Competition: [Clan Scholae Palatinae] Ascii Art

[Clan Scholae Palatinae] Ascii Art


[For Apprentices to Acolytes only]

Use this application to create an Ascii Art of something/someone in the Dark Jedi Brotherhood and refer to it in the email (link) or what not. Play with the settings till it comes out to your liking. Entries will be judge from how well it is recognizable.


Web Browswer Application Copy/Pasted text (notepad or equivalent) – send txt/doc (no docx). Properly labeled. Copy screen shot, paste result into a paint or other graphics program. Send as JPG. Properly labeled.


Send entries (link, text and jpg) to Robin Hawk [amberarchosun(AT)]

Don't forget to include your name and pin.

Email Subject: [Clan Scholae Palatinae] Ascii Art (just copy and paste)

Approved by: PCON Ood Bnar Scythe'rae


5th Level Crescents 1st Place - Crescent with Emerald Star 2nd Place - Crescent with Topaz Star 3rd Place - Crescent with Quartz Star . . The top winner will also recieve a logo designed by yours truly. Something that will help you with your Warbanner, when it comes time to getting Guardian. I will set up a meeting with the winner after the comp is over. . .

Competition Information
Organized by
Running time
2010-03-01 until 2010-03-14 (14 days)
Target Unit
Clan Scholae Palatinae
Competition Type
None/Other (Manually Awarded)
0 subscribers, of which 0 have participated.

Nobody has participated in this competition.