Competition: RidDlE mE ThiS?

RidDlE mE ThiS?


Ever watch Batman? Ever get really annoyed by Jim Carrey as the Riddler? Well here's your chance to get annoyed with me, for the next 8 weeks there will be a riddle attracted to the end of my Sgt reports, first person to answer it recieves a Emerald Star ....i know boring right? Well here's the next part, after the 8 weeks we'll take in all the winners and award Dark Crosses to the top 3 total riddlers. BUT WAIT, there's a bonus to put a little more pressure on the summits :p, anyone who submits a riddle that neither myself, Waza, Silent, or Vess can get. Then they recieve a Emerald Star as well.


To Jac- Let's try this once more :p sry for being a pain


Dark Cross-Top 3 Total Winners

Emerald Star- Week winners -Riddle that beats the summits

Competition Information
Organized by
Running time
2004-08-18 until 2004-10-13 (about 2 months)
Target Unit
House Kirleta
Competition Type
None/Other (Manually Awarded)
0 subscribers, of which 0 have participated.

Nobody has participated in this competition.