A first person, massive multiplayer game. Comabt Arms is one of Blade's favourite games. To help releave the preasure from his stepping down. Your challenge is to bes him or come as close as possible by having the highes score in a 1 versus 1 battle.
Online Gaming download here http://combatarms.nexon.net/Intro.aspx
Email Ric 'Blade' Hunter to set up times to play. Evenings are best for him. darktater(AT)rocketmail.com.
Taters will let me know who came close to besting him.
Approved by: House Qua "Robin Hawk" and Ric "Blade" taters
4th Level Crescents (top 3 players) 1st Place - Crescent with Sapphire Star 2nd Place - Crescent with Emerald Star 3rd Place - Crescent with Topaz Star . .
Nobody has participated in this competition.