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Nikora Rhan
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- Nikora Rhan opted out of publishing her submission.
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Cymbre Kall
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- Cymbre Kall opted out of publishing her submission.
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Aedile Tali Sroka
- File submission
- Technology.zip
- Textual submission
Item Prototype: Plasma Distortion Grenade
Description: The Plasma Distortion Grenade is based off kyber technology acquired by the Collective from their stolen holocrons. Using unstable shards of otherwise unusable kyber, the grenade creates a distortrion field that is able to compromise plasma containment fields within a fifteen meter radius and entirely degrade them at a five meter radius. The grenade is armed by twisting the upper and lower body parts until the two red dots are aligned and then released, activating the internal 3 second fuse. Unlike normal grenades, it need not be thrown immediately, but can be carried, if desired, for a further 10 seconds.
This is the duration of the distortion field.
Any contained plasma that is within the grenade's area of effect will experience field deterioration, resulting in plasma flux and sputter. If close enough to the grenade, the plasma containment field will collapse, exposing the plasma to whatever atmosphere is present. This has a remarkable deterrance effect to blaster bolts which either veer heavily to the side or "detonate" pre-emptively. However, the weapon's main benefit is against lightsabers. The blade integrity will start to falter while between 5-15 meters from the grenade, and if within 5 meters, it will fail entirely. This wil typically result in the weapon shutting off (if failsafes have been installed), or in an uncontained plasma jet spewing out from the saber hilt. In the latter case, this may be equally lethal to the saber wielder as well as anyone caught in their viscinity.
Upon expiration of the 10 second field emission, the unstable kyber shard will explode. The detonation is significant and carries concussive force, but due to the construction of the grenade does not contain significant shrapnel. It is highly advisable to throw the grenade BEFORE the field emission ends.
Field Trials Report: Further deployment of the Distortion Grenade was halted after initial field tests due to lack of further kyber material and the high unit cost. However, preliminary results were favorable and resulted in several successful battlefield interceptions of lightsaber armed foes. Doctrinal issues remain, however, and for maximum effect it was recommended to arm users with Slughthrowers instead of Blasters.
As an intriguing secondary benefit, it was postulated that some Force Users might mistake an agent carrying a Distortion Grenade as one of their own, mistaking the signature given off by the kyber shard as one coming from a lightsaber. This also potentially risks marking such individuals on the battlefield, if our enemies learn about the full power of this weapon.
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Adept DarkHawk Sadow
- File submission
- Collective Ranger Helm.pdf
- Textual submission
This is my PDF description of the Collective Helm I created.
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- Member
Agate Gua'lara
- Submission
- Agate Gua'lara opted out of publishing her submission.
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Governor Tierra Suha'sen
- File submission
- Shroud.png
- Textual submission
Item: Personal Holoshroud - https://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/item_prototypes/personal-holoshroud
Resources: Wood, paint, glue
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Lokast Falls
- File submission
- 20200613_111303.jpg
- Textual submission
Hand held pistol. Disruptor type. Discovered in a Collective kit during mission. Weapon is old tech with new streamlined design. Very powerful. Attached lefthand optics give it a deadly accuracy. Dimensions are approx 280mm(11in) long x 178mm(7in) tall x 76.2mm(3in) at its thickest point including the optic.
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Mako Henymory
- File submission
- IMG_20200625_170446.jpg
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Collective hive mind brain implant chip. Freshly pulled from individuals skull.
Made from games workshop Citadel green stuff
Painted with citadel paints
Primer - chaos black spray
Hand painted with
Moot green
Stormhost silver
Blood for the blood god
- Placement
- Member
Vahrosa De
- File submission
- 20200614_080524.jpg
- Textual submission
I made a close combat knife! the knife itself is made out of eva foam and worbla, textured with sanded aluminum tape.
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Aurora "Aura" Ta'var
- File submission
- IMG_0056.jpg
- Textual submission
Collective Blaster.
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- Member
Combat Master "Aequitas" Anderson
- Submission
- Combat Master "Aequitas" Anderson opted out of publishing his submission.
- Placement
No placement
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Ghost Rulvak Qurroc
- File submission
- 20200707_213534.jpg
- Textual submission
Minature Datacron, to be kept in pockets or socketed into self to enhance connection with the Force.
- Placement
No placement
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Master Dracaryis
- File submission
- 42ADDAD7-4C4F-4E38-96CF-862FC9C1C8EA.jpeg
- Textual submission
Miniaturized Collective Ion Cannon
Made with some random ass LEGO Pieces i found in my yard after the family that lived here before us moved out.
- Placement
No placement
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Master Bentre Stahoes
- File submission
- photo_2020-07-02_18-54-46.jpg
- Textual submission
The XS-C01 Neural Grenade is based in concept on the more common dioxsis grenade. However, the XS-CO1 uses a sonic waveform that is calibrated to disrupt the brain function of Force Sensitive individuals. The grenade was constructed via a coke can, a plastic 'cup' painted up to serve as the 'fuse', and a variety of model/spray paints to achieve the general look of the grenade.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Lord Marick Tyris Arconae
- File submission
- WallyTechnology3dEntry.mp4
- Textual submission
[Middle] - Gwendolyn "Sparks" blueprint schematics and notes on Hive Mind initiative, complete with notes, doodles, charted data, and formulae. Used in orchestrating the machine learning techniques and engineering behind the Hive Mind Marines utilized against the Brotherhood.
[Bottom Right]- Sparks personal datapad with a discrete "wipe" function to clear the screen from any prying eyes other than her own.
[Top Right] - A holocron recovered from the Ordu Aspectu temple in Lyra-3k-a
Google Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QD2Hnu-dkjNuhXM8eONXrxm5cWaSiuPx/view?usp=sharing
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No placement
- Member
Ambassador Revak K'Urr
- Submission
- Ambassador Revak K'Urr opted out of publishing his submission.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Adept Farrin Xies Tarentae
- File submission
- GJW14 Farrin 10013.jpg
- Textual submission
Project Code Name: A. Handaxeton
Description: A Collective officer known only by his first name - Alexander - lost his right arm below the elbow and both legs fighting Brotherhood forces. Collective technicians attached him to a small motorized dolly and replaced his lost forearm with a powered axe. Subject suffered greatly during the procedure and now claims he will not give up his shot (Technician notes: unknown what he is shooting at) and loudly and regularly asks those around if they'll ever be satisfied.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Daro Vane
- File submission
- 20200707_150504.jpg
- Textual submission
Mini Fusion Bomb - A lethal weapon used to obliterate the enemy. Typically planted or dropped from vessels on strategic locations. Blast radius - 182.88 m
- Placement
No placement
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Mandalorian Darcy Avarik
- File submission
- Technological Distinctiveness - 307.jpg
- Textual submission
Blaster pistol.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Dr. Giyana Jurro
- Submission
- Dr. Giyana Jurro opted out of publishing her submission.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Boss Ragnar Kul
- File submission
- C27FC0AA-4400-4969-921E-C937B8A32851.jpeg
- Textual submission
Collective armored pyramid
- Placement
No placement
- Member
General Kell Palpatine Dante
- File submission
- VID_20200708_174633701.mp4
- Textual submission
This is a Zulu class assault shuttle that can be used for attacking ground troops.
- Placement
No placement
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High Inquisitor Hector Von Ricmore
- Submission
- High Inquisitor Hector Von Ricmore opted out of publishing his submission.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Mistress Aphotis
- Submission
- Mistress Aphotis opted out of publishing her submission.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Warlord Khryso Mallus
- File submission
- 20200610_231523.jpg
- Textual submission
The Squat Walker. A new walker design by the Technocratic Guild and engineered in a way to avoid the tripping hazard present in AT-ATs.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Duke Kojiro Keibatsu Sadow
- File submission
- 20200702_113707.jpg
- Textual submission
The collective Vibro Blaster.
Its a blaster with a vibrovlsde attached. Once activated an energy beam, similar to the Praetorians appears. Under the blade. Once activated it can block sabers.
Its a weapon for the collective gunners.
- Placement
No placement
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- Submission
- Montresor opted out of publishing his submission.
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No placement