kadrol Hauen Score: 2