Phase #4
As the conflict returns to full fever, the eastern front activates once more, with the former CIS Manufactories restocked and supplying the Separatists with unfeeling machines to carry out their war and bolster their own waning numbers. The joint O.U.S.C. and Jedi forces stationed at Camp Tython have stood prepared for an assault by the droids as they provided cover for civilians fleeing from the front. Now the Eastern Front is quiet, with little warning of the incoming droids aside from a single ominous warning rising above the forest.
Smoke on the horizon.
A simple warning, a sign of industry, the product of a raging fire, smoke belies change, destruction, and rebirth alike. As the soldiers stationed at Camp Tython prepare for action, a single omen warns them of what is to come, smoke rising above the dense jungles of the Eastern Jungles of Quermia.
Note: All entries must be original artwork and if any resources are used that are not original, they must be cited in the submission box.