Competition: [COU-PLA Event Long] Fiction - Multi-Objective Fiction

[COU-PLA Event Long] Fiction - Multi-Objective Fiction
This competition is in the [COU-PLA Event Long] Fiction Bin.


Participants must use one of the following prompts to craft their entry:

Option 1: For The Clan!

You have determined that the best course of action is to retrieve The Desired One and to turn it over to your clan’s leadership who will do with it as they please. You must navigate the dangers of the ancient temple where The Desired One is said to be located and bring it to the Consul/Proconsul of either Odan-Urr or Plagueis. If you are part of a team, each member is working towards this goal, so two Odanites or Plagueians would be working together, while a member of each clan on a team would be competing against each other.

Option 2: My Precious

You have decided that the only person who can be trusted to wield the power of The Desired One is yourself, and so you have decided to navigate the ancient temple containing The Desired One and to seize the artifact for yourself. Due to the selfish nature of this prompt, if part of a team, all members of said team would be looking out for their own interests, even if otherwise they may be part of the same clan.

Option 3: Destruction

An artifact as powerful as The Desired One is too dangerous to be left intact. You have made up your mind that it must be destroyed by any means necessary. You are to locate The Desired One and ensure that it is destroyed. Not only will this bring you into conflict with those who seek the artifact to turn over to their clan leadership, but also those who wish to claim it for themselves. If you are part of a team, each member is working towards this goal as you all believe that The Desired One should be destroyed.

To help make your choice, here is some info on the object itself.


This is meant to be a co-op fiction, meaning two to three members will participate in writing a single, cohesive fiction. If for some reason you can not form a group, single person entries are acceptable but you must still meet the minimum requirements.

Your entry must contain an [Option X] tag in the submissions file name, or the document itself.
Example: [Option 1]BestFictionEver.pdf

This competition will award up to 4 bonus Clusters of Ice at a rate of 1 per 500 words, in addition to the normal clusters awarded for fiction competitions.

Grading will be based on the Fiction Rubric. fiction rubric with a few additional requirements:

Teams must submit two copies, one "clean" document (without comments or track changes) for reading in PDF, .doc, or .docx format as well as a second "annotated" version where all writers' contributions are clearly marked using comments and Track Changes (in Microsoft Word) or by "Version History" in Google documents. Edits and comments in the "annotated" document must be clearly attributable to a team member. If using Word: for the "annotated" version, submissions must be made in .doc or .docx format with all tracked changes and comments visible. If using Google docs: you must share the document with the event organizers by clicking the blue "Share" button in the top-right corner of the screen and entering their email addresses. Be sure to give full "editing" access when sharing the document (you will see a dark grey pencil icon to the right of the email address entry box). Include a link to your Google doc at the beginning of your "clean" copy.

Teams must be made up of one to three people. You must identify your team members by name and dossier number at the top of your document along with links to character sheet snapshots for each team member. You can create and find manual snapshots by going to the "Possessions and Loadouts" link in your admin menu and selecting the "snapshots" tab.

Word count

For teams of 2-3 members, each writer must contribute at least 500 words total and a roughly equal share of the final word count. For example, each member of a two-person team must contribute approximately 50% of the total word count, whereas each member of a three-person team must contribute approximately one-third of the total. A writer's substantive edits and comments will be considered when evaluating whether they contributed a sufficient proportion of the document.

For single member submissions, the final fiction must have at minimum a total of at least 1000 words.

This competition is in the Event Long Phase Fiction Bin. Participating in a competition in this bin for the first time awards 5 points from participation to you and your Clan. Participating in at least one competition in each bin will earn a bonus of 3 points. See the parent competition for detailed rules.

This competition is worth a relatively high proportion of placement points. Cumulatively, the placements in this competition are worth 8% of the feud’s placement points.

Competition Information
Parent Competition
[COU-PLA] Episode II: The Myrkr Crusade
Organized by
Aurora "Aura" Ta'var, General Ronovi Tavisaen
Running time
2021-02-27 until 2021-03-31 (about 1 month)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
Second Level Crescents and regular and bonus Clusters of Ice as per VOICE guidelines
24 subscribers, of which 14 have participated.
Councillor Turel Sorenn
Textual submission

Manually added by Warden Aurora "Aura" Ta'var

1st place
Colonel Len Iode
Textual submission

Manually added by Warden Aurora "Aura" Ta'var

1st place
Moff Alethia Archenksova
File submission
[Option1]Beautiful and Terrible as the Dawn.pdf
Textual submission

Team: Turel Sorenn, Len Iode, Alethia Archenksova


1st place
Warlord Khryso Mallus
File submission
[Option 1] Multi-Objective Fiction.pdf
Textual submission

2nd place
3rd place
Zel Koo
Zel Koo
Textual submission

Manually added by Warden Aurora "Aura" Ta'var

3rd place
3rd place
Nikora Rhan
Nikora Rhan
Nikora Rhan opted out of publishing her submission.
3rd place
Livia Mariquita Daffel
Textual submission

Manually added by Warden Aurora "Aura" Ta'var

4th place
Adept Tahiri Thorn Morte Tarentae
File submission
[Option 1_ For The Clan!] Tahiri and Livia temple crawl.pdf
Textual submission

Gdoc link:

4th place
Elyon de Neverse
Textual submission

Manually added by Warden Aurora "Aura" Ta'var

5th place
Fist Uji Tameike
File submission
[For The Clan!] - Team Tython - Submission.pdf
Textual submission

Members for entry:
* Ira Ojiman -
* Elyon de Neverse -
* Jon Silvon -

Word Counts: (Rough estimate, not accounting for editing/comments/suggestions/etc)
Ira Ojiman's Word Count: 714 + 985 = 1699
Elyon de Neverse Word Count: 755 + 1022 = 1777
Jon Silvon's Word Count: 686 + 1061 = 1747

5th place
Raider Jon Silvon
Textual submission

Manually added by Warden Aurora "Aura" Ta'var

5th place
Draxion Durk
File submission
(option 1) The Desired One.docx
No placement
Lynnyaria Meraudstar
Textual submission

Manually added by Warden Aurora "Aura" Ta'var

No placement
Tashub Logoth
Textual submission

Manually added by Warden Aurora "Aura" Ta'var

No placement