When one Commander steps down and is replaced by an other, it is usually a time for celebration and booze. It is the duty of all 'now new' house leaders to hold a party. What is involved in this "shin dig" is up to you. The even could be but hours or can last days. From Punch to alcohol that could kill mixed with water. Balloon animals to "entertainers". It is you duty to figure out what.
Write a one page minimum explaining in detail the event. You have till September 8th. 3rd level cresents awarded.
.doc, .txt, please no (.docx)
Send entries to Robin Hawk [amberarchosun(AT)yahoo.ca]
Don't forget to include your name and pin.
Email Subject: [Dorimad Sol Taters Retires] Fries, Mashed & Taters entry (made it easy for you to make it easy for me, just copy and paste)
Approved by: House Qua "Robin Hawk"
4th Level Crescents 1st Place - Crescent with Sapphire Star 2nd Place - Crescent with Emerald Star 3rd Place - Crescent with Topaz Star . .
Nobody has participated in this competition.