Competition: The Unchained Malady: Turning the Tables

The Unchained Malady: Turning the Tables

The arrival of a second Unchained strike force in the Orian System presents a much larger problem than either Clan Naga Sadow or Clan Taldryan had anticipated. One group, seemingly unconcerned with proper military doctrine, has made a beeline for Naga Sadow's headquarters at the Temple of Sorrow to capture a powerful artifact held within. The second, after announcing its presence and intent to conquer the system in the name of a new Sith Empire, has struck at various military targets—including the moon of Sepros Minor, the headquarters and primary barracks of the Naga Sadow Warhost Army. The With the Taldryan Armed Forces' arrival, battles have broken out across the Orian System as the two Clans rush to deflect the Unchained assault.

You will use the following prompt for this competition:

Marakith Skyhook, Aeotheran: Recognising the importance of having an operating base for her fleet, and seeing that Lord Flaq has occupied the Naga Sadow Warhost Navy with his own, Lady Valera Scoryx has ordered her forces to capture the Marakith Skyhook in orbit around Aeotheran. A full Unchained battle squadron, led by the Imperial-class Star Destroyer Aleema and consisting of multiple Victory-class Star Destroyers, Vindicator-class Heavy Cruisers, and a variety of smaller ships, has descended on the planet and overwhelmed the Marakith's defences. However, the Taldryan Navy arrived and quickly engaged Scoryx's squadron, granting an opportunity for the unusually-coordinated Sadowan and Taldryanite defenders to re-capture the Marakith and turn its defences against the Unchained fleet. More information on the Marakith Skyhook can be found on its DJB Wiki page. (Thanks to Malisane for providing info on the Malakith during the development of this competition.)

Members may form teams of 2-4 people for this event. Teams may include both Clan Naga Sadow and Clan Taldryan members. Run-on threads must be posted in the Run-Ons section of the Discourse forums, and must have [Unchained Malady] clearly displayed in the topic. The first post of the run-on must clearly include the PINs of the members in the group and the snapshots of all participating characters, ideally in a separate section from the fiction itself for ease of grading.

For the run-on to be eligible for grading, each participating member must make a minimum of two (2) posts of 250 words each, per the Voice Competition Approval Guidelines. Grading will be done according to the Official VOICE Run-On Grading Rubric. The top three teams will be awarded second-level Crescents, and will contribute points to overall event placement as described on the main Unchained Malady event page. Clusters of Ice will be awarded per the Voice Competition Approval Guidelines.

Competition Information
Parent Competition
[CNS-TAL]The Unchained Malady
Organized by
Master Bentre Stahoes
Running time
2021-03-27 until 2021-05-02 (about 1 month)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
Second Level Crescents and Clusters of Ice as per VOICE guidelines
10 subscribers, of which 7 have participated.
Epis Locke Sonjie
Textual submission

Manually added by Warlord Bentre Sadow

1st place
High Inquisitor "Aequitas" Anderson
Textual submission

Manually added by Warlord Bentre Sadow

1st place
Professor Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar
Textual submission

Manually added by Warlord Bentre Sadow

1st place
2nd place
Dasha Talus
Dasha Talus
Textual submission

Manually added by Warlord Bentre Sadow

2nd place
Tasha'Vel Versea
Textual submission

Manually added by Warlord Bentre Sadow

2nd place
2nd place
Aylin Sajark
Aylin Sajark
Textual submission

Manually added by Warlord Bentre Sadow

2nd place
Colonel Shanree Argentin
Textual submission

Manually added by Warlord Bentre Sadow

2nd place