When the Unchained scoured the Elysia Observatory for information, they focused on retrieving a list of locations that Emperor Palpatine had noted in his visions for possessing "large concentrations of Force energy". Many of the items on this list were based solely on images Palpatine described, with no context given. The Unchained tried to erase this particular database entry, suggesting that it was significant to them. SRI has asked for your help in rebuilding the image to discover why.
Follow the link to the puzzle in the subscriber details, then submit a screenshot of your time once completed. This is a timed competition. Do not subscribe until you are ready to begin the puzzle!
Screenshot images must be uploaded directly to the site—do not post a link to your screenshot—and must show the number of pieces used to complete the puzzle. Entries must use a minimum of 99 pieces to be eligible for placement. Ties will be broken by time from subscription to submission.
1st place
Dasha Talus
2nd place
Aylin Sajark
3rd place
General Zentru'la