In an effort to help consolidate the power of the Sith Order within House Qel-Droma and gain favor with members of the other two orders, Blarex (also known as Turon Framke) has offered up high level positions to fellow House members within his company Framkorp. The positions are ceremonial but come with a substantial salary as well as a posh office in one of the most prestigious business districts within Coronet City. Blarex has allowed each member interested in taking him up on the offer the opportunity to design their own private space.
OOC: Using the free site,, design your 30x30 office space. Entries will be judged by originality, realism (does it feel like it belongs on Corellia) and attention to detail. Each entry should also be accompanied by a write up explaining key features or items in the office space. Using the website, please use the "Share" button in the upper right hand corner and email to Blarex (Dossier 12716), Socorra (Dossier 12648), and Valhaloc (Dossier 8650). The "message" area is used to submit the written explanation. All submissions must be in no later than 2359 EST on 28 June, 2013 (0459 GMT on 29 June, 2103). (free to register and use)
Approved by House Summit
1st place
Nikola Valtiere Erinos
2nd place
Duke Kojiro Keibatsu Sadow