Phase #4
Fires raged throughout the firmament as attack ships burned off of the shoulder of Quermia, their fractured C-beams glittering in the dark near the Perlemian Gate. When the O.U.S.C. requested an inspection of the Medical Ship flying Vauzem colors during the Life Day Armistice, under concerns that the vessel had been acting as a staging point and armament transport for the belligerent forces, the Vauzem Separatists opened fire on the Vatali-Odanite Cohort beginning a series of operations to either reclaim or destroy the vessel that had been a source of speculation for weeks.
This was how the Life Day Armistice ended, an act of aggression in the wake of perfidy.
Along the planet's surface, the soldiers on either side of the conflict had yet to receive word of reignited conflict and many were left in awe of the prismatic detonations of the vessels in the night sky, while other, veteran, soldiers prepared for the worst knowing all too well that once blows started trading at that tonnage, it wasn't long before flesh and sinew started clashing in the grinder known as warfare once more.
The Life Day Armistice gave many a sense of hope and belief that the Quermian Conflict had de-escalated and peace was within reach, however, continued conflict had become unavoidable. As word from Kiast had arrived that the Vauzem were no longer a standing entity among the Royal Conclaves, with the death of two Dukes of the Undelm Domain and the last capitulating their homes to the Crown, there was no hope for a quiet surrender or clemency from the Crown, and Quermia seemed to become their last stand. On the other side of the war, sustained conflict has taken a toll on the Vatali-Odanite Cohort, even with the brief armistice, too few replenishments have reached their front, in both troops or material aid. While morale is still high, it comes from the support of the locals and a shared mission to keep the people free and the occasional graffitied "REMEMBER NEW TYTHON" sprayed on a bombed-out shelter or similarly damaged structures.
War is on the Horizon. While the orders haven't been given on the ground, the skies are on fire, and reports of Vauzem and Odanite vessels breaking into open conflict are rampant across the front. Officers are scrambling for orders and making plans to ready troops that have been on standby for the last two months, and understand exactly what is going on in orbit. What is your place in all of the chaos?
1st place
Liam Torun-Urr
2nd place
Team Leader Syrena Valkar