Competition: Hearthstone Reemergence Cluster Race

Hearthstone Reemergence Cluster Race

The Severian Principate has been hosting regular gambling matches during peace talks. As a show of good faith with the brotherhood they have opened up a competition to see who is the best gambler of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood and is offering up awards along with a 5,000$ credit reward.

Well Hello and welcome all to a brief one month long competition for the DJB Gamers of Hearthstone! For the month of November all subscribers will be looking to make as many Clusters of Fire on Hearthstone via random match ups each day set by the Fist Bot. This is a simple and medium length competition that is open to the entire brotherhood.

Remember: Participants must follow the Rites of Combat at all times. Failure to follow the rules will result in matches being rejected by the Fist Office.

Competition Information
Organized by
Knight Ahsik Warren
Running time
2019-11-01 until 2019-11-30 (about 1 month)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
Multiplayer Gaming
Second Level Crescents
8 subscribers, of which 3 have participated.
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