Competition: The Body is a Temple

The Body is a Temple

The Fiction:

Many cultures believe in the sanctity of self, the body, and representation thereof as a part of their dogma, history, or core self. Across many of these cultures, tattoos are used to describe landmarks in life, belonging to specific creeds, clans, or families, and bearing the rights or certain responsibilities within them. These markings can range from simple geometric patterns as often worn by Mirialans to commemorate achievements, ideals, and strengths, to the more esoteric and individualistic. Among tribal species like the Omwati where the clans and beliefs are diverse some like the Han'duwil mark their lips as a rite of passage, to show they bear an adult voice, and some wear marks of guiding tales or symbols of their clans. The Yenzat Omwat also mark their lips or chins as a mark of adulthood and use their markings to tell a tale of their life.

The first years of the festival gave rise to the recording of these tattoos and the stories behind them, with many proudly showcasing their markings for all to see and to teach others of their traditions.

The Competition:

Pick one of your characters with tales to tell, whether tattooed or not. If they already bear markings of significance, showcase them and in the submissions box give a brief explanation of their story, whether a link to a section of their character wiki, a link to an important fiction, or a brief note, we're not asking for a fiction here. If your character is a blank slate, design a meaningful tattoo you'd give them, whether from the standards their species uses, or personal, and briefly explain the process behind it as above.

  • Submissions should be in the following formats: .PNG, .JPG, or .PDF
  • The use of AI Generated Artwork is prohibited in this competition
  • Useful Tools: GIMP, Photoshop, Krita, Paint Tool Sai
  • Grading Criteria: Herald Graphics Grading Rubric
  • Note: All entries must be original artwork and if any resources are used that are not original they must be cited in the submission box.

  • Credits: Artists and Characters referenced in this post are Vez by Beya Arca as well as Sofilla x Cole and Flyndt by Kaela Croft

Competition Information
Parent Competition
Gauntlet of Resistance: A Celebration of Life and Culture
Organized by
Mandalorian Wulfram Armis, Mei'Ka
Running time
2024-02-05 until 2024-02-29 (25 days)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
Difficulty Class
Second Level Crescents and 3 Clusters of Graphite as per Herald guidelines
9 subscribers, of which 3 have participated.
Proconsul Diyrian "Diy" Grivna
File submission
Textual submission

The Han'duwil Nation, one of the rare tribal cultures of the otherwise metropolitan centered Omwatis, are fans of both recording history and bestowing blessings via their ancestors lore. Woven into blankets for newborn babes, carved into sticks marking one's life and marriage that is later built into their stone-cairn when they die, jewelry, clothing, etc. Their own bodies a canvas for this once they reach adolescence.

Common Tattoos:
- Warrior Band: self explanatory. Sign the member is a capable fighter & usually on bicep. There are variances to this, the biggest is for Peidions or their soothsayers. Different marks are added to the band and expanding up towards shoulder, seniority, elder, battles, hunts, etc.
- lip tattoos = symbolizes voice/will
- ear tattoos = symbolize wisdom (not pictured)
- clan tattoos = varies between the clans of the Han'duwil Nation. Flyndt's is a sun and avian quadruped.
- various degrees/styles of blocked out tattoos, usually around neck/shoulders.
- clan specific stylized marks: repeating shapes in the tattoo design. Flyndt's is a flame like shape.
- Dots & Lines Language within the designs, coded marks that refers to tales selected by the wearer. These tales are for inspiration.or blessings.
- Han'aewen'pilen Feather: the Han'aewen'pilen is a rite of passage into adolescence, marking the onset of adult contour feathers. "Passing of the Feather". Not always tattood but often is.
- Ancestors' Pillar & Knots band: marking to acknowledge the main worshiped ancestors, above which is usually a depiction of the wearer's guiding ancestor(ie. Flyndt's NĂ¡ro Lore of all the Ancestors favor/guidance to the Flame of Souls). Under this band is often dots for those lost or deceased to be remembered.
- tattoo design follows inspiring tales personalized to the individual. Flyndt's design has the 'Feathered Serpent Foe' template that wraps around his shoulder. (Ancient enemy, actually refer to the Shani)
- markings of skills. Flyndt has Woodcarver(also stands for builder and to mechanics nowadays with two circles on either side of it.)

1st place
2nd place
Adept Xantros
Adept Xantros
Adept Xantros opted out of publishing his submission.
2nd place
3rd place
Nora Olen
Nora Olen
Nora Olen opted out of publishing her submission.
3rd place