The perpetrators of the attack on the Iosan Fuelling Station have been revealed! A group of fanatical cultists calling themselves "The Unchained" have declared a crusade to restore the Sith Empire, and the Caelus System is their first target. Backed by carefully-salvaged remains of the First Order's military might, they have offered Taldryan's members a choice: submit to their rule, or be destroyed. Now it's up to the Clan to show that they won't be defeated so easily.
Phase 2 of Aggressive Expansion will run from February 10 to March 1. Details can be found in individual events.
Title | Status | Running time | Competition Type |
[Aggressive Expansion Phase 2] Caelus System Defence (Squadrons) | Finished | 2021-02-10 - 2021-03-01 (20 days) | Other |
[Aggressive Expansion Phase 2] Multi-Objective Fiction Prompt | Finished | 2021-02-10 - 2021-03-01 (20 days) | Fiction |
[Aggressive Expansion Phase 2] The Next Target | Finished | 2021-02-10 - 2021-03-01 (20 days) | Other |
[Aggressive Expansion Phase 2] Weapons of War | Finished | 2021-02-10 - 2021-03-01 (20 days) | Graphics/Multimedia |
Nobody has participated in this competition.