Write a minimum of one page of a tragic accident (person, thing or other) that occurred during boot camp. Funny or not. Minimum 1 page in length, normal fiction rules apply.
.doc, .txt, please no (.docx)
Send entries to Robin Hawk [amberarchosun(AT)yahoo.ca] and CC: to Blade [darktater(AT)rocketmail.com]
Don't forget to include your name and pin.
Email Subject: [HDS Boot Camp] Doesn't hurt to have a little competition - entry (made it easy for you to make it easy for us, just copy and paste)
Approved by: Angelo Dante
4th Level Crescents 1st Place - Crescent with Sapphire Star 2nd Place - Crescent with Emerald Star 3rd Place - Crescent with Topaz Star . .
Nobody has participated in this competition.