Competition: [GJW XIV Phase I] Fiction - In Opposition

[GJW XIV Phase I] Fiction - In Opposition
This competition is in the [GJW XIV Phase I] Fiction Bin. Participating in a competition in this bin for the first time awards 5 points for your Clan. Cumulatively, the placements in this competition are worth 17.0% of placement points in this Phase. See the parent competition for detailed rules.


Well then the station might have some hope. We will never be able to completely evacuate our people but we have some time, but not much.
— Justinios Taldrya Drake

In the wake of the Thirteenth Great Jedi War, Deputy Grand Master Evant Taelyan, was held captive by the Collective for several months. He was subjected to mind-breaking torture until rescued by Brotherhood forces in a daring mission. Now, despite the setback of losing their prized prisoner, the Collective has launched a surprise assault on the heart of the Brotherhood -- the Arx System itself. Brutally efficient Hive Mind Marines have been unleashed on the Shadow Academy's Nesolat platform while Brotherhood forces scramble to respond. The Clans have been called, but for now Arx stands alone.

Opposing Forces

Your entry has the chance to shape the direction of the War’s storyline. Your task is to choose 1 of the 2 separate options below to write about for your entry. The option that garners the most entries will be used to steer the War storyline into a related course of events.


Participants must use one of the following prompts to craft their entry:


Write from the perspective of your main or alternative character and aid in the defense of the platform. The Nesolat is full of ancient relics and mysteries, some of which may prove useful in the platform's defense, if you are willing to use them. Or they might fetch a healthy profit for the station's less scrupulous defenders. The Collective assault force is overwhelming and defeat is certain, but the longer you hold, the more can be evacuated to the surface and the better prepared Brotherhood forces will be for the next phase of the battle.


Write from the perspective of a Collective soldier and join in the assault on the platform. Your goal is to prevent the deviant Force users from evacuating and to seize control of the station. The Nesolat contains many dark secrets. The most puritanical of the Collective would see them all destroyed, but some more practical elements might be willing to turn the abominations of the Sith against their masters.

Write from the perspective of one of the below Collective soldiers.

Collective Personnel

  • Rakkas Kat – Ongree Field Medic of the Liberation Front with a fanatical hatred of Force users and an interest in experimentation.
  • Nuy Vexus - Pau’an weapons specialist and leader of a Liberation Front strike team assaulting the Nesolat.
  • The Collective’s fearsome and grotesque new Hive Mind Marines are in the vanguard of the attack.
  • Partisans, Huntresses, and Agents of the The Collective are also involved in the assault.


In order to have your fiction count as a vote for your option of choice, your entry must contain an [Option X] tag in the submissions file name, or the document itself. Any entry that does not include an Option tag will not count towards voting, but is still eligible for participation/placement.

Example: [Option 1]BestFictionEver.pdf

  • Participants must submit entries in .pdf, .doc, or .docx format, or use the submission text field (markdown capable).
  • Entries must be a minimum of 500 words. Any entries that are under 500 words will be Disqualified and ineligible for participation or placement.
  • There is no maximum word cap.
  • Your story should be centered on your Main or Alternative character, or one of the listed Collective NPCs mentioned above. Slotted NPCs, Wikipedia NPCs, or other characters that you create or invent to tell your story are not only allowed but encouraged.
  • A snapshot of your Main or Alternative character loadout must be selected and submitted with your entry through the checkbox submission field if you are using one of them. If writing from an NPC, make that explicitly clear.
  • This competition will award up to 4 bonus Clusters of Ice at a rate of 1 per 500 words, in addition to the normal clusters awarded for fiction competitions.


Grading will be done utilizing the Fiction Rubric.

Competition Information
Parent Competition
Great Jedi War XIV: Homefront
Organized by
Lord Dacien Victae, Lord Idris Adenn
Running time
2020-05-30 until 2020-06-15 (17 days)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
Novae and regular and bonus Clusters of Ice as per VOICE guidelines
77 subscribers, of which 51 have participated.
A deleted dossier
File submission
1st place
Aedile Tali Sroka
File submission
[Option 2]GJW XIV Unity(2).pdf
Textual submission

Main character role is shared between Bri Pinut, a Collective Agent, and Krii-5, a Hive Mind Marine.

2nd place
General Ronovi Tavisaen
File submission
[Option 2] GJWXIV In Opposition - Rakkas Kat.pdf
Textual submission

I am writing from the perspective of the Collective NPC, Rakkas Kat.

3rd place
6th place
Nikora Rhan
Nikora Rhan
Nikora Rhan opted out of publishing her submission.
6th place
General Zentru'la
File submission
7th place
General Stres'tron'garmis
File submission
OptionOnePhaseOne (1).pdf
8th place
Qyreia Arronen
File submission
Phase I - In Opposition, QA14369.pdf
9th place
Grand Master Declan Roark
Grand Master Declan Roark opted out of publishing his submission.
10th place
A deleted dossier
File submission
[Option 1] In Opposition.docx
No placement
Cymbre Kall
Cymbre Kall opted out of publishing her submission.
No placement
Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu
Textual submission


"Get the Headmistress." He turned away from the man, moving toward the door.

"My lord?" The researcher arched an eyebrow at the man, then darted his eyes back toward the fragments of holocron laid out on the table before him. His mind raced, his heart pounding in his chest. He wondered if he had done something wrong, committed some sort of unforgivable error. He retraced his steps, how he had carefully laid out the bits of crystal lattice. Did he remember to keep the shards close enough to each other, in order to avoid any dissipation of residual energy? He cursed himself silently. He wanted this assignment, he practically begged for the chance to show off the new discovery to the Krath Lord, and now he was in this fine predicament. He sighed. "Were you done with..."

Muz turned his head briefly, a cold look crossing his face as a hand shot up to indicate the requirement for silence. The researcher flinched, reaching out with his own senses, letting the pull of the Force wash over him as he felt along the very essence of the universe. He felt the corridors, lined with journeymen, minds swirling as they found their place in their new and larger world. He felt the guards, some from the Throne, others wearing the deep cerulean of the Obelisk as they made their paces. He felt the heavy doors of the vaults, the seals keeping the most precious bits of treasure from...what did Ciara call it? Distracting or corrupting the members of the Academy. Beyond that, he felt the cold, the void of space. The hairs stood on the back of his neck as the klaxons pierced his ears. The door slid open, the black armored clone and violet skinned Twi'lek leaning on the corridor wall in wait, a pair of droids between them. Muz turned back to the researcher, pointing at the commlink on the wall before stepping through the doorway.

"They're playing our song." Doc smiled as he put his helmet on, drawing one of his pistols from a holster at his hip. Muz stepped past him, his gait measured and heavy as he moved down the hallway, the thoroughfare leading to one of the landing platforms.

"Of course they are." Leena groused, nodding at Hekate to take up the rear, walking alongside her blastromech droid. "There's no such thing as a milk run with..." Her voice trailed off as she pulled a datapad into her hand, fast fingers tapping commands as she pulled data from the station's systems. "The station is under attack." She paused watching the data develop. "That's...a lot of ships."

"One of the clans?" Doc sneered the question through his helmet. He wouldn't put it past any of the clans to try to strike an attack of opportunity, try to seize the artifacts and neophytes for themselves. It'd be a risky gamble, but he had read of worse attempts.

"They're having trouble with the IFFs." Leena paused for a moment. "Like at Meridian."

"The Collective then." Doc chuckled, watching the end of the corridor grow closer with every step. He looked at the Keibatsu. "We're playing defense this time, or are we just bailing?"

The chaos seemed to grow closer, distant explosions echoing toward them, the metallic whine of breaching jaws tearing through the hull giving way to the thump of boots hitting the floor and weapons charging in the distance. "Blackwind's messaged us." Leena snarled, crouching down behind her droid for a moment, fingers flying across the device in her hands. "Ciara's asking for aid."

The light spilling from his sabers was all the answer that was given.

No placement
Xendar Thendaris
File submission
Option 1 Defend the Station.odt
No placement
Mako Henymory
File submission
[Option 1] In Opposition - Occultan.pdf
No placement
Dr. Giyana Jurro
File submission
[Option 1] Escape From Nesolat.pdf
No placement
A deleted dossier
File submission
GJW XIV In Opposition.pdf
No placement
Ashura Isradia Sadow
Textual submission

[Option 1]

"A Failed Defence"

Colonel Aleck Winters dodged left as he avoided a blaster shot from the Collective's shock troopers. He had been pinned down by three Corsair Hive Mind Marines until he was forced to make a desperate move or risk getting shot to death as his cover was blasted apart, unfortunately for him, the pain penetrating through the left side of his body meant the enemy blaster had hit him. 'That's just crappy luck,' he thought to himself as he fell to the ground, and his vision started to blur slightly, 'I didn't think I would go out like this.' His blacking vision spied the Collective forces converging on his position and with his death imminent the wounded soldier's mind flashed back to how he ended up in this position.

The initial defence for the Shadow Academy orbital platform had never been about defeating the Collective forces but containment instead. Hold the from breaking inside long enough to evacuate personal and critical artefacts that were invaluable for the Brotherhood. The enemy forces were too vast and overwhelming to defeat, and it had been a long and bloody battle to fend off the invading army. Aleck had been fighting on the front, and it was brutal as the Collective's hive-minded soldiers were damn near unbeatable. It was how their minds were linked as a group collective controlled each soldier. Brotherhood scientists had tried to explain it like the soldiers were worker ants and there was a queen ant overseeing everything, but that seemed too tame for what was happening. After fighting and watching the enemy Aleck could only describe them as having one mind with multiple arms to get the job done. He didn't put much thought into it as his focus had been on the here and now. He had been disappointed that their first layer defence broke after only an hour and the invading force made their way deeper into the facilities with 67% of the evacuation completed. It had been losing battle to hold off the Collective as all that hard planning was for nought.

'Karking Murphy's law' Winters gritted his teeth as he waited for the end as his hate-filled eyes stared up at his executioners. However, it seemed that Murphy still wanted him around as its plaything as the Collective's shock troopers were blasted back by an explosion. Unfortunately, he was also caught in the blast and was sent flying back. As his vision blacked out, Winters saw he was being dragged back by some of his soldiers before everything went dark. This blissful darkness was practicality heaven compared to that living hell of fighting and watching his men die. His eyes then shot open as adrenaline began rushing through his system, Winters could feel his heart trying to rip itself out of his ribcage as his eyes darted to the faces of the combat medics patching him up. "The Colonel's going to make it Major Miles," one of the combat medics said to his second-in-command, "his wounds are critical and need to treated urgently, but he is out of this fight." Winters cursed the attrition of this battle having on Brotherhood forces, outmanned and overpowered, and now he was out of this fight as while his wounds were patched for the moment he couldn't continue the fight. He cursed Murphy move as he was carried away from the combat zone as he felt it was his duty as an officer to lead and inspire the men regardless of the outcome of the battle.

No placement
Governor Tierra Suha'sen
File submission
[Option 1] In Opposition entry - 6463.pdf
No placement
General Kell Palpatine Dante
File submission
[Option 1] Delay - Dante - 2407.docx
No placement
Jafits Skrumm
Jafits Skrumm opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement
Dr. Aru Law
File submission
Defending Nesolat.docx
No placement
Agate Gua'lara
Agate Gua'lara opted out of publishing her submission.
No placement
Lucine Vasano
File submission
No placement
Rian Taldrya
File submission
[Option 1] Fiction - In Opposition (by DA Rian Taldrya #10701).pdf
Textual submission

Disclaimer: This piece of fiction contains mild violence in both language and action and may not be suited for all readers, please keep this in mind and read it at your own risk.

No placement
High Inquisitor Hector Von Ricmore
High Inquisitor Hector Von Ricmore opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement
Duke Kojiro Keibatsu Sadow
File submission
[Option2] In Operation Koji 8106.pdf
No placement
Governor Hugo Siphaar
Textual submission

[Option 2] Purge The Platform

Breakthrough, thought the Ongree bigot as his feet touched down on the Nesolat Platform. The Collective had delivered a surprise, soul shattering blow to Brotherhood forces that had left a hole in their defenses. Not the kind that the Doctor was used to patching, rather, one that he could exploit.

"My lord, Oligard," his oddly shaped mouth wheezed within his custom-fitted security armor, "At this rate, the brain of the Brotherhood will belong to the Collective in no time."

"Splendid!" came a hazy reply, "I knew I could count on you!"

The praise tingled Rakkas' narcissistic spine and filled him with an overabundance of confidence as he took up his shield and pointed to one of the platforms entrances with his blade.

"Go!" He shouted and out of the shuttle a group of Hive Marines, in unison, jettisoned from the vessel. "Don't kill them all, I need two of these specimens, alive. Bring them to me." His eyes rotated on their stalks as he flipped a dead body over onto its back with the sole of his boot. "Vile."

Like a wave of destruction the Collective forces washed over the platform. Turbolasers and blaster fire seemed to be as numerous as the stars as Rakkas stalked forward with his trademark limp, only to freeze as he heard a familiar hum coming from behind. The wily Doctor was trained to recognize the energetic moan of Lightsabers and if he had lips, a smile would have creased his face.

Atlast, he thought as he charged forward, crossing the threshold of the entrance as the hum grew louder behind him, sealed inside as his blade lashed out at the control panel rendering it useless in a cascade of sparks.

"You've made a fatal error in thinking I would be an easy target." The Ongree turned to face the sound. "Magnificent, I'll give you that." He hissed, eyeing the fierce red blade of a young Human. "Are you a student?" Rakkas asked, his words were poison. "Or something more?"

The young Human was clearly a novice as he fanned his blade and flashed an arrogant smile that had failed to impress the Doctor as intended, an inexperienced rush would follow.

As the Human slid forward and lunged, Rakkas saw the attack from various angles and took advantage of the strongest weakness he perceived. A side step allowed him to easily dodge the lightsaber and with his shield, he smashed into the Human's over extended elbow. The Novice growled in pain and dropped his weapon as the shield shifted and swept his legs.

The Ongree smelled a fresh kill and really couldn't stop himself as his hatred guided his blade through the neck of the fallen, the floor becoming a chopping block. The blonde-haired head rolled and the Doctor scoffed at the ease at which he dispatched his foe.

"Surely someone here will offer a challenge. What are the Force Sensitive cretins learning here?"

The towering creature pushed deeper inside the facility, following piles of bodies left in the wake of his Marines' bloody advance. His eyes rotated within his helmet as he saw rows of unattended archives. A sense achievement welled up inside him as the secrets of the Brotherhood, the Sith, the Force were at his disposal.

Collective troops collected their spoils, what they deemed valuable data, and destroyed the rest. An evacuation sequence triggered, the Academy forces were pulling back, undoubtedly because they were caught off guard and feeling somewhat defenseless.

"Take what you can, we will destroy this facility once and for all." The doctor shouted into his comm-link. A "Yessir," was the only necessary response from those wading into the fray with him.

"Lord Oligard himself will be arriving shortly, he'll want to see this personally."

"See what, sir?"

"The schematics to every Brotherhood facility, their infrastructure, military strategies, the very life-blood of our enemy."

No placement
Crysenia Orainn
File submission
[option 2]In Opposition GJW XIV.pdf
No placement
Councillor Turel Sorenn
File submission
Option 2 - Flashing Before Your Eyes.pdf
Textual submission

POV: A Partisan

No placement
Ambassador Revak K'Urr
Ambassador Revak K'Urr opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement
Ethan Martes
File submission
[GJW XIV Phase I] Fiction - In Opposition (Option 1).docx
No placement
Tyga Orn Nilim
Tyga Orn Nilim opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement
Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir
File submission
Objective 1_ No Opposition.pdf
No placement
General Kenath Zoron Ad Vizsla
File submission
[Option 1]In Opposition - Zoron - 13820.doc
No placement
Lord Marick Tyris Arconae
File submission
Marick Tyris_Fiction 1_10214.pdf
No placement
Grand Inquisitor Arden Karn di Plagia
File submission
No placement
Fist Uji Tameike
File submission
[Option 1] Strike Team Smash and Stab (1).pdf
No placement
Warlord Hades
File submission
[Option 1]Hades #8596.docx
No placement
Aylin Sajark
File submission
Option 1 - Artifact Rescue.pdf
No placement
Mistress Aphotis
File submission
[Option 2][GJW XIV Phase I] Fiction - In Opposition (ALAISY).pdf
Textual submission

Writing from NPC (Option 2) Reaver Rakkas Kat. PDF Attached.

No placement
Master Bentre Stahoes
File submission
[Option 1]GJW14_Phase1_Opposition_Dossier14185.pdf
No placement
Colonel Shanree Argentin
File submission
[Option 1] Echoes of the Past.pdf
No placement
Master Dracaryis
File submission
[Option 1]DracimeanKalanFiction.docx
No placement
Aurora "Aura" Ta'var
File submission
[Purge The Platform] We Are Collective.pdf
Textual submission

Writing from collective npc view.

No placement
Magik opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement
Marcus Armani
File submission
GJW XIV In Opposition [Option 1].pdf
No placement
Professor Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar
File submission
Textual submission

Option 1

No placement
Ghost Rulvak Qurroc
File submission
[Option 2]In Opposition.pdf
No placement
Warlord Khryso Mallus
File submission
In Opposition [Option 1].pdf
No placement