As Revak becomes consumed with the Artifact of Kalsunor, mysterious forces rise on the horizon. Threats arise, within and without, and the Consulars and O.E.F. have been mobilized to combat the looming threat of the Sith Eternal. Your job is simple enough: wade among the battlefields with your brethren, bring back war trophies, and strike a decisive victory against the gathering darkness. Every victory, every battle fought, and every roadblock presented is a hindrance to those who would undermine the security of Kiast and our Clan, each moment is integral to learning what is happening to Revak and figuring out just what secrets are truly trapped in The Artifact.
Place | Name | Score |
1st | Jafits Skrumm | Submitted activity worth 25.0 points |
2nd | Peacekeeper Eechee | Submitted activity worth 7.6 points |
High Councillor Masahiro Haku | Submitted activity worth 24.6 points - Organizer |