INTRO: I find it absolutely sickening and slightly worrisome that we have had three-members leave in the last couple of weeks and only months away from the Great Jedi War. Today I put my foot down and ask "What the heck? This has got to change!" It is not that hard folks. To give you an idea, I have recruited 20 in the last year. Yes not all have moved on and up through rank, but I tried.
FIRST PART OF COMP: Needed for participation. Members are to recruit at least one new recruit (friend, neighbor, buddy, relative, concubine...well maybe not the last) between the comp start date (Nov. 1st, 2008) and the first month.(Dec 1st, 2008) If you don't participate in the first part, you obviously cannot continue to the second part.
SECOND PART OF COMP: Keep your new recruit active! Ask them how it is going, how you can help. Talk with them when you see them at school, at work and online. Get more interest by explaining how happy you are from being a member of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood, it always helps. Don't lie, you know you have fun. :P Mention the positives, not the negative and get them active. They must reach the rank of Acolyte by the end of the 2nd month (Jan 1st, 2009). Should you manage to succeed in recruiting more then one member, who are active and achieving the Acolyte rank. Multiple awards will be honored.
You are not to recruit members from other Clans.
Inform Robin Hawk ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) and Lucien Kaeth ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) when you have accomplished the first task and who it was. And again, when that member has reached Acolyte.
Approved by: Proconsulor Lucien Kaeth
For each member recruited who advances to ACO, you can request an SI from the Headmaster.
For most members moved to ACO, 4th level crescents to the top three.
Nobody has participated in this competition.