Competition: House of the Rising Sun

House of the Rising Sun

An Empire Reuinted: House of the Rising Sun

Estate of Duke Evran Anasaye
Undelm Domain, Kiast
Kiast System, Nilgaard Sector
42 ABY

Empress Kaltani Anasaye hadn't personally seen the Undelm Domain in years, not since the aftermath of Operation: Vanguard, every brief glimpse of the domain she'd seen since then had been from orbital footage as she observed during briefings and cabinet meetings, but this morning alone she had walked the halls of three of Essadan's sister cities. The Royal Guardsman flanking her moved into position and spilled into the Duke's suite ahead of her, a flood of midnight, teal, and golden armor. Cold, calculating eyes met, narrowed, and regarded one another as the Duke motioned to a chair and Kaltani, wordlessly accepted his offer.

"Cousin, you've come a far way from Voraskel, just to speak with me, in rather unwelcoming territory. I would have gladly accepted an offer to come to the palace and meet with Your Highness. I know you're concerned about the wayward children who've turned their back on Kiast and flown to..." The elder Sephi sighed and picked up a drink, taking a drink of twice-purified water. "Flown off to heavens know wh—"

"Quermia, Evran. They didn't just fly off to Quermia, either..." Kaltani cut the man off, as one of her guards laid a dataslate with the captured footage from the Quermian Conflict on the Duke's desk.

A gentle hand descended on the Duke's shoulder.

"Vauzem loved ambition more than his own brother, enough so that he easily killed Essadan for the throne. I, however, have more love for the citizenry..." The Empress mused as her eyes trailed the two floating cities in the near distance as they began to trail upwards.

The Duke turned to face his cousin, a look of indignant anger across his features.

"If I refuse you, you'll what? Murder me in my city, surrounded by my guards?" Narrow eyes turned from the window as the morning sun gleaned across the golden accents of Empress Kaltani's crown and the trim of her royal garment.

He saw it, all too late, this woman was not the same Kaltani he had given gifts and teased for being too softhearted as a child, who he had seen as unlikely to rule, an untrue heir to the throne. She was a monster, vicious, and protective. Wide eyes watched as the other two cities drifted upwards above the noxious gas clouds. She had done it— If not him, the others.


Create your own rendition of the floating cities of the Undelm Domain rising from below the toxic, Tibanna-rich, atmospheric band closer to the planet's surface, to bathe in the rich sun and clean air once again.

Grading Guideline

Entries for this Competition will be graded utilizing the Graphics Competition Grading Rubric :

This Competition is part of the An Empire Reunited competition series, and awards points toward the Container as such:

  • Every participation earns a point.
  • The top four placements earn additional points.
    • 1st place: 5 points
    • 2nd place: 4 points
    • 3rd place: 3 points
    • 4th place: 2 points
  • Everyone who takes part gets recognized and has a fair chance at ending up on the Top-Level Awards.
  • Whoever has the largest point value across every competition at the end wins the top post.
  • AI-generated images may only be used for reference.
  • Any submissions suspected of attempting to pass AI-generated art as their own finished product will be forwarded to the Justicar for investigation.
Competition Information
Parent Competition
An Empire Reunited: The Undelm Domain Rises
Organized by
High Councillor Masahiro Haku, Proconsul Mihoshi Keibatsu
Running time
2024-12-20 until 2025-01-31 (about 1 month)
Target Unit
Clan Odan-Urr
Competition Type
Difficulty Class
Third Level Crescents and 6 Clusters of Graphite as per Herald guidelines
6 subscribers, of which 2 have participated.
Ghost Edgar Drachen
File submission
1st place
Colonel Len Iode
Colonel Len Iode opted out of publishing his submission.
2nd place