Competition: Planetary Inhabitants #2

Planetary Inhabitants #2

With our relocation to Korus, it gives us a clean slate to world build from. As of right now, there is nothing on Korus except the Kast War Forge, and that needs to change.

Korus is a sandy desert planet, with extreme temperature swings (unbearably hot during the day and crazy cold at night) around the the equator, this area is inhospitable to MOST lifeforms.

The majority of the rest of the planet is your standard desert biome, while the poles consist of a cool desert biome that are much more hospitable to all life (flora and fauna, think Sedona, AZ).


Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to provide ONE (1) group of sentients on Korus, their backstory and attitude towards both Deathwatch and Vizsla.


Submissions will be graded by awesomeness, ability to develop them in or into future story lines, as well as being able to fit the theme of a barren, desert planet. Preference will be given to more COMPLETE entries for grading.

Competition Information
Parent Competition
Deathwatch's New Home
Organized by
Running time
2023-03-13 until 2023-04-03 (22 days)
Target Unit
Clan Vizsla
Competition Type
Third Level Crescents
5 subscribers, of which 4 have participated.
High Inquisitor Hector Von Ricmore
Textual submission

The Tranquil Order

The Tranquil Order is a tribe formed primarily of Gen’Dai which inhabit the planet of Korus. The group lives in a well fortified compound situated in an oasis paradise with comfort and top of the line technology. Due to the species low birthrate the Gen’Dai number is no more than 100 strong. This population was born over thousands of years. The members are descended from the original refugees who fled the conflict between the Jedi and Sith, the average Gen’Dai member is older than the previous Galactic Republic. While the order are extremely capable warriors due to necessity they prefer to embrace peaceful resolutions; their regenerative capabilities affording them the ability to afford preemptively assaulting their foes. The group includes several Elder level Force sensitives and is entirely self sufficient. They are capable of growing and manufacturing any resources they need but the species is still willing to trade with the other inhabitants of Korus; provided they do not bring trouble upon the Gen’Dai compound.

The Order has a cordial relationship with Clan Vizsla and House Deathwatch. On occasion the elder Gen’Dai will succumb to violent rages and House Deathwatch is called upon to aid in non lethally sedating and capturing these members. A small portion of the Order, about a dozen, work alongside Clan Vizsla as mercenaries and bodyguards.

1st place
2nd place
Mako Henymory
Mako Henymory
Textual submission

Artifact Scavengers

Known to themselves as the Ga’lum, the artifact scavengers live primarily in the Northern pole. They seek treasure and trinkets alike, both natural and otherwise. The Ga’lum keep to themselves in a network of tribal style villages and settlements. No village currently exceeds 110 residents, though there are an unknown number of villages 50 have been recorded to date. The village leaders meet on a semi-annually schedule at a different location each time. The meeting lasts for 3 weeks, and they discuss plans for the future and current events, as well as upcoming expeditions. The Ga’lum are a curious and exploratory people. They live with and use modern technology just as they also do the same with primitive tech. Once a year they take their scavenged goods and send an envoy out to sell them to the highest bidder. They are resistant to outsiders but known to have exceptional hospitality to visitors, particularly to the lost and injured. They will view Deathwatch and Vizsla with unease, though will make no openly hostile actions against them.

2nd place
Corsair Chrome
Corsair Chrome opted out of publishing his submission.
3rd place
4th place
Daro Vane
Daro Vane
Textual submission


Another species native to desert worlds. Banthas were brought to Korus to be not only a renewable food source with milk but also meat and for transportation as they possess lower maintenance costs than your average speeder. Like the Krykna, they have begun to breed freely and those that were not domesticated roam in feral packs across the plains of Korus.

4th place