Competition: [GJW XIV Phase II] Fiction and Audiobook - Voice Acting Audiobook

[GJW XIV Phase II] Fiction and Audiobook - Voice Acting Audiobook
This competition is in the [GJW XIV Phase II] Fiction and Audiobook Bin. Participating in a competition in this bin for the first time awards 5 points for your Clan. Cumulatively, the placements in this competition are worth 14.0% of placement points in this Phase. See the parent competition for detailed rules.


You and your team are to submit an audio entry that, through voice acting and even ambience, captures a portion of the GJW story or a new story written for the GJW. A team, for example, may read and act out a portion of the GJW plotline or a single member might narrate a fiction submission from another competition.

Quality of the recording itself is not a grading criteria and best efforts will be made to judge the entries while taking into account language barriers and accents.

Team Size

  • 1 to 8 members

How to Submit

  • The narrated text should be equivalent to a minimum of 500 words of text
  • Any audio format file
  • Include a transcript or link to published fiction provided in the submission box or as a .txt/.doc/.docx/.pdf file
  • If submitting multiple files, you'll need to zip them together

How we are Grading

This competition will be graded on the following using a 5 point scale for each:

  • Overall Performance Quality
  • Performer Enthusiasm
  • Submission Effort
  • Entertainment

Useful Tools

Competition Information
Parent Competition
Great Jedi War XIV: Homefront
Organized by
Darth Renatus, Telaris "Mav" Cantor
Running time
2020-06-20 until 2020-07-08 (19 days)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
48 subscribers, of which 44 have participated.
Elyon de Neverse
Textual submission

Manually added by Adept Atra Ventus

1st place
1st place
Nikora Rhan
Nikora Rhan
Textual submission

Manually added by Adept Atra Ventus

1st place
Moff Alethia Archenksova
Textual submission

Manually added by Adept Atra Ventus

1st place
Governor Hugo Siphaar
Textual submission

Manually added by Adept Atra Ventus

1st place
Aurora "Aura" Ta'var
Textual submission

Manually added by Adept Atra Ventus

1st place
Governor Tierra Suha'sen
File submission
Textual submission



Tarvitz - Narrator
Aura - Selika
Gui - Telaris
Arch - Crew member #1
Elyon - Crew member #2
Vyr - Editor

Music - Battlefront 2
Sound effects - Open source or from Star Wars movies

1st place
2nd place
Textual submission

Manually added by Adept Atra Ventus

2nd place
Lord Marick Tyris Arconae
File submission
Textual submission

Narrator - Read by Marick Tyris #10214
Kelviin- Voiced/Modulated by Kelviin #14789
Marick Tyris - Voiced by Sashar Ernios #1612

Editing/Mixdown by Marick Tyris

Link to transcript:

Link to formal fiction entry:

2nd place
2nd place
Jorad Erinos
Jorad Erinos
Textual submission

Manually added by Adept Atra Ventus

2nd place
Bryar Bowl Champion Benevolent Taldrya Whiner
Textual submission

Zip is too large to upload, so I put it on Google Drive:
Let me know if there are any issues accessing it.

The audiobook is in the .mp3 file (duh). The notes for this version along with sfx credits are in the PDF labelled "Script Version". The story I based it off of is the "Option 3..." pdf.

Why did I spend hours on this dumb joke?

3rd place
4th place
Cymbre Kall
Cymbre Kall
Cymbre Kall opted out of publishing her submission.
4th place
Aedile Tali Sroka
Aedile Tali Sroka opted out of publishing her submission.
5th place
5th place
Sera Kaern
Sera Kaern
File submission
5th place
5th place
File submission
5th place
Mistress Aphotis
File submission
Textual submission

See Zip file.

5th place
Ghost Rulvak Qurroc
File submission
Textual submission

My entry is from Chapter 1 of GJW XIV: Homefront. The link to the PDF is below, and the excerpt is further below that.

“Clear the floor. Prepare the test subjects.”

Gwendolyn’s clear, authoritative voice boomed through the comms of the room. She
frantically turned back to her datapad, swiping, typing, pressing in final preparations.
All the while she hopped in place with giddy anticipation. This project had begun
years prior, well before her mentor, Daggo Mouk, had been killed on the Meridian
Space Station. Many of her comrades thought the project would be unable to
proceed without his genius.

They were in a part of the deepest portion of the complex, buried near the core of
the asteroid that housed it. It was officially designated the “Demonstration of
Emergent Machinery and Organic Neurological Systems” room. Among the
lower-ranking members of the Collective’s forces it was more commonly talked
about in hushed tones as the “freak show.”

The room was massive, capable of modular customization for all manner of
necessary demonstrations. From an active battleground in any environment to
anti-gravity, it could do it all. Above, ringing the room, was the viewing deck, thick
glass protecting those who had gathered for today’s demonstration.

Today it was filled with all of the upper echelons of the Collective leadership.

Varryn Antillus paced, eyes never leaving the main floor.

“We don’t need this,” he said mostly to himself as he turned in place. Avitus slouched
deep in his seat, blinking his tired eyes.

“It is putting the things we bought off Hawee’s group to good use. Any advantage is
a good one,” Avitus said. Varryn stopped pacing and faced the ghostly man.

“A little goodwill and a lot of junk at the cost of who knows how many credits isn’t an
advantage, Avitus. Those credits could have been used elsewhere,” Varryn

“Our little replacement for Nancora is developing well enough as is, Varryn. It is
beneficial to sow many seeds. Anyone of them might grow into the thing that finally
brings us total victory,” Rath Oligard interjected from the shadows. He stepped in
and took a seat next to his cousin. His amber eyes greedily eyed the demonstration
floor. A small group of captured Brotherhood soldiers had just been released,
complete with the weapons they had when captured, into the room.

The lights on the viewing deck dimmed as Gwendolyn “Sparks” entered the room.

“Gentlemen please take your seats,” she said with a slight bow. Like Rath, she
hungrily eyed the floor before them.

“Despite some... setbacks over the last few years, we within the Technocratic Guild
are pleased to announce the next step in the evolution of our soldiers. We have
achieved full AI integration,” she continued. As she finished she pressed a button on
her datapad. A soft, soothing artificial voice spoke as a half dozen Collective soldiers
made their way into the room.

“Syncing in process... Activation successful.”

The captured Brotherhood soldiers opened fire while the Collective forces moved as
one. Like a perfectly rehearsed dance, they evaded, fired, fought. One would shoot
blind but accurately hit due to the sight of one of his fellows. Within seconds it was
over. Sparks smiled and pressed another button.

An opening in one of the walls slid silently aside, and there was a blur as several
Tuk'ata rushed in. Like the captured soldiers before them, they too fell within
seconds of effortless coordination between the six Collective troops. Sparks’ smile
grew as she pressed another button. Another wall opposite of the first slid open.

Half of the leaders on the viewing deck excitedly jumped to their feet as a Terentatek
came roaring into the room. The soldiers didn’t even hesitate in their movements,
turning simultaneously to fight the beast.

It too fell, and the viewing deck erupted into applause.

“That isn’t all,” Sparks said as the six men began to leave the demonstration floor.
One stopped and stood in place while his fellows continued out of the room. Before
the door closed behind them, they all opened fire on their ally who fell dead
instantly. Within seconds his corpse was engulfed in an explosion. The thick windows
of the viewing deck cracked as shrapnel embedded in it. Rath Oligard placed a hand
on Sparks’ shoulder.

“That... That was incredible. With this AI, our rebuilt forces, and that broken fool back
where he belongs we will finally destroy the Brotherhood once and for all,” he said.

6th place
Grand Inquisitor Arden Karn di Plagia
Textual submission

Manually added by Adept Atra Ventus

7th place
Master Alaris Jinn
Textual submission

Manually added by Adept Atra Ventus

7th place
7th place
Marcus Armani
Marcus Armani
Textual submission

Manually added by Adept Atra Ventus

7th place
General Ronovi Tavisaen
File submission
Textual submission

Participants were Ronovi Tavisaen, Alaris Jinn, Gaius Julius Caesar, and Arden Karn di Plagia.

7th place
Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir
Textual submission

Partnered with Junazee, please see her submission and upload for our team.

8th place
8th place
File submission
Textual submission

Chapter 2 Audiobook Presented by myself and Atyiru Ceasura Entra Arconea of Clan Arcona!

8th place
Lu'aisha Gresee
Lu'aisha Gresee opted out of publishing her submission.
9th place
10th place
Warlord Hades
Warlord Hades
Textual submission

Manually added by Grand Master Telaris "Mav" Cantor

10th place
Warlord Etah Obsidyn
Textual submission

Manually added by Adept Atra Ventus

10th place
Adept DarkHawk Sadow
Textual submission

Manually added by Adept Atra Ventus

10th place
Tasha'Vel Versea
Textual submission

Entry submitted by team member

10th place
Master Bentre Stahoes
File submission
Textual submission

Team Not Batman includes Etah Obisdyn, Hades, Takagari "Darkhawk" KogaRyu, Tasha'Vel Versea and Bentre Sadow.
We hope you enjoy!

10th place
Duke Kojiro Keibatsu Sadow
File submission
Koji 8106 story
Textual submission

Text can be found here:

No placement
Master Dracaryis
File submission
Drac Reads Some Fiction For Participation Credit.mp3
Textual submission

I read this. Audio File attached.

No placement
Adept Tahiri Thorn Morte Tarentae
File submission
[GJW XIV Phase 2] Fiction -
Textual submission

This is my narration of my Phase 1 combat fiction. A copy of the fiction and the recording itself is in the zip file.
Thank you.

No placement
Adept Farrin Xies Tarentae
File submission
Audiobook GJW14 - Farrin
Textual submission

The text is a selection from a group fiction being submitted for this war. The text of this selection was written by myself as well as Kalan Amak (Drac).

No placement
Dr. Rhylance
Dr. Rhylance opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement
Councillor Turel Sorenn
Councillor Turel Sorenn opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement
Ambassador Revak K'Urr
Ambassador Revak K'Urr opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement
Montresor opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement
Tribune Kanal O'neill
File submission
Textual submission

No placement
High Inquisitor Hector Von Ricmore
File submission
New Recording.m4a
Textual submission

Major Hector Ricmore
Clan Vizsla
Eos City, Arx

Eos City was filled with pure and utter chaos. Soldiers moved to their assigned points, medics and volunteers carried the injured to field hospitals, while others carried munitions to defensive positions. The air was filled with flashes of blaster cannon fire and the occasional explosion when one of the anti air weapons managed to shoot down a Collective fighter. With the sheer amount of ships fielded by The Collective keeping the ships from performing bombing runs was the best the AA could do.

Within one of the few designated landing zones sat a GX1 Diplomatic Short Hauler named Ship. The ship lowered its ramp allowing a red armored figure to emerge. The figure exited the ship before waving and calling to one of the passing soldiers.

“Thank you for coming. Major Ricmore here with a few crates of medical supplies, ammunition, and several E Web emplacements. Where do you want them?”

“Bring the medical supplies to the nearest field hospital. You can find it if you take the left exit out of the landing zone and make a right. Bring the E Web and ammo to wherever you were posted.”

“Are you sure that’s the best place to put it? We could-”

“I need to get going. It’ll be fine.”

The soldier left in a hurry, no doubt moving to his assigned post.

Hector walked back into the Ship and picked up one of the medical crates. He began moving towards the field hospital. Pausing a moment, he activated his commlink and contacted the Deathwatch Artillery Battalion.

“Major Ricmore checking in, how’s everyone holding up?”

“Got tired of hanging with the flyboys major?”

“Ha! You wish. Nah figured I could do more good planetside than against the Collective fleet. Besides I’ve got a plan that I could use your help with.”

The comm unit crackled with a variety of responses from the men and women of the Battalion.

“Count me in major.”

“Are we going to blow something up again?”

“Getting back at the Collective? You don’t need to even ask.”

The Zygerrian let out a pleased smirk. “Happy to hear the approval. Now I’m certain you all have realized that the Collective lacks any proper transports for their infantry, they need to land capital ships in order to offload any of their troops.”

He paused for a minute as he dropped off the crate of medical supplies.

“Landing their capital ships puts them at risk from our artillery and heavy weapons platforms. Many of which are currently occupied with the swarms of fighters above the city but I have a plan to deal with them.”

“Is it dangerous or stupid?”

“I’m hurt that you would jump to that conclusion.”

“Is it dangerous or stupid?”

Hector let out a huff. “Dangerous, but only to me. Normally it would also affect allied pilots but the Iron Legion’s orders to keep the skies clear still stands.”

“What could possibly be a risk to all allied fighters?”

“Massive Emp detonation.”

“Are you mad? You could cripple our entire comm network!”

“As long as the transmitters are outside the range it should be fine. The ships should be high enough to ensure that happens. If not, the Collective will be just as hampered as we are and we can deal with it then. I’ll need some volunteers to help unload my ship and load the emp devices onboard.”

Some of the battalion agreed. The supplies were offloaded, the E Webs set up in strategic positions, and the emp devices brought onto the ship.

As some of the volunteers were returning to their positions Hector noticed a short Pantoran walking towards him.

“Hello there! Major Ricmore right?”
“Yes, can I help you?”

“Ah, you can call me Sei. Bossman heard about your plan and sent me in case things go wrong. I’m a scout, I’ll be your eyes and ears on the Collective.”

The Strategist nodded. “A bit of insurance couldn’t hurt. I want you with the Deathwatch Artillery Battalion by the Proton artillery. The vantage point will allow you to have eyes and the Collective and you can act as a spotter if needed.”

The Pantoran was practically vibrating with excitement. “Yessir, I’ll be on my ways now.”
He turned and bolted towards his assigned position.

Hector shook his head mirthfully before climbing onto the Diplomatic Short Hauler. Strapping himself in, he turned on the ship before lifting off into the air.

The Collective fighters were on him in moments, blaster fire ripping through the light armor of his ship.

Unbuckling his harness, Hector quickly ran towards the small hangar within his ship. Opening the cockpit of the escape craft, the Zygerrian all but threw himself into his V wing, Ship within a Ship.

The pilot opened the hangar doors and flew out into the atmosphere.

Some of the Collective fighters broke formation to chase. He couldn’t allow that.

Activating his commlink, Hector contacted his Deathwatch allies. “Activate the EMP now.”

“We can’t. You aren’t clear of the blast radius!”

“Just activate it now!” The Zygerrian yelled.

A distant explosion alerted Hector that his order had been followed. His descent towards the planet's surface became a chaotic death spiral as he lost all control over his ship.

“Son of a Kath Hound.”

Beep beep beep beep

Alarms sounded throughout the ship as the pilot struggled to regain any semblance of control over his vessel. Rebooting the system, Hector was able to nudge the ship just enough to avoid smash into a building, instead the V wing clipped the side and began to spin out of control.

The Zygerrian wrestled with the controls, desperately trying to end the spinning and fix the ships descent. The ship continued to spin until it smashed into the ground and everything went black.

Some time later

Hector awoke to the bright red light of a flare shining above the crash site. Blinking his eyes at the harsh light he attempted to get up, only to collapse as a sharp pain ripped through his chest.

“You doing okay down there buddy?”

Raising his head towards the voice Hector saw a head of purple hair and pale blue skin illuminated by the flare.

Sei reached down and pried open the cockpit. Placing his arms under Hector’s armpits, he lifted him up and out of the ship. As he lifted Hector, the Zygerrian’s boot caught the edge of the ship, causing them both to tumble to the ground.

“Aaargh” He shouted in pain.

The Pantoran got up and rushed over. “Kriff, sorry man. You really aren’t looking so good.”

The pair heard footsteps and voices growing closer. Sei got up and called “Oi! We’re over here”

Hector’s eyes widened in alarm. “Wait! We don’t know if their friendly”

Sei crouched down and patted Hector on the shoulder. “Don’t worry about it big guy. You crashed closer to our lines. Besides, your plan seemed to have worked out perfectly. With the fighters blown straight to the afterlife our cannons were able to focus on their ground forces. Their armor can’t get near our lines and we’re holding quite well thanks to the E Webs you brought.”

The footsteps grew even closer and revealed a strike team of Vizsla troops. They gathered around the pair and lifted Hector up before carrying him to a field hospital.

No placement
General Kenath Zoron Ad Vizsla
File submission
GJW14 - Voice
No placement
Combat Master "Aequitas" Anderson
File submission
Textual submission

Shadow Academy Main Facility
Uskil, Arx
Arx System

Appius Wight had been at the Academy by chance when the Collective Assault on
the system began. With a planetary shield between himself and the conflict, he
stood watching the battle unfold above him. He watched the planetary shield fail,
the shield gate itself exploding in the high atmosphere. He watched as what
appeared to be a Resurgent-class Destroyer broke apart as it entered the
atmosphere elsewhere in the sky above, powerless.

And now, Appius stood watching as the Administrative sections of Nesolat Platform
made landfall at the Shadow Academy. The sky was ablaze with ships entering the
atmosphere above Arx, nearly all heading directly for Eos City on Elos Vrai. He hoped
those on the landing section of the space station would have a quick option to get to
the distant city. The Equite ran toward the docking platforms.

Appius reached an overlook several floors up just as the docking procedure finished,
and those in the landing section were beginning to depart. What he saw was not what he was expecting.

Hundreds of Collective soldiers were pouring out of the landed section of Nesolat
Platform, marching in complete unison. The handful of Iron Legion soldiers at the
Academy were already engaging the enemy but were falling fast.

That was when he saw him. Even from this distance, Appius could tell who it was
wielding a red lightsaber, commanding the Collective forces as they swarmed the
Academy proper.

Evant Taelyan had returned to Arx.
The Taldryanite immediately began to open communications with the Iron Legions.
“They must be going for the tunnels. They lead straight to the Dark Ascent!” was the
response he managed to get back. Appius turned and ran into the great central
spire of the Academy, hoping he could stop the Collective in time.

War Room
Wrath Resurgent-class Star Destroyer
Arx System

The Fist’s scooter slammed into the table, nearly sending the Aleena to the floor.
With too many terminals with too much new information, there was no time for
caution. He had to be fast.
“My Lord, the shields have fallen. The Endeavor has fallen. What is left of Nesolat is
now in a decaying orbit. Mattock Station has lost several major sections. Per your
command, our forces are already making landfall, but so are the Collective. We are
being overrun,” Justinios said. Behind him, the hooded holographic form of the
Grand Master stood still.
“This is not surprising,” Telaris responded. Justinios seemed to not hear him,
however, eyes glued to a new report.
“My…my Lord, they are saying the Collective Forces at the Academy are being led by
Evant! If he leads them to the tunnels, they can pop out anywhere in the city or Dark

The holographic image of the Grand Master nodded, continually unsurprised.

“I am transmitting the primary defensive locations we must hold. It is critical they do
not fall to the Collective. Keep our ships away from Eos itself,” Telaris commanded.
“And what of Evant?”
“Leave my apprentice to me.”
Undisclosed Location
The Seneschal sat back in his chair and closed the holocron, processing what he had
just heard. Priority delivery from the Grand Master was certainly enough to pull him
away from his normal duties.
“4R-C0, please summon my shuttle. I need to gather some old friends,” James said.
He snapped his fingers and the lights went up. Flanked by two of the Grand Master’s
Royal Guard, he walked out of his workshop. He paused a moment to look back
across the sea of combat droids stored there before turning off the lights behind him.

No placement
Professor Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar
File submission
Textual submission

The Collective strikes...
Arx, the seat of the Dark Council of the Brotherhood is under attack.
The Grand Master, Telaris Cantor, has a vision of his new Sith Empire. His vision is
threatened by the bravery of the Collective, yet they give him the chance to strike at them
and snuff them out.
Their attack on Arx has allowed the Clans of the Brotherhood to get revenge on the
Collective for the damage they have done to them across their respective domains.
Can they make it in time to save the Nesolat Platform from destruction?
Or will the machinations of the Technocratic Guild bear fruit and destroy the Brotherhood
once and for all?
Only the members of the Brotherhood can decide...
Sanguinius grumbled as he shuffled the papers on his desk. His status as Professor of the
Department of Lore had enabled him a small private office on the Nesolat Platform to enable
him to study areas of interest that piqued him personally. He liked the feel of the paper
between his fingers, rather than the use of a computer tablet all the time.
He had taken the day off from working to get some study time in and had just sat down to
peruse a particularly interesting piece about the mysteries of some misforgotten sect of
ancient Sith that was of no interest to anyone other than the most tedious of scholars.
Instead he was met with blaring alarms as the platform shuddered under the assault of
landing craft docking with it. Sanguinius refused to hurry as several of his researchers ran
past his office door, towards the nearest escape pods.
He strode towards his door and stuck his head out after the scholars, “I do hope you
remembered to back up the files before you ran off!” the Entar shouted at the retreating
backs of his staff.
The Augur huffed indignantly before making his way back to his desk. He finished sorting out
the papers he had planned to study that day, and filed them away in a thin file container that
fitted nicely in his satchel.
He keyed his comlink into the security feed of the station, demanding the attention of the
security forces on board, but getting no response as they were too busy doing their job to
pay attention to a professor who thought they knew better.
“Nevermind,” Sanguinius muttered as he pocketed the comlink. While the Sadowan was
adept at neutralising Force Users, he wasn’t such a fan of dealing with the mundane. At
least those who weren’t trying to actively kill him. Instead he would focus on making sure his
department’s records would be protected, otherwise Ciara would have a few choice words
for the Anaxsi after this was all done.
The alarms continued to blare as booted feet rang heavily along the corridor outside his
office. Several Shadow Academy security officers ran past Sanguinius’ office, and the Entar
took this as a chance to follow after them.
Well, just after he finished locking up his office. It wouldn’t do to have anyone get inside and
access his personal files. The Sadow entered his code into the keypad, locking the door and
he then hung up an ‘Out of Office’ sign on the door.
“There, that should stop anyone trying to get in.” Sanguinius smiled and nodded to himself.
“Now then, where were those guards going to?”
The Professor looked both ways down the corridor and then looked both ways once more
before shrugging to himself and began walking down the corridor that seemed the most
Whoever was trying to gain access to his office would have hell to pay, the young man
vowed. “It’s probably some students causing trouble and raising havoc again.” he grumbled
as he walked past several more security officers setting up a barricade.
The security officers ignored the Sadowan as he ambled past them, used to the weird
behaviour of many of the members of the Brotherhood, however one of them spoke up.
“Uhh, sir?”
“Hmm?” Sanguinius replied, looking at the officer. “Can I help you, officer?”
“It’s just that we’re under attack, sir. By the Collective, sir. We’re meant to be setting up
areas of resistance to hold the attack off while we wait for reinforcements?”
“Oh my, indeed.” the Sadow replied, “I can see why that would be a problem.” he nodded to
himself and then continued, “Very well, officer. Carry on. I’ll go and do my duty to the
The officer wearily saluted in response as the Entar turned around and went back towards
his office. While doing so, the rest of the security forces completed the barricade and
blocked the corridor.
Sanguinius came to a stop outside his office and looked at the sign stating that he was ‘Out
of Office’. “They can take the platform, they can take the other departments, but they can’t
take my office!” he exclaimed.
It was time to die hard...

No placement
Mandalorian Darcy Avarik
File submission
Voice Acting Audiobook -
No placement
Mako Henymory
File submission
GWJ XIV Voice Acting Occultan's
No placement
Valhavoc Ad Vizsla
Textual submission

It's part of the Chapter 1 Fiction. Link to the Audio in my Google Drive is below. Let me know if you have any issues with it.


Hidden Headquarters
Cor’neria System — Collective Territory
Two weeks ago

“Clear the floor. Prepare the test subjects.”
Gwendolyn’s clear, authoritative voice boomed through the comms of the room. She
frantically turned back to her datapad, swiping, typing, pressing in final preparations.
All the while she hopped in place with giddy anticipation. This project had begun
years prior, well before her mentor, Daggo Mouk, had been killed on the Meridian
Space Station. Many of her comrades thought the project would be unable to
proceed without his genius.

They were in a part of the deepest portion of the complex, buried near the core of
the asteroid that housed it. It was officially designated the “Demonstration of
Emergent Machinery and Organic Neurological Systems” room. Among the
lower-ranking members of the Collective’s forces it was more commonly talked
about in hushed tones as the “freak show.”

The room was massive, capable of modular customization for all manner of
necessary demonstrations. From an active battleground in any environment to
anti-gravity, it could do it all. Above, ringing the room, was the viewing deck, thick
glass protecting those who had gathered for today’s demonstration.

Today it was filled with all of the upper echelons of the Collective leadership.
Varryn Antillus paced, eyes never leaving the main floor.
“We don’t need this,” he said mostly to himself as he turned in place. Avitus slouched
deep in his seat, blinking his tired eyes.
“It is putting the things we bought off Hawee’s group to good use. Any advantage is
a good one,” Avitus said. Varryn stopped pacing and faced the ghostly man.
“A little goodwill and a lot of junk at the cost of who knows how many credits isn’t an
advantage, Avitus. Those credits could have been used elsewhere,” Varryn
“Our little replacement for Nancora is developing well enough as is, Varryn. It is
beneficial to sow many seeds. Anyone of them might grow into the thing that finally
brings us total victory,” Rath Oligard interjected from the shadows. He stepped in
and took a seat next to his cousin. His amber eyes greedily eyed the demonstration
floor. A small group of captured Brotherhood soldiers had just been released,
complete with the weapons they had when captured, into the room.
The lights on the viewing deck dimmed as Gwendolyn “Sparks” entered the room.
“Gentlemen please take your seats,” she said with a slight bow. Like Rath, she
hungrily eyed the floor before them.
“Despite some... setbacks over the last few years, we within the Technocratic Guild
are pleased to announce the next step in the evolution of our soldiers. We have
achieved full AI integration,” she continued. As she finished she pressed a button on
her datapad. A soft, soothing artificial voice spoke as a half dozen Collective soldiers
made their way into the room.
“Syncing in process... Activation successful.”
The captured Brotherhood soldiers opened fire while the Collective forces moved as
one. Like a perfectly rehearsed dance, they evaded, fired, fought. One would shoot
blind but accurately hit due to the sight of one of his fellows. Within seconds it was
over. Sparks smiled and pressed another button.
An opening in one of the walls slid silently aside, and there was a blur as several
Tuk'ata rushed in. Like the captured soldiers before them, they too fell within

seconds of effortless coordination between the six Collective troops. Sparks’ smile
grew as she pressed another button. Another wall opposite of the first slid open.
Half of the leaders on the viewing deck excitedly jumped to their feet as a Terentatek
came roaring into the room. The soldiers didn’t even hesitate in their movements,
turning simultaneously to fight the beast.
It too fell, and the viewing deck erupted into applause.
“That isn’t all,” Sparks said as the six men began to leave the demonstration floor.
One stopped and stood in place while his fellows continued out of the room. Before
the door closed behind them, they all opened fire on their ally who fell dead
instantly. Within seconds his corpse was engulfed in an explosion. The thick windows
of the viewing deck cracked as shrapnel embedded in it. Rath Oligard placed a hand
on Sparks’ shoulder.
“That... That was incredible. With this AI, our rebuilt forces, and that broken fool back
where he belongs we will finally destroy the Brotherhood once and for all,” he said.

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