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Moff Alethia Archenksova
- File submission
- GJW XIV The Old Tongue (1).pdf
- Textual submission
Alliterative verse in the Anglo-Saxon style. A full write-up can be found at http://alliteration.net/fieldgd.htm, but these are the basics:
* Lines broken into two halves
* Each half has two dominant beats (lifts) formed from stressed syllables with a variable number of weak syllables (dips) rounding it out
* In each line, the first lift in the first half-line alliterates with the first lift in the second half-line
* Vowels are considered to alliterate with each other
Alliterative verse does not traditionally use stanzas, so I've simply broken the text into four discrete chunks covering the four pillars of the Sith Code.
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Sera Kaern
- File submission
- Shaded Scepter (1).pdf
- Textual submission
The utilized form for the poem is a villanelle.
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Master Seraine "Erinyes" Taldrya Ténama
- Textual submission
The object before you is a rough-hewn obsidian cylinder, forty centimetres long and five centimetres in diameter, that seems to have been knapped from a larger piece of material with primitive hand tools. Strangely, the cylinder is always frigid to the touch, regardless of the surrounding temperature. Small, blocky glyphs in ancient Sith have been inscribed in a mesh pattern around the cylinder, giving it the appearance of being wrapped in fine chains. When light strikes the cylinder just right, the rough-carved surface creates reflections that look uncannily like the Human faces. Researchers who have come into close contact with the artifact report that after spending extended periods in close proximity to it, they begin to have auditory hallucinations that resemble jingling chains and crying children.
The translation of the glyphs inscribed on the cylinder is given below.
For sorc'rors with the will to mould their fate
who find before them many threats arrayed,
an incantation fuelled by ancient hate
and deepest darkness will see them unmade.
This cylinder obsidian contains
energies drawn from vilest sacrifice
of children draped, by royal whim, in chains
and thrown into a sea entombed in ice.
A cunning sorc'ror who ignites a fire
and into it, this cylinder, extend
will summon these tormented spirits' ire
and bring enemies to a ghastly end.
And thus, if you face a superior foe,
this ritual cast, and bring upon them woe!
(The "inscription" was written as an English sonnet in iambic pentameter, rhyming scheme ABAB CDCD EFEF GG. Because I can. :P)
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Warlord Khryso Mallus
- File submission
- The Old Tongue.pdf
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Archpriestess Aay'han Agrona Beviin
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- Archpriestess Aay'han Agrona Beviin opted out of publishing her submission.
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Dr. Rhylance
- File submission
- The Eye Of Lexicus (1).pdf
- Textual submission
Poetry Style:
Rhyming Poem:
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Epis Locke Sonjie
- Textual submission
The Face of Fire
The artifact is a bust of an ancient, masked Sith Lord. A cowl shrouds and surrounds the mask, and the mask itself is ashen grey with faded, yellowed vertical stripes upon it's cheeks and up over the eye sockets. When a Force Sensitive touches the mask, it feels warm to the touch. After a few moments the eye sockets and mouth fill with apparent flames. Though this seems like an illusion, heat emanates from them as if from a real fire, and the bust becomes scalding hot to the touch. When the incantation is spoken by a Force user, they can feel something "tugging" at their mind. The stronger they are, the stronger this pull is, and it seems to tug one toward the outer rim.
Poem format: Tanka (5-7-5-7-7 syllables, in 4 stanzas)
In the far reaches
There is one who dreams in space
His mind a wild place
He waits and watches for signs,
Of a time to strike once more
His touch burns the flesh,
His will is made manifest
Burn the unworthy
Scald those who show true power
Grant them the vision to see
The path is open,
It unfolds before my eyes
The return is set,
I will travel the right path,
To be determined worthy
The inferno burns,
But my power will shield me,
I am judged worthy,
I will take hold of his strength,
And return with the wild one
Augur Locke Sonjie
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Vahrosa De
- File submission
- DJB Comp The Old Tongue.pdf
- Textual submission
I've chosen a Haiku as my form of poetry. The pdf contains both my description and my poem.
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Dr. Aru Law
- File submission
- Old Tongue.docx
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Master Alaris Jinn
- File submission
- Old Tongue.pdf
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Aedile Raistlin
- File submission
- RaistPoemGJW.pdf
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Nikora Rhan
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Warlord Tracinya Beviin Entar
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- Warlord Tracinya Beviin Entar opted out of publishing her submission.
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- File submission
- Sith Poetry.docx
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Adept DarkHawk Sadow
- File submission
- The Old Tongue.pdf
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Master Dracaryis
- File submission
- Drac Old Tongue.pdf
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A deleted dossier
- File submission
- The Old Tongue.pdf
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Jael Valsi Chi'ra
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Chronicler Arcadia “Caid” Skålson
- Textual submission
Written in Haiku
Night burial vault
A forgotten casket glows
beyond the knowledge
Unseeable dark
A forbidden power waits
because of the corpse
Imperfect gravesite
A divine, taken right gives
despite the secret
Grieved break of day
A stolen treasure curses
at the perfect thief
A box of smooth black stone, approximately 25 centimeters long, 20 centimeters wide, and 13 centimeters tall. The long sides of the box are inscribed with ancient Sith runes of the incantation. The short sides have been engraved with various macabre imagery and symbols of death. The lid is devoid of decoration save for a single emblem etched into the surface. This symbol is unknown to all, forgotten to time. The lid will not open save for reciting the incantation in the tongue of the Sith. Inside are a collection of very old, very withered finger bones that radiate with a dark energy.
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High Inquisitor Hector Von Ricmore
- Textual submission
One of the Collective agents who infiltrated the Shadow Academy has been neutralized and the artifact he was carrying has been recovered. This artifact is a small blade. I use a blade to refer to the item as it is longer than a dagger but not quite long enough to qualify as a sword, perhaps it should then be considered a short sword. The blade is a functional weapon, as many Sith artifacts have a tendency to be. It appears to have served some sort of ritualistic purpose, as even now the blade has a supernatural tang of blood around it. Personally, being near the blade is unnerving enough due to the bizarre smell, but the many incantations engraved into the blade which seem to glow when looking at it from the corner of one’s eye is enough to set myself and other researchers on end. The writing was translated by one of our staff who understood the written word of the Ancient Sith. This haiku below is a translation of the writing found upon the blade.
We are the chosen
Of blackened hearts and pure blood
We stand tall and proud
Dominating all
No one can stand in our way
Conquer, loot, destroy
A jedi fallen
Brought us knowledge of the force
Enabled our rise
We can never stop
Needs never satiated
They drive us onward
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Combat Master "Aequitas" Anderson
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Colonel Len Iode
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- Colonel Len Iode opted out of publishing his submission.
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Ashura Isradia Sadow
- Textual submission
The Crystalline Blood of Naga Sadow
The crystalline blood of Naga Sadow was rumoured to have been taken from Naga Sadow's deceased body by his loyalists before it was interred. Rumours and hearsay from past millennia said the crystalline blood could be used to summon the ghost of Naga Sadow to call upon his dark powers to smite down enemies. Actual research on the blood has determined that the blood does possess an extremely high Midichlorian count and is extremely dark side aligned. Due to the crystalline blood circular shape, it has been used in place of a synthetic lightsaber crystal that produces a blood-red lightsaber blade, however, how it differs from a regular lightsaber crystal has yet to be researched further despite the apparent fact it enhances the wielders capacities some. A stone tablet was found with the crystalline blood, a ritualistic incantation written in the form of a haiku and in the old tongue of the ancient Sith is carved on the tablet, and while something is lost in the translation the chant is as follows:
"Our dark lord has died,
Oh, blood please renew our lord,
Our eternal god.
His life eternal,
Death has no meaning to him,
A blessed illusion.
Only time will tell,
His essence shall endure on,
As will his hatred.
Blazing eternal,
The dark heart of a master,
Beating forever!"
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- Textual submission
The artifact is an urn, made of a smooth, black, polished obsidian. Embedded into the urn are four scenes depicted two male figures dressed in Sith garb. the first scene depicts one figure stealing an cylindrical object, speculated to be a light-saber or a holocron, from the other. The next scene depicts the sith who was stolen from laying a trap for the thief, preparing a pit for him to fall into. the third scene depicts the execution of the trap, with the thief being successfully lured into the pit. The fourth depicts the pit being set on fire, and the thief presumably burned alive. An inscription around the rim of the urn reads the following in the Old Tongue
Like a starving cat
You stalk what was mine by right
Steal away at night
The quiet spider
Sets a trap for its victim
Spinning silently
A crack of thunder
The trap is sprung, the thief caught
He struggles futilely
The Flames punish him
Till naught but grey ash remains
A resting place, here.
The form is a series of four haikus.
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Lu'aisha Gresee
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Daro Vane
- Textual submission
The Old Tongue
Format - Free Verse
A code cylinder of ancient design. Carved out of bone. This archaic piece has an assortment of ancient sith words carved into it and is still tinted with an ink that may very well be blood. The handles are black in coloration and red pieces of fabric, giving way to age, adorn them. The roller itself is hand-carved and the words appear to be randomly placed. However, upon proper alignment through Force divination and when the cylinder is saturated and then rolled onto a parchment, the words are ordered into what can best be described as a prophetic vision of a future plague snuffed out by a 'Maverick'.
When the stars align
A man bearing a sign
Of war and endless blight
Shall enter our world
Shaking our core
Like the quakes of mysteries might
Death shall come in the night..
Eyes are focused
A mouth consumes like the locust
Devouring the Force with a bite
He comes like wrath
Spilling blood for a bath
To wash the Force from his sight
Visions of seven
Crippling the brethren
Of guilds made of metal and bone
Darkness ascending
This tale is unending
A Maverick sits on an iron throne
(4224) Gui Sol
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General Kenath Zoron Ad Vizsla
- Textual submission
Artifact Description: The recovered artifact is approximately two inches by ten inches, by twelve inches. It appears to be a preserved version of an ancient form of communication, long lost to the modern era of technology except in academic textbooks. It consists of simple pulped textiles compressed into a flimsy rectangle upon which the ancient Sith could use substances such as blood or liquid with pigments suspended within to write out their old tongue incantations. To preserve such a fragile item, the archaeologists carefully covered the item with a clear variant of carbonite, preventing any damage from the ravages of time. The written text is in a harsh, angular script and follows the familiar refrain of most Sith writings:
So old and so dark,
Like a running river edge,
Danger lurks below.
Beware the currents,
The Force rushes past to pull
The user beneath.
Turned to the Dark Side
The Jedi feel the allure
And succumb to it.
The Sith ranks will swell
And our enemies will die.
Down with the Jedi!
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Mako Henymory
- Textual submission
Artifact - Sith Ritual Dagger
An ancient Sith ritual dagger. The dagger is thirty cm in length with 18 cm for the blade and 12 cm for the handle. The blade is made from alchemically altered metal and has a small instription on it near the guard. The dagger seems to drain the life energy and the Force from those who have their hearts pierced by it. The handle is made from hardwood and has a multitude of small yet sharp spikes extending from it. The dagger transfers the life energy and the Force stolen from its victims to the wielder via the spikes that pierce the wielder's palm and fingers.
Poem - Haiku (4 stanzas of 5-7-5 each)
Crimson on the blade
Eternal sleep of victims
All their power gained
Keep power within
Two become fused if as one
Never to be dropped
Until death arrives
Daily sacrifices received
Failure is eaten
Once full take me home
The valley of lords of past
Master rise again
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Malisane Sadow
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- Malisane Sadow opted out of publishing his submission.
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Mandalorian Dral Falgorth
- Textual submission
With globe in hand
We do brand
Bound to this clan
You should have ran
You have no ground left to stand
Should be like sand
Least we expand
For that is our plan
Through our lifespan
You will be left in our remand
You may look to understand
Trying to grasp our strands
We will leave you deadpan
For that is our plan
Now take the our firebrand
Bring us to the mainland
Back to the inland
Take the guardsman
Show us the length of your wingspan
And give us a grandstand!
This seemingly harmless glass globe holds in its core what looks to be a constant swirling vortex of blue, red, and orange cloudy substance. Upon activating the globe by imbuing it with the force burns an ancient mark of the Sith onto the hand in contact with the globe. This brand burns and can cause even the most pain tolerant person cripple to their knees in agony. This has caused several more devoted students to go insane and caused them to eventually take their own life for the pain to stop. There is currently no cure or form of removal for this brand. The inscription is etched into the glass.
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Colonel Shanree Argentin
- File submission
- The Old Tongue.pdf
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Aurora "Aura" Ta'var
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- Aurora "Aura" Ta'var opted out of publishing her submission.
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Ambassador Revak K'Urr
- File submission
- The Old Tongue.pdf
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Duke Kojiro Keibatsu Sadow
- Textual submission
The Artifact is a chipped Holocron, purple and black and at the touch of a Force-sensitive, it's colour changes and shimmers upon the surface of the object. It is cuboid in shape with etchings curling across it#s body that never seems to end. Following it with an untrained eye could possibly cause one to go mad due to the ever-shifting colours and patterns. When opened its edges slide around one another like some twisted Rubix cube and when fully open it displays an emitter inside with engravings similar to those on the outside of the Holocron but in finer details.
Rhymed Poem
Within this box secrets I do keep,
Open if you dare for I may cause you to Weep,
I am not fit for any sane mind,
For those of good heart and those that are kind.
Do I hold the future or perhaps the past?
Perhaps of great treasures or truths that will always last.
Do you dare to open and see whats within,
To test your very soul and darken it with sin.
Perhaps I hold nothing at all,
A falsehood to keep you on the ball.
Perhaps I am everything that you have ever sought,
The reason for every battle you have fought.
Or perhaps I am death come for you at last,
Here to take your soul after all my collection is vast.
Perhaps I am everything you hope to be,
Why don't you open me and see?
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Mandalorian Darcy Avarik
- Textual submission
A Silver and Gold Platter
With Haiku for You
Artifact description:
A small, solid gold tablet in a precisely crafted trapezium shape, measuring twelve to sixteen inches wide, eight inches high and half an inch deep. The tablet is easy to hold thanks to two convenient handles. There is an identical pair of inscriptions on both sides of the tablet. The tablet appears pristine and burnished, almost like it was newly forged. The script is written in an ancient Sith tongue, with depictions of figures raising the tablet high above them. The edges are enhanced with a silver filigree, forming a hooked and jagged pattern, and sharp silver horns curve out from the four points of the trapezium.
Following months of translations, the script finally reads:
For those who wish it,
Finding the true dark power
There are but two steps:
With loud voice, you cry
Out to the sky and accept
The darkness within
To keep yourself dark,
With tablet in hand turn it
Over and chant this:
I can turn tablets!
Just spin me right round Jedi!
I can turn tablets!
To stay on dark path,
Please turn me over again,
And repeat once more.
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Tassk Adroc
- Textual submission
There was a mysterious medallion hanging upon the beaded string. The string itself was made of corded leather, adorned with 13 white beads, discolored to be comparative in hue to that of an exotic fruit from Kashyyk. At a closer look, the beads are old knuckle bones, taken from those defeated in combat. Over the years, the beads have been worn down, smooth and rounded from the wear and tear of centuries. The medallion itself is made of an old tarnished metal, that slightly gives the glint of silver. In the center of the medallion is a blue gemstone, cobalt. Around the edges of the medallion, there are letters inscribed in the Ancient Sith tongue. The ancient text withheld a poem that reads like this:
In the light, in the peace
The paragons of justice cease
A shadow that lurks out of sight
Appears suddenly, its ravaging might
A war waged, hard fought
The aggressors unhappy with their lot
Between two giants, a series of deadly spars
The victor hold dominion over the stars
My poem is a couplet, with 4 stanzas.
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Cymbre Kall
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- Cymbre Kall opted out of publishing her submission.
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Lord Marick Tyris Arconae
- File submission
- Poetry Entry_Marick Tyris_10214.pdf
- Textual submission
Please see the Attached PDF.
[Plain Text Version] (Safety)
The artifact is a stone tablet with a strange but familiar symbol on one side that is a solid slate gray. The reverse side contains four paragraphs of scripture that appear to be about a “prophecy” written in a variant of Ancient Sith. The stone carbon dates to nearly 4,000 years before the Battle of Yavin. It’s no larger than a datapad, and has some chips, cracks, and faded letters. The text was carved with some kind of archaic tool into the stone itself. We were able to use a combination of alchemical solvents and advanced restoration techniques to make the text visible.
As for the symbol...it appears to loosely mirror the Clan Tarentum emblem. The T-shape could be many things, but this theory seems consistent with the veiled references to Tarentum in the prophecy itself. I wonder what Bloodfyre would think of it?
Seven Sith Lords and their seven Sith scholars
Scrounging and scrying through scriptures since neglected
Siphoning secrets with crimson stained on their collars
Shaping a vision with conquest uncontested
A spectacle of farsight unseen in all Empires prior
The Dark Side seething as it scoured and scaled
But the path became twisted as the situation grew dire
The youngest of the seven would leave his seniors impaled
The clairvoyance was tainted by the youngest’s ambition
But these events would transpire under a leader yet unknown
In a system yet existant or had yet to come to fruition
A commander named Kaerner, and an empire overthrown.
In the wake of an exodus, a house would rise from the Tau
The fearsome Tarentae, defiant and in their vows
Yet once the Guardians of the Shroud of Antei, their legacy yet lives on
Through the heroes and survivors looking towards the new dawn.
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Master Zsarion Bloodfyre
- Textual submission
The Holocron of Darth Haiku
Within this relic
Symphonies of Destruction
Await the Master
Revel in Hatred
Unleash the Anger within
Built from long-lost fears
Lost within your Rage
Millenia of power
Unlocked by Lightning
Then will I reveal
Forms I had chosen before
The days of your birth
And you shall possess
Knowledge, Power, Sith Wisdom
Shared by Darth Haiku
The holocron of Darth Haiku is a multifaceted jewel that appears to be of natural creation; this item was not made by any hands of mortal man. It is pure kyber crystal that seems to have more than a thousand small faces yet would sit within the palm of a normal sized mortal being. It appears to be clear or glass-like; yet, when mortal eyes stare within its crystalline center, all colors and none begin to emerge or shine forth. This holocron is mostly round yet is obviously not a perfect sphere. And when one of true power stares within its center, words seem to appear that will guide true masters towards unlocking its true potential.
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General Daniel Stephens
- Textual submission
My chosen form is that of a haiku. It can be found marked with the - symbol about half way down.
Burial Urn of Darth Haima
Burial Urn of Darth Haima
Darth Haima was an early adherent to Sith teachings. He focused mainly on blood rituals and augmenting both his, others, and creature’s blood with Sith magiks and Alchemy. Upon his death, his followers were instructed to cremate his remains and place the resulting ash and bone in a ritualized burial urn.
The urn stands at twelve inches tall and approximately 10 inches in diameter. It is constructed of obsidian with aurodium and electrum inlays at the top, middle, and bottom of the urn. There are two handles on each side in the shape of a scimitar, with both honed to a razor’s edge. Grasping these will facilitate the bleeding needed to mix blood with the cremains.
The cap of the urn is completely made of obsidian. Pulling the top off causes a low sound that has been described by researchers as a moaning sound. Closing the lid makes the noise cease, but those in close vicinity have urges to grasp the urn and open it.
Around the urn at its largest circumference near the top is an inscription in ancient Sith that states:
-Within this stone cask-
-Lies a lord of blood and death-
-Imbued by darkness-
-With death lies power-
-Flesh to ash and bone to dust-
-The end has not come-
-In the Darkest Night-
-Power of the ash revealed-
-Through Blood sacrificed-
-Blood and ash joined-
-The power of the dark lord-
-Joins and lives anew-
It is believed that during an occultation of a star by a planet, or by the light of a black hole or black dwarf, one can mix their blood with the cremains and wipe the resulting mixture on their body. Researchers believe that this will reactivate the alchemical bases within the ash giving the user great power and command of the Force.
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Rear Admiral Arcia Cortel
- Submission
- Rear Admiral Arcia Cortel opted out of publishing her submission.
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Ghost Rulvak Qurroc
- Submission
- Ghost Rulvak Qurroc opted out of publishing his submission.
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- File submission
- Draft Summoner Artefact .pdf
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Master Bentre Stahoes
- Textual submission
The tentatively named "Crown of Ruin" is an ancient headpiece akin to a tiara. It is crafted of stone and silver plated with ornamentation of white ceramic bordered with gold trim. Though it sits lightly upon the skull, it has a curious effect on individuals within close proximity of the wearer. Force using individuals have been found to be unable to feel or tap into the Force when the item is activated. By comparison, the wearer has an increased capability or potential with the Force while the item is activated. The inscription, which has been carved into the inside of the tiara, causes the item to glow briefly and begin to exhibit the effects described above. Otherwise, it appears to be a slightly gaudy but otherwise inoffensive or noteworthy artifact.
Poetry Form:
The chosen poem form is multiple-stanza haiku (the syllables sounded right when I sounded them out):
ancient artifact
grand source of power and might
clad in white and gold
crafted from stone grey
held by rings of bright silver
like a crown of old
no force beneath you
none influence on the world
the powerful bound
kings and lords as fools
warriors and knaves alike
all as but children
eternal hunger
I grant your will to consume
ancient sith magic
ruin in your wake
only one king to wield you
all else become weak
but one thing you ask
and I give you as payment
my life for power
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Tasha'Vel Versea
- Textual submission
The poem is in Haiku format.
The Sith artifact is a round, smooth, circular bracelet made up of precious metal that once worn around the wrist, infuses the wearer with a boost in strength and speed. Most times this is just enough to give the wearer an edge in combat to finish an opponent.
The cost though is great to both a force user and non-force user. After a short time, small sharp spikes penetrate the wrist, draw blood and drains the wearer's stamina and life. Unfortunately due to the spikes, the wearer cannot easily remove the bracelet without damaging their wrist severely. A force user with more control can last longer than the non force user.
Round, smooth, circular
Made up of precious metal
Fits around your wrist
Hiding a secret
Within the walls of metal
Several sharp spikes
They draw crimson blood
Infusing great strength and speed
But it comes with cost
Your life ebbs away
Your stamina fading fast
Till the force claims you
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Rivio Rosan
- File submission
- text.txt
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- Textual submission
At first glance, this whip looks like any ordinary whip. However, closer examination reveals an insignia located on one side of the hilt with gold webs on either side. The insignia is the Sith Orders and within it is a symbol for the Inquisitors. The length of the whip is a simple but aged braided leather. Looking at it you could tell it had seen many battles.
The very bottom of the hilt discreetly twists off. Within the hilt is a small piece of old parchment. And written on this parchment is where a Sith Incantation is written to unlock the whip's hidden powers.
Once the whip is activated the user can use it to lash out webs of power that surrounds the target and shiphons their strength.
Haiku Poem:
A hard hilt
Grasp it within your hand
Smell the leather
Take your stance
Extend your arm up
Crack the tip
State the code
Feel the power within
Embrace that power
Channel to whip
Lash out towards target
Weaken your opponent
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Agate Gua'lara
- Submission
- Agate Gua'lara opted out of publishing her submission.
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Blade Mistress Shadow Nighthunter
- Textual submission
(did a haiku)
Bloodshed in darkness
Shadows bind the stars in death
Darkness shatters light
Storms rise and strike fierce
Echoes of past Lords are heard
Ancient power freed
Death and sacrifice
Hate must conquer foolish love
Chaos power gained
Only the worthy
No room for fear and death
Darkness rules again
High Sith translation:
Wirzyasshu'ija ir jina'tis
Hadzuska mirji ri w'ana ir kûts
Jina'tis timiri rokatsa
Asimi dradzia diâ tiwi dtoanazi
Iwa iw drosar ari aji
Nimyi midwan ridasi
Kûts diâ Aukotis
Zûtaiki nayir zarmi kinriai aki
Chhaosas midwan tihri
Ros ri arji
Ra dzikdta dzis nairi ao kûts
Jina'tis ririna wau
Source: http://starwars.myrpg.org/coruscant_translator.php
The artifact is a scepter/lance made of obsidian with an inscription carved in and filled with white Force crystal shards. At the top of the lance is a crystalline elongated blade, the edges sharpened and shaped to resemble a lance point. When the user reaches out to the Force with the ancient weapon as the focus, dark side energy channels through the scepter and into the user enhancing their power and abilities. When used as a weapon, it can unleash an energy blade of Force energy in any energy form desired. For example, it can be a blast of lightning, pure dark energy, or fire. Within the obsidian part of the staff, is a Force crystal-shard-filled hollowed section that is also bound by Force energy. However, this weapon is dormant, and will only wake when a worthy user has granted it a taste of their blood. Any kill made from betrayal by the weapon seems to enhance it power even more. The weapon’s most notable ability is to sap surrounding light from an area, and can create a temporary nexus of dark energy strong enough in a radius of twenty miles nullifying light side energy. Those who fight alongside the user will experience a boost in their own power.
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No placement
- Member
Warlord Brimstone aka Seabr'imsto'nedansr
- Submission
- Warlord Brimstone aka Seabr'imsto'nedansr opted out of publishing his submission.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
- Submission
- Magik opted out of publishing his submission.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Valhavoc Ad Vizsla
- File submission
- Poem Competition v3.pdf
- Placement
No placement
- Member
- Submission
- Montresor opted out of publishing his submission.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Grand Master Declan Roark
- Submission
- Grand Master Declan Roark opted out of publishing his submission.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Elyon de Neverse
- File submission
- Poetry.pdf
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Watchman Lontra Boglach
- Submission
- Watchman Lontra Boglach opted out of publishing his submission.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Aedile Tali Sroka
- Submission
- Aedile Tali Sroka opted out of publishing her submission.
- Placement
No placement