Long and contrived are certainly the best descriptors of the Vatali Empire's centuries-spanning history, from their storied monarchs, brilliant (or perhaps lackwitted) revolutionaries, and many heroic saviors, a similar and equally long succession of intrigues, well-earned distrust, and many, many, bitter generational disputes have long plagued the Sephi Royals whose hands safeguarded the everyday lives and interests of the people of Kiast, oft driving wedges between their houses, the populace, and the throne. In recent history, one such event shook the foundations of the Kiast system, fracturing the Royal Houses and the populace to their core— the death of Taselm Anasaye and the murderous Vauzem Anasaye's plot to overtake his brother Essadan.
Taselm's death had left uncertainty over which of his two sons would ascend the throne. Fratricide and war waged against Voraskel Palace quickly saw two-thirds of the Royal Families and populace side behind a third choice, Taselm's sister, Kaltani Anasaye, who has for the last 47 years, through several smaller uprisings, remained on the throne.
The Vauzem separatists were initially allowed to remain peaceably in exile from Voraskel and the floating cities of Essadan, their Domain, Undelm, was not to be sighted at any time within range of any Vatali-owned satellite or operational structures, nor royal facilities. Still, thrice they attempted to unseat her and plunge the planet and system back into the political turmoil her nephew brought them many years ago.
Some grievances are simply too much for some to bear.
Following the outbreak of war on Quermia, with further Vauzem Separatist forces attempting to establish a foothold outside of the Kiast system, the Empress revoked the final vestiges of goodwill granted to the wayward members of her extant family, before the crown forcefully reclaimed all of the properties the Vauzem had mismanaged, starting with the entirety of the Undelm Domain.
Kaltani, alongside her Odanite Cohort, and the united peoples of the new Royal Houses of the Empire would seek a new future for the people of Undelm as they began a process to help reintegrate the city into the rest of the Conclave and grant its citizens the rights, and quality of life, they had lost under their former rulers.
Across the Sector, the Vatali, Odanite, and Jedi forces alike are combatting the extant Vauzem forces in the Quermia System, home to the pacifistic Quermian people who gave them little in the way of conflict on arrival. At home, however, the situation is different, with the name of the Vauzem Rebellion consigned now to the history books, the Empress looks to rebuilding and commemorating this moment for those who will come, instead of focusing on those who caused strife, the Empress seeks to remember those who helped join hands, and those who rebuilt Kiast in the wake of a nearly fifty-year conflict.
To that end, those who lend their hands to help rebuild the severely compromised Undelm Domain will be honored in the days to come, their names and figures carved in the history of the domain, and awards granted from on high.
Overall Scoring for each event will be simple:
Title | Status | Running time | Competition Type |
Carnival of Rust | Finished | 2024-12-20 - 2025-01-31 (about 1 month) | Fiction |
Dog Days Are Over | Finished | 2024-12-20 - 2025-01-31 (about 1 month) | Flash Gaming/Puzzles |
From the Mists of Kiast | Finished | 2024-12-20 - 2025-01-31 (about 1 month) | Graphics/Multimedia |
House of the Rising Sun | Finished | 2024-12-20 - 2025-01-31 (about 1 month) | Graphics/Multimedia |
Light Up the Night | Finished | 2024-12-20 - 2025-01-31 (about 1 month) | Multiplayer Gaming |
1st place
Ghost Edgar Drachen
2nd place
Colonel Len Iode
3rd place
Sivall Tenbriss Ya-ir Zoria
4th place
Councillor Turel Sorenn
4th place
Nikora Rhan