When you click subscribe, a link for a Sporcle challenge will be shown. Get the fastest time with the most correct answers to win.
Submit a screenshot of your time as well as the number of questions you got correct.
There is NO registration required on the Sporcle site.
Tie breaks determined as follows:
1 - Most correct answers
2 - Fastest time as shown from Sporcle site
3 - Fastest submission time to DJB site of screenshot.
1st place
Mistress Aphotis
2nd place
Strategos Thanatos Entar Arconae
3rd place
General Zentru'la
4th place
Kade Ra
5th place
Howlader Taldrya
6th place
Adept Tahiri Thorn Morte Tarentae
7th place
8th place
General Ronovi Tavisaen
9th place
Battlelord Ra'gnar
10th place
Dr. Rhylance