Scholae Rising is an event centered around the stories of our members confronting an enemy from the depths of the galaxy. It's a story of betrayal and the future.
The winner of Scholae Rising will be given a place in the canon of this event and be heavily featured in the final fiction. Participants obtain the highest score through scoring points.
First place nets you 6 points. Second place nets you 4 points. Third place nets you 2 points. Participation nets you 1 point.
Ties will be decided by whoever has the most first, then second, then third places, etc.
Title | Status | Running time | Competition Type |
Phase 1: Imperial Decree: Hooligans | Finished | 2020-04-11 - 2020-04-18 (8 days) | Multiplayer Gaming |
Phase 1: Intelligence Drop: Code | Finished | 2020-04-11 - 2020-04-18 (8 days) | Flash Gaming/Puzzles |
Phase 1: Intelligence Drop: Ship of a Traitor | Finished | 2020-04-11 - 2020-04-18 (8 days) | Other |
Phase 1: Intelligence Drop: The City | Finished | 2020-04-11 - 2020-04-18 (8 days) | Graphics/Multimedia |
Phase 1: Intelligence Drop: Tracker | Finished | 2020-04-11 - 2020-04-18 (8 days) | Fiction |
Phase 2 (fiction): Imperial Decree: Evidence | Finished | 2020-04-18 - 2020-04-24 (7 days) | Fiction |
Phase 2 (Flash): Imperial Decree: Resource Reproduction | Finished | 2020-04-18 - 2020-04-24 (7 days) | Flash Gaming/Puzzles |
Phase 2 (GFX): Preservation Mandate: The Face of the Accused | Finished | 2020-04-18 - 2020-04-24 (7 days) | Graphics/Multimedia |
Phase 2 (Other/Meme): Preservation Mandate: Hacker’s Delight | Finished | 2020-04-18 - 2020-04-24 (7 days) | Other |
Phase 3 (fiction): Confrontation | Finished | 2020-04-26 - 2020-05-02 (7 days) | Fiction |
Phase 3 (flash): Practice Makes Perfect | Finished | 2020-04-26 - 2020-05-02 (7 days) | Other |
Phase 3 (GFX): Wanted | Finished | 2020-04-26 - 2020-05-02 (7 days) | Graphics/Multimedia |
Phase 3 (member hunt): Traitors to the Empire | Finished | 2020-04-26 - 2020-05-02 (7 days) | Other |
Phase 3 (trivia): Fun Night Out | Finished | 2020-04-26 - 2020-05-02 (7 days) | Other |
1st place
Xendar Thendaris
2nd place
Adept Xantros
3rd place
General Kell Palpatine Dante
4th place
Empress Rayne Palpatine
5th place
Padawan Wattrik Cronis
6th place
Research Director Kadrol Hauen