Competition: Phase 2 (GFX): Preservation Mandate: The Face of the Accused

Phase 2 (GFX): Preservation Mandate: The Face of the Accused

The Scholaean Historical Society has tasked you with helping to preserve this historic moment. The trial of Ric needs some artistic differentiation other than the usual holovids. Thus, you are tasked with articulating Ric’s face on the holoscreen as evidence is being presented. Obviously, he may have two different faces:

A) Lighter and happier, signifying remorse and positive testimony for Ric


B) Darker and angrier, signifying dislike and negative testimony for Ric

Your contribution will be placed in the Historical Society’s archives for future use by the Empire.

The objective of this competition is to draw Ric’s face on the holoscreen in the court room. It can be from face A or face B. It can be in any art style you desire, but it must reflect ultimately Ric’s face on the screen in a positive or negative manner.

The face with the most entries will influence the result. Make sure to put which face you use either in document title or in the submission box.

The Herald Graphics Rubric will be used for grading. Entries that follow the prompt will receive higher grades, as well as entries that convey the empathy or dread that appears on Ric’s face.

Resources for creating images may include GIMP, Paint, or Photoshop (you are not excluded from using anything else). Preferred file types are jpg or png.

Competition Information
Parent Competition
Scholae Rising
Organized by
Sage Enzo Dek, Blade Mistress Shadow Nighthunter, Mandalorian Malodin'Tater
Running time
2020-04-18 until 2020-04-24 (7 days)
Target Unit
Clan Scholae Palatinae
Competition Type
Difficulty Class
Third Level Crescents and 6 Clusters of Graphite as per Herald guidelines
2 subscribers, of which 1 has participated.
1st place
Adept Xantros
Adept Xantros
File submission
Augur Xantros, 11518, Ric face.JPG
1st place