Competition: Jedi Academy Bracket - Round 2

Jedi Academy Bracket - Round 2

This is Round 2 of the Jedi Academy tournament for Great Jedi War XIV. The competitors have been randomly seeded utilizing this website.

Each round will re-randomize all participants. Only the exact matches in the image linked below can be played until all of the matches have completed. The match ups for subsequent rounds will be posted as sub-competitions and will be announced with a news post.

This means that if you advance that you will not be able to complete the next round until every match has been completed. Deadlines will be strictly enforced and members will be expected to proactively coordinate with their opponents.

Round 2 matches must be complete by June 15th.

Round 2 Matches

All match results must be reported through the Fist-o-Matic Bot.

Please review the parent competition for rules and reminders.

Competition Information
Parent Competition
[GJW XIV Event Long] Gaming - Jedi Academy Bracket
Organized by
Running time
2020-06-08 until 2020-06-15 (8 days)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
Multiplayer Ladder
None/Other (Manually Awarded)
4 subscribers, of which 0 have participated.

Nobody has participated in this competition.