Yuuzhan Vong, the assailant that have taken over most parts of the galaxies until the end of the 29 ABY are still such mysterious race, especially about their Force void characteristics. Last year, we have suffered in a war against them, even if our clan territory was still "safe" from their assault, the main DB star system fell on their grip.
As now, following the winning of the Galactic Alliance, wars of independence, taking liberties over the Vong are the main focus in the Core Worlds and the neighbors. However, Vong factions are not such easy race to surrender.
Thus, in some restricted missions, the house sent you to : A. Capture a Vong or some (max 2 captives, dead or alive (any possible castes)) and bring him/them to base B. Examine the captured Vong in the examination room, to find something beneficial in order support our aims to defeat them
You can write both stories, each will have their winners. Minimum one page to explain your mission details and strategy. The target can be taken in any world that are previously the Vong's territory.
The story will be judged based on the realism and details. Further references will be delivered in the mailing list
Send the story to me : [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
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