Competition: Great Jedi War XIV: Homefront

Great Jedi War XIV: Homefront

GJW XIV: Homefront

The Collective has finally arrived on the Brotherhood’s doorstep, and has arrived in full force. While the Grand Master prepares Arx’s defenses, and calls on the Clans of the Brotherhood and their allies for support. A full scale battle quickly erupts high above the planet’s surface below its powerful shield gate.

Conflict has finally come to the Arx system. The final outcome is guaranteed to have a lasting impact on all sides, with potential for massive loss. Your own actions will help determine the fate of the Brotherhood and its allies.

Homefront is a Dark Brotherhood Vendetta Event, running from May 30th to July 8th.

For the most up to date information, please visit the Great Jedi War XIV Wiki Page

Event Phases

  • Phase I of the Great Jedi War runs from May 30 until June 15
  • Phase II of the Great Jedi War runs from June 20 until July 8


Competitions in each Phase are divided into competition types, or 'bins'. The first time a member participates in a competition within a Phase's bin, that member is awarded the participation points associated with that bin. In addition, members earn bonus participation points by participating in at least one competition in each bin achieving full participation for that phase.

Phase I and Phase II will each grant an additional 3 participation points for completing all bins in a phase, while the Event Long Phase will grant an additional 6 participation points for completing all bins. Individual competitions still award seals and credits, and members will earn Novae if they place in the top three and placement points for top 10 in most competitions.

Theaters and Theater Combatants

Theaters are key locations where the most intense fighting in the Arx System is occurring. The three Theaters are Nesolat Platform, Mattock Station and the Godless Matron. More detailed information on theaters are available in fiction updates and in the prompt for the Event Long run-on competition.

In addition to usage in the run-on, we have started a voluntary program called Theater Combatants. As described previously, members may volunteer one of their characters to be present at a specific Theater for the use of other writers. This is not binding to the volunteer (that is, they can write the character anywhere), and they are not bound by what is done to the character by other authors. However, writers are free to use any Theater Combatants in any encounter within a Theater they write.

  • To sign up to be a Theater Combatant, follow this link here.
  • To view Theater Combatants, follow this link here.

Placement and Hero Titles

Clans earn points when members participate in competition types/bins and when members place in a competition. In accordance with the directives governing Vendetta Events in the Brotherhood, the Clan with the most points at the conclusion of Great Jedi War XIV will be named First Clan of the Brotherhood, while the Clan with the second and third most points will be name Second Clan and Third Clan respectively.

The top three individuals earning the most points in Great Jedi War XIV will be awarded War Hero titles. Members with tie scores will be broken following an Olympic-style Novae and placement ranking.

The rules for placement in individual sub-competitions are covered within their individual descriptions below.

The weight for placement of each competition is described within the competition.

Quick Reference Links

Competition Information
Organized by
Howlader Taldrya, Telaris "Mav" Cantor, Lord Nevan Taelyan, Ascendant James Lucius Entar, Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae, Master Selika Roh di Plagia, Lord Idris Adenn, Raiheaux, Lord Dacien Victae, Darth Renatus
Running time
2020-05-30 until 2020-07-08 (about 1 month)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
None/Other (Manually Awarded)
178 subscribers, of which 178 have participated.
Bin Overview
Title Status Running time Placement Value
[GJW XIV Event Long] Fiction
Participating in a competition in this bin for the first time awards 6 points for your Clan.
The Tragedy of Darth Panda the Pantsless Finished 2020-05-30 - 2020-07-08 (about 1 month) 7.0%
Small Team Co-op Fiction Finished 2020-05-30 - 2020-07-08 (about 1 month) 14.0%
Clan-Wide Run On Defense of Arx Finished 2020-05-30 - 2020-07-08 (about 1 month) 6.0%
[GJW XIV Event Long] Gaming
Participating in a competition in this bin for the first time awards 4 points for your Clan.
Heroes of the Storm Bracket Finished 2020-05-30 - 2020-07-08 (about 1 month) 13.0%
Jedi Academy Bracket Finished 2020-05-30 - 2020-07-08 (about 1 month) 13.0%
PvP Ladder Finished 2020-05-30 - 2020-07-08 (about 1 month) 10.0%
[GJW XIV Event Long] Multimedia
Participating in a competition in this bin for the first time awards 6 points for your Clan.
Puzzle: GJW Edition Finished 2020-05-30 - 2020-07-08 (about 1 month) 5.0%
Technological Distinctiveness Finished 2020-05-30 - 2020-07-08 (about 1 month) 8.0%
Comic Finished 2020-05-30 - 2020-07-08 (about 1 month) 12.0%
Battle Plan Finished 2020-05-30 - 2020-07-08 (about 1 month) 12.0%
[GJW XIV Phase II] Fiction and Audiobook
Participating in a competition in this bin for the first time awards 5 points for your Clan.
The Front Lines Finished 2020-06-20 - 2020-07-08 (19 days) 21.0%
Voice Acting Audiobook Finished 2020-06-20 - 2020-07-08 (19 days) 14.0%
[GJW XIV Phase II] Gaming
Participating in a competition in this bin for the first time awards 3 points for your Clan.
Swords Are Generally Better Than Math Finished 2020-06-20 - 2020-07-08 (19 days) 6.0%
Destiny 2 Finished 2020-06-20 - 2020-07-08 (19 days) 11.0%
BF2 Starfighter Assault Finished 2020-06-20 - 2020-07-08 (19 days) 11.0%
[GJW XIV Phase II] Graphics and Miscellaneous
Participating in a competition in this bin for the first time awards 3 points for your Clan.
Hunt the Jedi Finished 2020-06-20 - 2020-07-08 (19 days) 5.0%
Codebreaker II Finished 2020-06-20 - 2020-07-08 (19 days)
War Trivia Finished 2020-06-20 - 2020-07-08 (19 days) 6.0%
Battlefield Arx Finished 2020-06-20 - 2020-07-08 (19 days) 11.0%
Fire In The Sky Finished 2020-06-20 - 2020-07-08 (19 days) 15.0%
[GJW XIV Phase I] Fiction
Participating in a competition in this bin for the first time awards 5 points for your Clan.
Combat Writing Finished 2020-05-30 - 2020-06-15 (17 days) 13.0%
In Opposition Finished 2020-05-30 - 2020-06-15 (17 days) 17.0%
The Old Tongue Finished 2020-05-30 - 2020-06-15 (17 days) 10.0%
[GJW XIV Phase I] Gaming
Participating in a competition in this bin for the first time awards 3 points for your Clan.
Who Made Math a Game? Finished 2020-05-30 - 2020-06-15 (17 days) 6.0%
The Old Republic Conquest Points Finished 2020-05-30 - 2020-06-16 (18 days) 11.0%
Diablo 3 Challenge Rift Finished 2020-05-30 - 2020-06-15 (17 days) 11.0%
[GJW XIV Phase I] Graphics and Miscellaneous
Participating in a competition in this bin for the first time awards 3 points for your Clan.
XKDB 2: The Sequel Finished 2020-05-30 - 2020-06-15 (17 days) 11.0%
Persistence of Vision Finished 2020-05-30 - 2020-06-15 (17 days) 15.0%
In A Galaxy Far, Far Away Finished 2020-05-30 - 2020-06-15 (17 days) 6.0%
Codebreaker I Finished 2020-05-30 - 2020-06-15 (17 days)
Place Name Score
1st Governor Tierra Suha'sen Score: 2099.784887
2nd A deleted dossier Score: 1973.059361
3rd Qyreia Arronen Score: 1514.966257
4th Ghost Rulvak Qurroc Score: 1397.763655
5th Mistress Aphotis Score: 1353.981935
6th Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir Score: 1321.645694
7th Nikora Rhan Score: 1224.58015
8th Aedile Tali Sroka Score: 1038.489427
9th General Ronovi Tavisaen Score: 928.2665566
10th Moff Alethia Archenksova Score: 884.3411026
11th Lord Marick Tyris Arconae Score: 848.6544443
12th Aurora "Aura" Ta'var Score: 805.1527968
13th Sera Kaern Score: 798.5673385
14th General Zentru'la Score: 775.9818102
15th Fist Uji Tameike Score: 771.6771701
16th Elyon de Neverse Score: 751.7915394
17th Master Seraine "Erinyes" Taldrya Ténama Score: 708.7562517
18th Master Alaris Jinn Score: 615.6698312
19th Archian Score: 589.456953
20th Jafits Skrumm Score: 563.8861018
21st Cymbre Kall Score: 556.0164482
22nd Lu'aisha Gresee Score: 535.8117316
23rd Aylin Sajark Score: 527.8538047
24th Agate Gua'lara Score: 520.626734
25th Rear Admiral Arcia Cortel Score: 482.3173969
26th Councillor Turel Sorenn Score: 473.9499959
27th Dr. Aru Law Score: 469.0705423
28th General Stres'tron'garmis Score: 460.8892291
29th Combat Master "Aequitas" Anderson Score: 437.968484
30th Sage Cassandra Oriana Taldrya Score: 436.231339
31st Master Dracaryis Score: 431.2134396
32nd Colonel Len Iode Score: 417.0925108
33rd Mako Henymory Score: 393.6036485
34th General Kenath Zoron Ad Vizsla Score: 374.0664325
35th Rian Taldrya Score: 366.8224736
36th Doctor Avery Erinos Watson Score: 364.095487
37th Colonel Shanree Argentin Score: 361.2115987
38th General Zxyl Bes'uliik Score: 342.5095304
39th Jael Valsi Chi'ra Score: 339.7394627
40th Grand Inquisitor Arden Karn di Plagia Score: 335.9363205
41st Seer A'lora Kituri Score: 329.2618063
42nd Warlord Khryso Mallus Score: 326.516857
43rd Proconsul Diyrian "Diy" Grivna Score: 325.4769151
44th Ghost Edgar Drachen Score: 320.5222939
45th Dr. Giyana Jurro Score: 319.3517935
46th Grot Score: 313.3295464
47th Valhavoc Ad Vizsla Score: 308.7648655
48th Lucine Vasano Score: 290.4157391
49th A deleted dossier Score: 287.5028612
50th Daro Vane Score: 276.8838479
51st Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu Score: 273.0588027
52nd Ambassador Revak K'Urr Score: 268.5368191
53rd Meleu Karthdo Score: 265.1808049
54th Tomora Nay'ek Score: 255.1648823
55th Warlord Brimstone aka Seabr'imsto'nedansr Score: 254.7471198
56th General Daniel Stephens Score: 254.1507689
57th Tribune Kanal O'neill Score: 249.8167583
58th Marcus Armani Score: 248.2727479
59th Mandalorian Darcy Avarik Score: 233.9610558
60th Grand Master Declan Roark Score: 233.0488172
61st Raider Jon Silvon Score: 230.1644128
62nd Kelviin Score: 216.5798723
63rd Adept DarkHawk Sadow Score: 211.055243
64th Adept Tahiri Thorn Morte Tarentae Score: 208.0329711
64th TuQ’uan Varick di Plagia Score: 208.0329711
66th Obelisk Adherent Rrogon Skar Agrona Score: 204.2581632
67th A deleted dossier Score: 198.1931823
68th Chronicler Arcadia “Caid” Skålson Score: 198.0329711
69th Envoy Taranae Rhode Score: 197.0329711
70th Bryar Bowl Champion Benevolent Taldrya Whiner Score: 192.4551779
71st Zodac Polcim Score: 191.2885729
72nd Duke Kojiro Keibatsu Sadow Score: 189.7127558
73rd Dr. Rhylance Score: 182.1345161
74th Warlord Hades Score: 178.9774515
75th Maximus Alvinius Score: 176.8159416
76th Jorad Erinos Score: 175.3769273
77th Darth Aeternus Score: 173.1121532
78th Dasha Talus Score: 168.673816
79th blackhawk Score: 167.0329711
80th Watchman Lontra Boglach Score: 166.0937905
81st Savant Zuser Whuloc Score: 164.0329711
81st Fenrir Score: 164.0329711
83rd Mandalorian Dral Falgorth Score: 162.9288646
84th Advisor Reiden Palpatine Karr Score: 159.6941426
85th Aiden Dru Score: 157.7144691
86th Master Zsarion Bloodfyre Score: 153.0693025
87th Warlord Etah Obsidyn Score: 152.4697828
88th Magik Score: 149.0592194
89th Hilgrif Score: 148.7144691
90th High Inquisitor Hector Von Ricmore Score: 142.4736605
91st Adept Farrin Xies Tarentae Score: 133.8380285
92nd Aedile Raistlin Score: 121.950293
93rd Vahrosa De Score: 121.6432919
94th Tassk Adroc Score: 119.6337754
95th Junazee Score: 112.1687363
96th Seer Xolarin Score: 106.6027831
97th Warlord Furios Morega di Plagia Score: 105.5389125
98th Master Bentre Stahoes Score: 103.8372464
99th Montresor Score: 100.0934701
100th Tyga Orn Nilim Score: 99.8562743
101st Ryan Hawkins Score: 95.79129343
102nd Malisane Sadow Score: 87.57010256
103rd Leeadra Halcyon Score: 87.14020511
104th Strategos Thanatos Entar Arconae Score: 82.72839329
105th Crysenia Orainn Score: 82.05697842
106th Hand of the Emperor Korvyn Score: 76.09347008
107th Lambow Score: 75.79129343
108th Aldaric Score: 75.63104426
109th General Kell Palpatine Dante Score: 74.54977601
110th Blade Mistress Shadow Nighthunter Score: 71.30752819
111th Tasha'Vel Versea Score: 66.26714381
112th Timeros Caesus Entar Arconae Score: 66.24661855
113th Professor Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar Score: 62.84248196
114th Kaz Raith Score: 61.58157229
115th Shayna Phantom Score: 59.50692061
116th Archpriestess Aay'han Agrona Beviin Score: 54.67758777
117th Lokast Falls Score: 52.37131895
118th Ghost Luka Zarkot Score: 50.41115959
119th Master Malik Sadow Score: 50.3084188
120th Val Skyg Score: 49.57010256
121st Irhan Lo'Vex Score: 47.43822032
122nd Dakor Terro'k Score: 46.40610913
123rd Adept Macron Goura Sadow Score: 43.57010256
124th Master Mune Cinteroph Score: 42.78132728
125th Boss Ragnar Kul Score: 42
126th Creon Neverse Score: 40
127th Peacekeeper Zeon Blacktooth Score: 39.42908266
128th Xendar Thendaris Score: 34
128th Warlord Tracinya Beviin Entar Score: 34
130th Epis Locke Sonjie Score: 32.01859931
131st Battlemaster Karran Val'teo Score: 30
132nd Corax "Baron" Zarjin Score: 29.11646752
133rd Lumyi Hicyl Score: 26
133rd Battlelord Ra'gnar Score: 26
135th Wagglehorn Score: 24.7020683
136th Ashia Kagan Keibatsu Score: 20
136th Malevek Score: 20
136th Ethan Martes Score: 20
136th Warlord Robert Sadow Score: 20
140th Jalen Ramz Score: 18.42045924
141st Captain Aryn "Jade" Erinos-Magnuri Score: 18
141st Jashashi "Vesh" Zaes Score: 18
141st Raistline Taldrya Majere Score: 18
141st Azmodius Equesinfernum Score: 18
141st Warlord Pel Tarentae Score: 18
141st Reiyden Rosenau Score: 18
147th Scarlet Agna Score: 15
148th Rivio Rosan Score: 14
149th Silent Score: 13
150th Supreme Chancellor Ood Bnar Score: 12
150th Armad Score: 12
150th Reaper Heiken Akechi Score: 12
150th Battlelord Mateus Kelborn Score: 12
150th Nijalah Score: 12
150th Lord Halcyon Score: 12
150th Proconsul Mihoshi Keibatsu Score: 12
157th Adept Xantros Score: 11
158th Yud Score: 10
158th Exodius Score: 10
160th Padawan Tisto Kingang Score: 9
160th A deleted dossier Score: 9
160th Catmatui Score: 9
160th Rakhai Score: 9
164th Ashura Isradia Sadow Score: 8
164th Mandalorian Malodin'Tater Score: 8
166th Sage Enzo Dek Score: 7
167th Zel Koo Score: 6
167th Alexander DelGotto Score: 6
167th Bliss Score: 6
167th Vuxox Doveo Score: 6
167th Driftan Balephor Score: 6
167th Callus Bo'amar Score: 6
167th Warlord Kai Movar Score: 6
167th Zanothi Nightblade Score: 6
167th Zul Zorrander Score: 6
167th Kano Tor Tydex Score: 6
177th Terran Koul Score: 4
178th Xeno camber Score: 3
178th Ranger Revs Score: 3
178th Ala'ar Rinn Score: 3
178th Zed Score: 3
178th Sa Ool Score: 3