This is a short 1-2 page fiction competition for members of House Dinaari to engage in. With the Brotherhood always on the move due to the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, Clan Taldryan is taking no chances. The fiction will center on a starfighter flight (4 ships) which scans systems before the main Taldryan fleet arrives there.
You are leading EPIC Flight when a Vong war coordinator suddenly pulls you out of hyperspace. Describe how you battle the Vong and make sure the Fleet's entry is clear before they arrive in thirty minutes. Remember, the Vong are blocking your communication and you are facing superior numbers and ships.
Top three fiction entries will receive 4th level crescents.
Any text-editing software (MS Word preferred).
4th Level Crescents to the top 3 entrants.
1st place
Driftan Balephor