Since the end of Dajurra the Hutt, there have been rumors spreading that an assassination attempt is coming in the near future. A bounty hunter nick named Grim reaper is our target but will he get to his first? You are the only member of Souls of darkness left back on Plotomea. So Rasilvenaira has given you the mission to find his bounty hunter before he gets to his target, bring him dead or alive to her desk.
Write a fiction on your mission; bring this Grim reaper down before he reaches his target. Within your piece you can decide who his target is, does he succeed, does he get away or do you get to him first?
Word, Page limit: At least 1 page
Comments: Send entries to myself ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) and Rasilvenaira ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Top three fictions will be awarded with Fifth level crescents
1st place
Xathia Edraven
2nd place
A deleted dossier
3rd place
Archangel Palpatine