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Highest score wins
Ties will be broken by the fastest subscription to submission time
Point breakdown:
1st awards 10 points
2nd awards 9 points
3rd awards 8 points
4th awards 7 points
5th awards 6 points
6th awards 5 points
7th awards 4 points
8th awards 3 points
9th awards 2 points
10th/Participation awards 1 point
Good Luck!
1st place
Research Director Kadrol Hauen
2nd place
Proconsul Diyrian "Diy" Grivna
3rd place
4th place
Nora Olen
5th place
Savant Elaine Conrat
6th place
Empress Rayne Palpatine
7th place
8th place
Mako Henymory
9th place
Warden Benn Nevis
10th place
Battlelord Strask Rurra'bek