A simple competition. Each member of House Ziost is expected to write a short story (1 to 2 pages, 12 point font, single spaced) detailing how the two Battleteams in House Ziost earned their new names, Obsidian Pulsar and Sapphire Nova. Utilizing the character histories of the Team Leaders and members will reflect greatly on consideration for a medal. Judging will be done on grammar, style, and level of detail.
Fiction writing
Minimum of 10 participants must compete in order for all three awards to be given. Anything less than 10 participants, and only the 1st place award will be given.
1st Place: Crescent with Sapphire Star (CR-1S) 2nd Place: Crescent with Emerald Star (CR-1E) 3rd Place: Crescent with Topaz Star (CR-1T)
Nobody has participated in this competition.