This serves as the Queue for the GJW XIV Heroes of the Storm Bracket.
Place | Name | Score |
1st | Fist Uji Tameike | PVP score 6.0 (6 wins, 0 losses, 6 matches) |
2nd | Master Alaris Jinn | PVP score 4.17 (5 wins, 1 losses, 6 matches) |
2nd | Dr. Aru Law | PVP score 4.17 (5 wins, 1 losses, 6 matches) |
2nd | Grot | PVP score 4.17 (5 wins, 1 losses, 6 matches) |
5th | Ghost Rulvak Qurroc | PVP score 3.2 (4 wins, 1 losses, 5 matches) |
5th | Councillor Turel Sorenn | PVP score 3.2 (4 wins, 1 losses, 5 matches) |
7th | Aiden Dru | PVP score 2.67 (4 wins, 2 losses, 6 matches) |
7th | Obelisk Adherent Rrogon Skar Agrona | PVP score 2.67 (4 wins, 2 losses, 6 matches) |
9th | A deleted dossier | PVP score 1.8 (3 wins, 2 losses, 5 matches) |
9th | General Ronovi Tavisaen | PVP score 1.8 (3 wins, 2 losses, 5 matches) |
9th | Professor Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar | PVP score 1.8 (3 wins, 2 losses, 5 matches) |
9th | General Kenath Zoron Ad Vizsla | PVP score 1.8 (3 wins, 2 losses, 5 matches) |
13th | Proconsul Diyrian "Diy" Grivna | PVP score 1.0 (2 wins, 2 losses, 4 matches) |
13th | Exodius | PVP score 1.0 (1 wins, 0 losses, 1 matches) |
15th | Aedile Raistlin | PVP score 0.5 (1 wins, 1 losses, 2 matches) |
15th | Warlord Hades | PVP score 0.5 (1 wins, 1 losses, 2 matches) |
15th | Rear Admiral Arcia Cortel | PVP score 0.5 (1 wins, 1 losses, 2 matches) |
15th | Watchman Lontra Boglach | PVP score 0.5 (1 wins, 1 losses, 2 matches) |
15th | Warlord Furios Morega di Plagia | PVP score 0.5 (1 wins, 1 losses, 2 matches) |
15th | Dr. Rhylance | PVP score 0.5 (1 wins, 1 losses, 2 matches) |
15th | Hilgrif | PVP score 0.5 (1 wins, 1 losses, 2 matches) |
15th | Adept Tahiri Thorn Morte Tarentae | PVP score 0.5 (1 wins, 1 losses, 2 matches) |
15th | General Daniel Stephens | PVP score 0.5 (1 wins, 1 losses, 2 matches) |
15th | Sage Cassandra Oriana Taldrya | PVP score 0.5 (1 wins, 1 losses, 2 matches) |
15th | Qyreia Arronen | PVP score 0.5 (1 wins, 1 losses, 2 matches) |
15th | Adept Farrin Xies Tarentae | PVP score 0.5 (1 wins, 1 losses, 2 matches) |
27th | Seer A'lora Kituri | PVP score 0.33 (1 wins, 2 losses, 3 matches) |
27th | Lucine Vasano | PVP score 0.33 (1 wins, 2 losses, 3 matches) |
27th | Aldaric | PVP score 0.33 (1 wins, 2 losses, 3 matches) |
30th | Aedile Tali Sroka | PVP score 0.0 (0 wins, 1 losses, 1 matches) |
30th | Doctor Avery Erinos Watson | PVP score 0.0 (0 wins, 1 losses, 1 matches) |
30th | Darth Aeternus | PVP score 0.0 (0 wins, 1 losses, 1 matches) |
30th | Archian | PVP score 0.0 (0 wins, 1 losses, 1 matches) |
30th | Warlord Brimstone aka Seabr'imsto'nedansr | PVP score 0.0 (0 wins, 1 losses, 1 matches) |
30th | Tasha'Vel Versea | PVP score 0.0 (0 wins, 1 losses, 1 matches) |
30th | Jafits Skrumm | PVP score 0.0 (0 wins, 1 losses, 1 matches) |
30th | Duke Kojiro Keibatsu Sadow | PVP score 0.0 (0 wins, 1 losses, 1 matches) |
30th | Governor Tierra Suha'sen | PVP score 0.0 (0 wins, 1 losses, 1 matches) |
30th | Blade Mistress Shadow Nighthunter | PVP score 0.0 (0 wins, 1 losses, 1 matches) |
30th | Tribune Kanal O'neill | PVP score 0.0 (0 wins, 1 losses, 1 matches) |
30th | Strategos Thanatos Entar Arconae | PVP score 0.0 (0 wins, 1 losses, 1 matches) |
30th | Epis Locke Sonjie | PVP score 0.0 (0 wins, 1 losses, 1 matches) |
30th | Battlemaster Karran Val'teo | PVP score 0.0 (0 wins, 1 losses, 1 matches) |
30th | Adept DarkHawk Sadow | PVP score 0.0 (0 wins, 1 losses, 1 matches) |
30th | Master Bentre Stahoes | PVP score 0.0 (0 wins, 1 losses, 1 matches) |
30th | Junazee | PVP score 0.0 (0 wins, 1 losses, 1 matches) |
30th | Master Malik Sadow | PVP score 0.0 (0 wins, 1 losses, 1 matches) |
30th | Mandalorian Darcy Avarik | PVP score 0.0 (0 wins, 1 losses, 1 matches) |
30th | Valhavoc Ad Vizsla | PVP score 0.0 (0 wins, 1 losses, 1 matches) |
30th | Lord Marick Tyris Arconae | PVP score 0.0 (0 wins, 1 losses, 1 matches) |
30th | Ambassador Revak K'Urr | PVP score 0.0 (0 wins, 1 losses, 1 matches) |
30th | Lu'aisha Gresee | PVP score 0.0 (0 wins, 1 losses, 1 matches) |
30th | Master Dracaryis | PVP score 0.0 (0 wins, 1 losses, 1 matches) |
30th | Grand Master Declan Roark | PVP score 0.0 (0 wins, 1 losses, 1 matches) |
30th | Jael Valsi Chi'ra | PVP score 0.0 (0 wins, 1 losses, 1 matches) |
30th | Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu | PVP score 0.0 (0 wins, 1 losses, 1 matches) |
30th | High Inquisitor Hector Von Ricmore | PVP score 0.0 (0 wins, 1 losses, 1 matches) |
30th | Agate Gua'lara | PVP score 0.0 (0 wins, 1 losses, 1 matches) |
30th | Mistress Aphotis | PVP score 0.0 (0 wins, 1 losses, 1 matches) |