Inquisitorious field agents report that the Collective fleet assaulting Arx appears to be led by Ghafa Ordam of Capital Enterprises aboard the Dreadnaught Ocaejar. Intercepted comms chatter suggests that other high-ranking Collective targets are present in the warzone, but the Dark Council has prioritized breaking the Collective’s chain of command. Key to that is neutralizing Ordam’s ability to coordinate the attack.
You have been tasked by the Dark Council to form a small team capable of infiltrating the Ocaejar and capturing or killing Ghafa Ordam. Secondary objectives include obtaining intelligence on Collective battleplans and securing any available Collective encryption ciphers. Finally, destroying the Ocaejar itself could deal a serious blow to the Collective’s operations and morale.
Dark Brotherhood forces in orbit around Arx are spread too thin to directly attack the Collective command ship, but the Inquisitorious may be able to provide assistance with infiltration and extraction.
This is a co-op fiction, meaning two to three members will participate in writing a single, cohesive fiction.
This competition will award up to 4 bonus Clusters of Ice at a rate of 1 per 500 words, in addition to the normal clusters awarded for fiction competitions.
Grading will be based on the fiction rubric with a few additional requirements:
Submissions: Teams must submit two copies, one "clean" document (without comments or track changes) for reading in PDF, .doc, or .docx format as well as a second "annotated" version where all writers' contributions are clearly marked using comments and Track Changes (in Microsoft Word) or by "Version History" in Google documents. Edits and comments in the "annotated" document must be clearly attributable to a team member.
If using Word: for the "annotated" version, submissions must be made in .doc or .docx format with all tracked changes and comments visible.
If using Google docs: you must share the document with the event organizers by clicking the blue "Share" button in the top-right corner of the screen and entering their email addresses. Be sure to give full "editing" access when sharing the document (you will see a dark grey pencil icon to the right of the email address entry box). Include a link to your Google doc at the beginning of your "clean" copy.
Teams: Teams must be made up of two or three people. You must identify your team members by name and dossier number at the top of your document along with links to character sheet snapshots for each team member. You can create and find manual snapshots by going to the "Possessions and Loadouts" link in your admin menu and selecting the "snapshots" tab.
Word count: Each writer must contribute at least 500 words total and a roughly equal proportion of the total word count. For example, each member of a two-person team must contribute approximately 50% of the total word count, whereas each member of a three-person team must contribute approximately one-third of the total. A writer's substantive edits and comments will be considered when evaluating whether they contributed a sufficient proportion of the document.
1st place
Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir
1st place
Qyreia Arronen
2nd place
Colonel Len Iode
2nd place
Moff Alethia Archenksova
2nd place
Governor Tierra Suha'sen
3rd place
Lord Marick Tyris Arconae
3rd place
Mistress Aphotis
4th place
Aedile Tali Sroka
4th place
Zodac Polcim
5th place
Lucine Vasano
5th place
General Stres'tron'garmis
6th place
General Ronovi Tavisaen
6th place
Grand Inquisitor Arden Karn di Plagia
6th place
Master Alaris Jinn
7th place
A deleted dossier
7th place
Duke Kojiro Keibatsu Sadow
7th place
Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu
8th place
General Zxyl Bes'uliik
8th place
Colonel Shanree Argentin
9th place
Ghost Rulvak Qurroc
9th place
Councillor Turel Sorenn
10th place
General Daniel Stephens
10th place
Irhan Lo'Vex
10th place
Aurora "Aura" Ta'var