Competition: Deathwatch: Chapter 1

Deathwatch: Chapter 1

“Oh? And what will you do when you do find them?” Rulvak asked, his right eyebrow raised ever so slightly.

“Eliminate them.”

The room went silent for a brief moment as the two men simply locked eyes with each other until suddenly, much to Appius’ surprise, the Quaestor’s lips etched into a slight smile.

“Very well. You have control of everything you need. We expect nothing but the best results from you and Deathwatch.” He said as he stood to leave the room.

Full fiction thread can be read here

Deathwatch: Chapter 1 is a set of competitions set around the attempt on the House Wren Quaestor's life. It is your objective to uncover who is behind this, where they are and eliminate them. However, there will be some challenges along the way...

The overall series will be judged and points awarded for winners of each individual competition.

  • 1st place = 5 points
  • 2nd place = 4 points
  • 3rd place = 3 points
  • Participation = 2 points

Ties will be handled by number of first place entries, then number of second and so on until a winner is found.

You know what to do. Good luck, Battleteam Deathwatch.

Competition Information
Organized by
Combat Master "Aequitas" Anderson
Running time
2020-01-05 until 2020-01-21 (17 days)
Target Unit
Battleteam Deathwatch
Competition Type
Fourth Level Crescents
6 subscribers, of which 6 have participated.
Deathwatch: Chapter 1 has 7 sub-competitions
Title Status Running time Competition Type
A problem like Daemmun. Finished 2020-01-05 - 2020-01-21 (17 days) Other
A symbol of power. Finished 2020-01-05 - 2020-01-21 (17 days) Other
Deathwatch Combat Writing: Reb Sino Finished 2020-01-05 - 2020-01-21 (17 days) Fiction
Decipher the Code. Finished 2020-01-05 - 2020-01-21 (17 days) Other
From whence we came. Finished 2020-01-05 - 2020-01-21 (17 days) Other
Temple run, run, run as fast as you can. Finished 2020-01-05 - 2020-01-21 (17 days) Other
We ain't that bad... Honest! Finished 2020-01-05 - 2020-01-21 (17 days) Graphics/Multimedia
1st place
Lumyi Hicyl
Lumyi Hicyl
Textual submission

Manually added by Mystic Appius Wight

1st place
Mandalorian Dral Falgorth
Textual submission

Manually added by Mystic Appius Wight

2nd place
Boss Ragnar Kul
Textual submission

Manually added by Mystic Appius Wight

3rd place
4th place
Kade Ra
Kade Ra
Textual submission

Manually added by Mystic Appius Wight

4th place
Kano Tor Tydex
Textual submission

Manually added by Mystic Appius Wight

5th place
Councillor Turel Sorenn
Textual submission

Manually added by Mystic Appius Wight

6th place