Phase 2b: Roleplay
The situation at the basecamp has slowly become untenable, following a series of Vauzem bombardments, followed by a mystery broadcast purporting Artemis Werd'la and the Odanites had orchestrated a series of attacks against the Dominion and caused the entirety of the ongoing conflicts. Tensions slowly boiled over into civil unrest across the camp, with those not seeking medical or supplementary aid actively protesting and demanding answers or the withdrawal of the O.U.S.C. and the Jedi emplacements ultimately keeping the Vauzem from marching overland to the central continent.
The actual Roleplay for this Competition will be hosted in Odan-Urr's Fiction Chat. The Competition itself is meant to serve as a waymarker for Phase 3a, keeping track of the Total Roleplay Word Count, as well as the Individual Member Word Count, to apply the totals towards the Influence Map at the End of Phase and work toward recognizing the Phase MVPs.