Campaign #1
Some hoped the war would come to an end over the festivities and short-lived peace born of Life Day and the armistice brokered over the observation of the holidays. Instead, it merely served as a pretense, one which the Vauzem separatists utilized to smuggle fresh armaments and soldiers to the war front through ships marked as medical vessels. Their underhanded tactics have not gone unnoticed, however, and the O.U.S.C. has authorized expanded operations in the system to compensate for the expanded oppositional forces and to break the planetary blockade.
On the ground, the conflict has caught speed again as the recuperated Vatali-Odanite forces clash against a replenished Vauzem host. A success, before the armistice, against one of the Droid Manufactories coupled with a lack of raw materials stemmed the tide of droid forces, though questions remain if the replenished forces brought workers and material reinforcements to reactivate the manufactories.
A lean Sephi in a pressed O.U.S.C. Naval Uniform stood among several other officers, each poring over a holotank with information about several vessels that had arrived in the Quermia system over the last several days, including the track of several fighters and resource vessels making routine stopovers at a vessel marked as a medical convoy.
The Sephi, Rear Admiral Evon Tevil, pressed his palm on the holotank and reached out towards the Medical vessel, evoking visceral reactions from every officer in the room.
"I'm telling you, they're using the medical vessel to contravene the regulations of warfare. They know we won't fly in the face of the regulations we agreed with the Galactic Republics or our Jedi compatriots, so they're abusing them because, despite everything, we've kept them on the backfoot on planetary combat. We have a properly trained military, the Jedi, and a much more insidious intelligence corps, and while we've yet to uncover their backer in this conflict we've managed to keep their ground forces in disarray since the Royal Guard cut off the heads of support from Undelm." The Rear Admiral, commented as he pulled the ship larger into focus on the holotank and watched the flow of ships back and forth.
Another officer, Fleet Captain Leon Hart, a younger human, slammed their hands down on the other side of the display.
"And if you're wrong?" He questioned, furious.
"I'm not." The Sephi lord responded, eyes locked on the Fleet Captain as they spoke up.
"Sir, you're considering a potential war crime. Even if they are committing one themselves, until we have incontrovertible proof that they're staging and reinforcing enemy vessels and troops, the only recourse we have is the Right of Inspection, and that's assuming they're even going to acknowledge the Alderaan Conventions." He said, standing to full height as his eyes met those of the Sephi in full.
The Rear Admiral sighed and tapped the bridge of his nose.
"Perhaps you can explain it, Captain Garuf, you seem to have a grasp of my stance?"
Shuffling, a Gand stepped up from beside Fleet Captain Hart.
"Military Medical vessels under the Alderaan and Yavin Conventions, both, have specifically different distinctions they have to follow when compared to Civilian Ships. According to the hull markings and radio communications, that ship should be a Civilian Aid Vessel, such that it should have apparent Red Markings against a White Hull. The armaments it should have on board would be point defense blasters for clearing astral debris and, at most, ion weaponry for disabling chase craft to afford escape, and even that is a gamble most would eschew. However, their registration codes don't match the Hull series and it's flying the Green-on-White of a Military Medical vessel, with heavy weaponry. Sir." The Gand officer responded as he turned to look at Hart, then Admiral Tevil.
"Precisely. Nothing about their vessel matches up, the diplomats did their job and gave our troops time to recover, gave us a chance to replenish what materials we could, despite the blockade, but they've been moving that ship in and out of the system throughout the armistice, assuming nobody would be paying attention." The Sephi sighed. "Garuf, prepare a boarding team for an official inspection, if they follow the Alderaan Conventions, they won't balk at our request. If they're in contravention, we'll take the ship. If they open fire, it proves our point that it's a vital strategic point for them and do what we must."
Title | Status | Running time | Competition Type |
[Phase 4] Point of No Return: Soldier Side | Finished | 2025-01-01 - 2025-01-31 (about 1 month) | Fiction |
[Phase 4] Point of No Return: The Scarlet Dawn | Finished | 2025-01-01 - 2025-01-10 (10 days) | Multiplayer Gaming |
[Phase 4] Point of No Return: Waiting on the Sky to Change | Finished | 2025-01-01 - 2025-01-31 (about 1 month) | Graphics/Multimedia |
[Phase 4] Point of No Return: Sidewinder | Finished | 2025-01-11 - 2025-01-20 (10 days) | Multiplayer Gaming |
[Phase 4] Point of No Return: Vengeance | Finished | 2025-01-21 - 2025-01-30 (10 days) | Multiplayer Gaming |
[Phase 4] Point of No Return: Due Vendetta | Finished | 2025-02-01 - 2025-02-28 (28 days) | Fiction |
[Phase 4] Point of No Return: Smoke | Finished | 2025-02-01 - 2025-02-28 (28 days) | Graphics/Multimedia |