Participants! To your digital pens, to your color pencils, to your oils! There are countless styles out there and we are here to explore them. In celebration of the release of a sequel, this month we will visit the style of Masters of the Universe.
What sets the Masters of the Universe brand apart for its contemporaries? Both the 80s version and the new 2021 version share in huge bulging muscles, square jaws and most importantly ridiculous attires. The campy humor is found everywhere, be it the design of creatures, the poses or the ludicrous attires. It reeks of machismo at an extreme where it becomes tongue-in-cheek and just works.
Your task is as follows:
Draw a picture of your main DB character or alt. The twist? You must draw him/her/them/it in the style of the Masters of the Universe. Consider the garish outfits, what traits can be exaggerated to match the style?
Here is an example.
What qualifies?
Your skill level doesn’t matter. What matters is that you try. While I wont be accepting stick figures I will approve any honest attempt where there was a clear effort to match the style of Masters of the Universe. Obviously, don’t submit manga or a newspaper comic strip with big round Garfield-esque eyes.
Grading will be done as recommended by Herald Guidelines with one variation.
1st place
Agate Gua'lara
2nd place
Darth Renatus
3rd place
Warden Benn Nevis